Friday 6 November 2015

What's This, Cooper?

This blog has repeatedly pointed out to the long-suffering denizens of the second most miserable place to live in the UK - the "socialist paradise" of "Sadwell":

1   The loony "lefties" continue to spend colossal sums on sport despite axing vital frontline services across the benighted Borough; and

2   The crafty comrades routinely vote to suspend normal tendering and procurement rules so that contracts - even multi-million pound ones like the one for the destruction of The Public - can be doled out to Labour's favoured parties.

Of course, Jan Britton's* Council is currently mired in scandal and so you would think that he and the so-called "Director - Governance", Neeraj Sharma, would be taking particular care to "play by the rules" - particularly when it seems that a large number of Labour Councillors are as thick as two short planks.!

Earlier this year, the sleazy socialists decided that even more money should be spent on sport (although they are attempting to screw a quarter of a million quid out of Sport England - more anon) to set up the "Community Activity Network" or "CAN's" in each of "Sadwell's" six towns. Certain "activators" (non-Labour people need not apply) will then be employed at public expense to encourage lazy lardarses to participate in "sport".

The laughable Labour "Cabinet" met in June, 2015 to discuss all this and let's take a look at who was present and the declarations of interest:

3rd June, 2015 at 3.00 pm at the Sandwell Council House, Oldbury

 Present: Councillor Cooper (Chair); Councillors Crompton, Y Davies, Eling, Hackett, Khatun and Moore.

 Apology: Councillor J Underhill.

Observers: Councillors Ahmed, L Horton, P Hughes, S Jones and Sandars.

94/15 Declarations of Interests Councillors L Horton and P Hughes declared non-pecuniary interests in relation to Minute No. 96/15 below (Application to Sport England’s Community Sport Activation Fund (Key Decision Ref. No. SR276)) as they were both members of the Board of the Sandwell Leisure Trust

The first thing to note is that Linda Horton (mother of the fibber, Cashmore) and Peter Hughes (who was involved in the margins of the Sport Wednesbury scandal) quite properly declared interests but then did not feel inhibited in participating in the discussion (!):

No-one else declared an interest.

And so, the Cabinet - chaired by Darren Cooper - decided to spend even more taxpayers' money on sport and that it would also exempt normal procurement rules and procedures to award the contract to a favoured party, Black Country Consortium Limited.

Which is curious since current Companies House records show that a Director of Black Country Consortium Limited since November, 2011 has been one, er, Darren Conrad Cooper!!!! Here it is:

Such in the Labour Dictatorship's contempt for local people that this is how they just ignore the law and proper procedures to get their way. Another one for Messrs Wragge & Co (who are allegedly carrying out an "independent audit" of Britton's circus) to have a look at methinks.

* The very highly-paid Jan Britton purports to be the "Chief Executive" of "Sadwell" Council


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