Thursday 7 May 2015

Watch in Horror!

Darren Cooper hates Birmingham. The woman-bullying "friend of the trolls" has a pathetically parochial view of a world that is rounded by the boundaries of Sandwell in general and Smethwick in particular. His jealousy of Birmingham knows no bounds and he never misses a chance to have a dig - witness the feeble-minded gloating on his vitriolic Twitter feed about the Library of Birmingham debacle. (Of course, the Labour hierarchy have warned him off Twitter pre-election and he is engaging with numerous troll accounts to vent his spleen instead).

Cooper became the tragi-comic "leader" of Labour Sandwell Council , of course, by using every dirty trick in the book - the secret briefings, the spreading of lies, the good old-fashioned knife in the back etc etc and then the real power at Sandwell Council, Cllr Mahboob Hussain, took the opportunity to support him for the top-job as his malleable stooge. Unhappily for Cooper, Hussain is - temporarily at least - hors de combat due to a bit of "local difficulty" and Cooper has rapidly become increasingly isolated with even the Labour Group tiring of his vituperative antics. He has had to seek solace from another bully-boy, Unite the Union's Regional Organiser, though even the latter has gone quiet of late. Last week this "been nowhere, done nothing outside Smethwick" leader [sic] was reduced to having twitter conversations with a troll account!

The strings have been temporarily cut!
But Cooper is an egomaniac and suddenly had the crazed idea that live webcasting of Sandwell Council meetings would be good for his self-promotion "because Birmingham were doing it". Cooper is as thick as two-short planks but claims to write a blog which is given much prominence on the Sandwell Council website. It is not, of course, written by him at all but by the highly over-staffed "Communications Unit" which costs the taxpayer over half a million pounds a year to put up endless tweets about dog sh*t. And he also disseminates "information" via what he says is his "personal" twitter account modestly named "sandwellleader". And so we have the following "conversation" on a "private" Twitter account about Sandwell Council business (and nowhere does it mention that the other party is actually a grovelling Sandwell Council employee):

(Cooper is obsessed with canine and avian excrement earning himself the soubriquet "The Turdmeister". He has glorified the former in Labour's grotesque poster campaign and when he and his comrades became upset about Canada Geese defecating in his nice "Green Flag" parks they hit on a simple "final solution" and just started killing off the geese!)

The cognescenti of this blog and Private Eye magazine will know that Sandwell Council meetings are a farce and an affront to democracy. In respect of most committee meetings Labour produce long lists each month of what they intend to discuss in private. Everything is pre-agreed and the meetings (even those with long agendas) generally last just a few minutes - and the public are thrown out of these after a couple of minutes so that the rest of the business can be dealt with in secret. I use the word "secret" deliberately since the minutes of the decisions are usually then heavily redacted when eventually released. (Take a look at the proposed bent ice rink deal as a classic example).

The full Council meetings are also a joke. The Labour dictatorship hold 70 of the 72 seats in Sandwell and can do exactly as they please (although the High Court has put a stop to their unlawful decision-making TWICE in very recent times). And so Labour hold a meeting the night before of the "Labour Group" when everything is decided. The actual meeting then consists of a long diatribe from the Mayor (particularly if a wind-bag like Rowley is presiding) about important stuff like what he has been doing, how much was raised in this or that raffle etc. The business - as the brilliant Private Eye "Rotten Boroughs" column pointed out - is then dealt with in a few minutes. Sometimes there is a set-piece "debate" where one posing onanist from the ranks puts up a motion about some "leftie" issue eg not so long back they put up a motion on one of "Ten Bellies" Tom Watson's hobby-horses - Fixed Odds Betting Terminals (incidentally it now seems that the multi-millionaire behind this campaign has been making cash donations to the local Labour Party!) Needless to say the sheep then all vote in support of the motion and off they all toddle for an early night (generally unnecessary as so many of them are unemployed and don't actually have to get up in the morning).

Usually, Council meetings only last beyond a few minutes if Labour's talking corpse (more anon), Steve Eling, has anything to say. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

In one particularly egregious case a committee got through a full agenda in 2 (TWO) minutes! Happily Labour ensure that virtually all the sheep get "special responsibility" payments on top of their normal allowances for turning up at these charades.

It is now SEVEN months after Cooper's great announcement and still no live webcasts. Clearly someone with more brain than Cooper (which does widen the field somewhat) has realised what I have just set out above. Labour have been able to take the p*ss for years as no-one has bothered to question this appalling behaviour. But once they "go live", le tout Sandwell will be able to see The Turdmeister tweeting during Council meetings, listen (if the folk of Abbey are stupid enough to re-elect him) to "Mr Rotherham", Eling, droning on and on etc all watched by the serried ranks of the po-faced "socialists" in their sub-Primark garb.

What joys folk will have when the show finally starts but if you simply can't wait, how about tuning into the webcasting that IS on offer from the conning comrades. Yes, your friendly local Labour Council has some of the most expensive burial and cremation fees in the whole region but for just £36 you can, er, enjoy a webcast of a funeral down Newton Road Crem or for £68 you can have the full monty and enjoy live webcast PLUS visual recording of the service. Thus Sandwell are still not permitting you to watch democracy in action [sic] but you can get a live webcast of the incineration of your loved one!

Still, until the "Labour Group" meetings are broadcast the unfortunate folk of Sandwell will still be none the wiser as to what is really going-on and we will be deprived of seeing a fire of a different kind - the bonfire of Cooper's vanities (and inanities) when the widely-predicted post-election coup is sprung (allegedly with the blessing of Ten Bellies himself).

Regional Fraud Team investigation Sandwell Council - 0121 251 2175 - DS Wayne Haynes.


Due to work commitments The Skidder will be off air for a brief interval from Friday 8th May.

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