Sunday 10 May 2020

West Brom People Hit New Low!

I despair of people in Sandwell. After 46 years of Labour dictatorship a large section of the population is stricken with poverty, uneducated and riven with ill-health. But at least there was a (mis-placed) pride in the locale - "we may live in sh*t but at least it's our sh*t!"

The Covid19 crisis has shown how pathetic the situation has become in the "socialist" paradise. People have fallen so low they cannot help themselves in any way and adults cannot feed their own children. 

In the latest low, local scum are now begging for food from other parts of the country. West Bromwich East Labour Party ie the same Party who have f*cked Sandwell over for nearly half a century - have appealed for a food delivery from an unlikely source - none other than Ibrahim "Bogus" Dogus". Remenber him? He is the rich bloke from London with a very dubious background - who had £10k confiscated by a court when he was trying to send it to Turkey in a pair of socks. He was also exposed as a low-pay employer. And he has some very unsavoury associates (and I don't just mean Jeremy Corbyn!)

The Comrades expressed fury when Bogus was dumped on them but when they realised he had money he became their new bezzy mate. And here is a picture entitled "Love's Young Dream" as Cllr Jackie Taylor excitedly trips towards her hero!

WBE Labour prostituted themselves on your behalf as feeble locals apparently even need the comrades to beg for them and a delivery of goods duly arrived in Sandwell. They put up a video on YouTube glorifying this shaming episode but have rapidly removed it when people were asking whether it was appropriate for people to travel from London in lockdown for a Labour Party publicity stunt. As ever it appears that Labour's pals in bent Sandwell Police have turned a blind eye to this.

Here's a fuzzy still from the video before it disappeared. The woman looks like a well-known Sandwell Council employee? Am I right?

In the election last December West Brom folk finally grew a metaphorical pair and kicked sleazy Bogus Dogus (and Cunningham next door) out. Now is your chance to tell Labour to shove their Bogus offerings (and it does include bog roll) up their arses if you have even an ounce of self-respect left!


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Facebook: Julian Saunders  

Facebook Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!

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Post:  Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG


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