Friday 15 May 2020

Labour W*nker Billa Helps Tax Haven Companies!

There is an old saying that if your are in a hole, stop digging. But if you are as thick as sh*t like Labour's Councillor Mohammed Yasseen Hussain - known as Billa - of bent Sandwell Council then, to use another analogy, you see your house burning down and throw petrol onto it!

Two days ago, this "socialist" scumbag was caught out when he cadged visors from a nursing home and then "personally donated" them  to Sandwell Hospital with suitable self-publicity. He has not publicly apologised for his disgraceful conduct. The Labour Party cannot control this loose cannon and he hates the current Leader of the Council with a vengeance so he just carries on. You can read the first part of the sickening story via this link:

And so, to add insult to injury, Billa (pictured below) has carried on giving the odd pack of stuff to local nursing homes and, of course, photographing himself doing so. As stated before, his financial situation is a mystery and he has no visible income to speak of. This Labour creep told one nursing home that his wife was complaining about how much HE was spending on buying PPE to give away. But perhaps it is just a coincidence that his genorosity coincided with a delivery of PPE from London via Billa's new bezzie mate, the notorious "Bogus" Dogus (a man who once tried to smuggle cash to Turkey and who has a very murky past.)

Billa's photo opportunity one today was a home run as a non-profit charity. I cannot comment further about them but this narcissist's photo opportunity two was at Walker Grange in Tipton. Now this is operated by his own Labour Council and so residents and their families are seemingly so at risk due to the lack of PPE that Condom Man has had to give them some from his own stash. I am making urgent enquiries of Sandwell Council and the Home where Labour has gone wrong here.

STOP PRESS - the Leader of the Council has just publicly stated that Billa's stunt at Walker Grange was NOT necessary. So this guy is worrying local home residents and bringing his own Council and Party into disrepute!!!!!

BTW - a manager at Walker Grange is the brother of The Talented Stuart Lackenby....

Many private nursing homes are complaining about their financial position but all is not as it seems. Many are run by anonymous individuals and funds from tax havens. These tend to bleed the homes dry for maximum income with the possibility of selling off the properties if it all goes belly-up. If we take as an example HC-One, this company made a miniscule profit on a huge turnover of £321 million. But the highest paid employee is on only £808,000 per annum. The company pays over £6m a year "interest" to related companies. There is a bewildering web of other companies all moving cash between each other. BUT... the immediate parent in based in the tax haven of Jersey. Many of our elderly loved ones are actually residents of the charmingly-named FP Skyfall Upper Midco Limited. But then above that is FC Skyfall LLP - a limited partnership in anothe tax haven, the Cayman Islands.

Quite rightly (for once) the Labour Party is vociferously campaigning against this sort of arrangement because of the opacity, the rapacious financial stripping of the British companies and the avoidance of UK tax. Even many supporters of capitalism are very queasy about this sort of set-up.

But who should turn up to donate a couple of boxes of face masks to the, er, private Waterside Nursing Home in Tipton - yes, The Tipton Tosser himself, Billa! Still Ramadan is the time of giving and so there surely can't be anything wrong can there in a good religionist and socialist helping out a poor needy company like Waterside's owners, er, HC-One and its parents Libra Intermedia Holdco (Jersey).... and FC Skyfall LLP (Cayman Islands) "lol! Not a bloody clue. What a:


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