Tuesday 10 February 2015

Labour Council Leader WAS Behind Covert Photography!

Thanks to a Freedom of Information response I can now confirm that Labour Sandwell Council have confirmed that they were NOT responsible for the covert photography of me in Wetherspoons opposite Oldbury Council House in September. Accordingly this was all down to the moronic Labour "Leader" of the Council, Darren "The Turdmeister" Cooper!

Regular readers will know that in September 2014 I was the sole member of the public to attend one of the farcical Labour "cabinet" meetings at the Oldbury Kremlin. There is little point in attending these affairs as large parts of the meetings are held in private. Thus a couple of matters are discussed and then anyone who has bothered to turn up is asked to leave.

The cognoscenti will also know that when I attended a "cabinet" meeting for the first time with Bob Woods we both received a torrent of abuse from the Council Leader [sic] that night via "his" twitter account. (Bob Woods made a formal complaint to the Standards Committee about this but, like others, it was knocked-back by Sandwell's very highly-paid "Head of Legal", Neeraj Sharma, on the spurious basis that the twitter account is nothing to do with the Council but TheTurdmeister's "private" account. More on this anon but in the meantime it is again worth showing his OFFICIAL Council business card which clearly refers to the same twitter account.)

Back to September. This meeting occurred shortly after the Council permitted filming, photography and sound recording at meetings. When Dimwit Darren entered the room he made a great display of photographing ME on his Council-owned, taxpayer-funded, iPhone. How frightening that this childish prat is "in charge" of a major local authority and still, apparently, has ambitions to enter parliament!!!!

True to form, the public part of the meeting lasted a matter of a few minutes and I was then asked to leave whilst the "commode" went into private session. I duly adjourned to The Court of Requests pub across the road (no surprise there and Cooper would have known that this was highly probable). Whilst I was at the bar I was covertly photographed by a person unknown (obviously NOT the imbecile "Leader" as he was still across the road).

But that night, "Turdy" put up the covert photograph on "his" twitter account. Here it is:

But nowThe Council have confirmed in writing that they have no knowledge of the origin of the photograph and that I have not been investigated by them using RIPA or any other powers (this may not be factually correct as a member of their press office (now deceased) WAS investigating me and at one point was, I am informed by a London journalist, "screaming" down the phone at him. Perhaps he was not acting for the Council but "personally" for Councillor Cooper and/or The Labour Party?)

And so this covert photography stunt was all the work of Labour's Cooper and his associates (see also my blog on the attempted stitch-up of myself by Sarah James of Wednesbury acting on behalf of the GMB Union in the very same pub - "Skidder Shorts No. 22 - Hilarity at Oldbury Wetherspoons" 20/12/14)

So this is the fit and proper conduct of a Council Leader? Ed Miliband apparently thinks it is* but I will let you be the judge of that. I will just mention in concluding that "The Turdmeister" is now not only FOLLOWING but actively ENGAGING with at least five accounts on twitter which he knows are troll accounts. How very appropriate for a man who is also, astonishingly, the Chair of the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel!

The police fraud investigation into Sandwell Council continues - if you have information please speak to DS Wayne Haynes and his team on 0121 251 2175.

*See blog 12/11/14 "Ed Miliband's as Weak as Piss!"


E-mail:   thesandwellskidder@gmail.com         Twitter:   @bcrover (Vernon Grant)

Confidential phone no:  07599 983737

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