We know Jan has his favourites and they receive special "rewards". Despite a fractious time at Waterfall Lane Ms Liz O'Nions for example was, er, presented with Jan's ultimate accolade - a tryst with him at The Vine where the great man splashed out on the biryanis!
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Did he or didn't he? We should be told! |
One particular employee has been Jan's willing tool for many years. Mr X assisted with strike-breaking back in the day and has mysteriously risen from the lowest of the low within SMBC to a very well-paid senior management position thanks to "the Chief". Jan cleared the way for him by disciplining employees and even removing at least one senior (Labour) figure from his post. For his part, Mr X leaked information about his superiors to The Skidder (which was unusual in itself since Mr X had been involved with the late Smethwick Scumbag, Darren Cooper, in trolling me via Twitter!) The curious thing is why Britton's mate attacked a Labour MP, Labour Councillors and Party members and was then rewarded for this?
All typos etc as is:
18/05/16 Mr X sends me details of the complaint made to the Monitoring Officer when a Labour Councillor used his SMBC phone to film himself masturbating. Jan's mate alleged Tom Watson was involved in trying to cover this up.
18/05/16 Mr X sent me details of a complaint made to the Monitoring Officer about Cllr Simon Hackett urinating in a bus shelter (posts passim and more to come on this).
22/05/16 In answer to a question about an individual employee Mr X stated:
"Only that he's under investigation and one of his managers [named employee] also. Rumour mill has it that the jubilee park post you put up has opened a can of worms."
"[named employee]/[named employee] were responsible for the jubilee park depot as officers for Sandwell. Derek rowley was then allowed by these two to have access and the sell 4 shipping containers that belonged to smbc. Picture attached proves it and I'm sure that's mr rowley in the picture."
I replied 25/05/16:
"Confirms what I had heard. That is very helpful. When I asked Rowley about it last night he threatened to punch me in the mouth."
[This was a separate occasion to when I filmed the ex-Mayor of Sandwell threatening to "kick me in the bollocks".]
Mr X states: "Got plenty on [local trade unionist] on co [sic] when it's right to release. Can you please include a [named SMBC manager] in a internal investigation blog with regard to financial irregularities and he's involved in the container issues. Lots more to follow on this which Derek rowley can't deny but I need [named SMBC manager] pulled into the mix."
Jan's sidekick has a go at Cllr Hackett again on a matter that has appeared in this blog:
"I've got some evidence of hackett's moms house being asked to be brought back by the council which he's denying any value to you?"
(How much was Britton involved in these attacks on elected members?)
09/06/16: Mr X sends me confidential internal council documents marked "not for publication" relating to Hackett's mother and the proposed buy-back. It was in the public interest to disclose the allegation.
Re John Satchwell Senior : "Told he is going on Friday - officially retiring...."
"Hi, yes he went Friday. [Named employee and personal details] under investigation for fraud along with most of John's managers." [Please note that I am merely reporting the emails from Jan's man and do not comment on the veracity or otherwise of them.]
"[Named SMBC manager] in a spot of bother over various irregularities apparently and Adrian Scarrott very low profile. [Named employee] was apparently given 50k job without an interview."
(With regard to the latter point Jan Britton has denied this).
All went quiet and then in January, 2017 Mr X sent me a photo of the house in Wednesbury of a named SMBC manager and alleged that the well-tended front garden had been decked-out with materials stolen from Sandwell Council Parks Department. Again, was Britton involved in this attempted smear?
Of course Jan Britton will do anything for the Labour leaders to keep his job and position. It is interesting that the late wife-beater Cooper had it in for Hackett and Jan's man started briefing against him (albeit after the Scumbag's death during a drink and drug-fuelled binge. Equally Eling probably feared Hackett as a rival in his own tainted leadership bid.)
Eling and Marshall confirmed in the infamous WhatsApp feed that John Satchwell Senior and another [named] employee were to be got rid of and then Britton's mate starts sending the poison to me:
14/01/17 Marshall (with the backing of Eling) wrote: "They were both on my to go list from the off. John Satchwell went sick on the day it went public that I was a Cabinet Member and never returned, literally packed his bag and walked out... [further comments about the other employee who has also now left.]
You might ask why pathetic "boss" Jan Britton allows elected members to decide who should be sacked in his bent paid service but then we all know the answer, don't we readers? In any event Marshall later told be verbally that Britton offered Satchwell Senior a small pay-off on a take it or leave it basis but SMBC are refusing to confirm this. Why if he was "retiring"? If he had a pay-off of our money Satchwell very probably also signed a confidentiality agreement - you know, the ones the liar Steve Eling says SMBC don't use!
And finally on Parks:
Cash-strapped Labour Sandwell are at in again with blowing OUR money on statues. They stole £30,000 of development funds to pay to Jim Cadman for the Three Degrees Statue and are now proposing to pay £140,000 for a statue of a Sikh soldier in Smethwick whilst cutting frontline services.
In this spirit, I am proposing a much cheaper memorial commemorating the infamous incident when a female employee in Parks Department was awarded promotion in Britton's bent paid service after shagging a very senior manager. I think this would look good in Dartmouth Park eh Gooseman?
07930 361831
Facebook: Julian Saunders Twitter: @SandwellSkidder
Post: Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG
Email: thesandwellskidder@gmail.com
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