Tuesday 30 September 2014

Hurrah - A Sale on the Open Market (To Hussain's Son)!

£128,000 per annum Head of Legal at Labour Sandwell Council, Neeraj Sharma, has just confirmed to me that the land sold to Azeem Hafeez (Labour deputy "leader" Mahboob Hussain's son) for just £145,000 is that which was discussed at the Asset Management & Land Disposal Committee (AMLD) on 22nd November, 2011 chaired by, er, Mahboob Hussain.

In November, 2011 Hussain - ably backed by Cllrs Eling (who recently mislead everyone about the casino legal costs and who was apparently responsible for the CTR disaster); Hackett (the homeless charity worker with, er, two homes) and Ian Jones (who recently lied to the BBC about the Bog-gate valuation - see posts passim) - resolved as part of minute 19/11:


(1) that the Director of Legal & Governance Services be authorised to dispose of the freehold interest in the following sites by the most suitable method of sale......

(c) land at Lodge Street/Stone Street, Oldbury (Plan No. CPD/29880/8);

(2) that in connection with Resolution (1) (c) above (land at Lodge Street/ Stone Street, Oldbury), the Area Director of Regeneration and Economy consider marketing the land for bungalows and/or accommodation for elderly people in the first instance)."

For reasons unknown this requirement was quietly dropped.

Mr Azeeem Hafeez was in the employ of Sandwell Council but I assume he has now left as his employment is not mentioned in the planning documents which Hafeez submitted to Labour Sandwell Council on 30th December, 2013 and just BEFORE the actual transfer of the freehold to him took place on 2nd January, 2014.

Ms Sharma has made a strange comment about this deal in her communication to me today in that she specifically says that the property was "advertised on the open market".She does not specifically say that the property was SOLD on the open market.

And so on 2nd January, 2014 Hafeez paid just £145,000 for this very large plot. Happily he didn't need a mortgage according to the Land Registry! Any thought of providing accommodation for the wrinklies was forgotten and Labour Sandwell have given him planning permission to build 14 (yes fourteen) THREE & FOUR bedroomed houses on site.

Fortunately, the crafty Labour comrades  did not insist on a s106 planning gain requirement as part of the grant of planning permission.

Below the subscription I have set out a Freedom of Information request to the shifty "socialists" which, I have no doubt, they will try to block.

ADDENDUM 01/10/14 - I cannot share full details with you yet but Azeem Hafeez (Hussain's son) bought another plot of land from Sandwell Council on 10th May, 2013 apparently based on an "estimated" value from Nick Bubalo, Director of Regeneration and Economy. Watch this space.......


e   thesandwellskidder@gmail.com                               t   @bcrover (Vernon Grant)

Confidential phone no: 07599 983737

Freedom of Information request submitted to Sandwell Council 30/09/14:

Sandwell Council have sold a very valuable piece of land at what appears to be a knock-down price to one of its former employees, Azeem Hafeez who is also the son of one of the Deputy Leaders of the Council.

I anticipate from bitter experience that you will seek to block this request by claiming that there is an element of personal information and because of alleged "commercial confidentiality/sensitivity". I wish to make it clear straight away that the public interest in this "deal" is obvious given its unusual nature and I will contest any material non-disclosure.

1. What was the position of Azeem Hafeez during his employment with SMBC?

2. On what date did Azeem Hafeez leave the employ of SMBC?

3. In minute 19/11 of the Asset Management etc Committee of 22nd November, 2011 SMBC resolved, inter alia, to sell land at the corner of Lodge Street/Stone Street, Oldbury (plan no CPD/29880/8) and specifically stated that consideration be given to the construction of bungalows or accommodation for the elderly on that site. Please state:

(a) When and why this aspect of the proposed sale was shelved and by whom that decision was made?
(b) Please state where the decision to abandon this proposed requirement was officially recorded?

4. Please state in detail the marketing process by which this site was offered for sale. If outside agents were used please provide full details including their fees to include disbursements and to show VAT separately.

5. Please state the number of bids received, the dates of same, the amounts of same and the names of the respective bidders. In the event that the highest bid was not accepted please state specifically why not?

6. Which SMBC officer ultimately approved the sale to Azeem Hafeez and when?

7. Please state the date when contracts were exchanged between SMBC and Azeem Hafeez.

8. Please state whether any independent valuation was obtained either before or after the sale. If so, please disclose the valuation report and the amount of the valuation. Please state the cost of the report.

9. Please state whether there is any record of Mr Hafeez and/or his agent discussing planning matters with SMBC prior to exchange of contracts.


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