Sunday 30 December 2018

Sandwell's Stasi - Part 2

A number of Labour Sandwell Councillors have communicated with me over the years  but have usually done so privately. Almost to a man and woman they have stated that they cannot use their official Sandwell Council's emails because Jan Britton's bent paid service are spying on them!

Now Britton, the hapless "Chief Executive" during years of fraud, corruption, cronyism and corruption, is in a politically restricted post and yet many elected members [sic] tell me that if they use their official accounts to correspond with me "they will reported to the Labour Whips" to be disciplined. Clearly it would be odd if Britton, who oversees elections as Returning Officer, was interfering in party political matters and so perhaps his rogue underlings are running riot yet again! There is no truth in this humorous image I put up a long time ago (although as with much else there is the question of why the "Chief Executive" allegedly knows nothing about extensive wrong doing by his own staff!)

Under pressure "leader" of the Council, Steve "Squealing" Eling,  has a selective memory and forgets his involvement at the top of the Council when wife-beater Cooper was bossing Britton about. Eling told me personally that he could not sack Britton in 2016 despite his pathetic record because Cooper had constantly praised him so that there were no outstanding disciplinary issues against him. Eling said he would have to "build a case" so that it stuck legally.

But a large cohort of Councillors tell me that this is, er, bollocks and that Eling cannot fire Britton because the latter has "got too much on" The Milkman! Whatever can they mean?

We also know that a large number of the comrades are sheep incapable of independent thought or action but the Labour Party usually make a big think about civil rights and liberties (at least for non-Jews). They rail against identity cards and other "big state" surveillance and yet are happy to have their own communications monitored in Sandwell!  How unlike their brothers and sisters in Scarborough who were upset about this according to the latest Private Eye Magazine (although they too have seemingly not been able to nip it in the bud).

Aside from date protection issues Britton's bent paid service may be committing criminal offences under three separate Acts if unlawfully intercepting councillors' mail. Clearly this - like much else - needs urgent investigation. Perhaps a couple of the braver comrades can contact the Police?

Eling likes to think of himself as a tough guy although there is precious little evidence of this. He is alleged to "go tonto" in the office at staff but in the infamous threats to me at the 2017 election count he hid behind his shouting missus. But the squealing sniveller is himself afraid of Britton's corrupt Council employees. Here is the quivering Milko writing to me twice when he was putting poison down about Labour colleagues:

And this:

What a stinking mess this Council is!!!!

(Keep watching The Skidder - there are some big stories coming soon.....)


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