Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Sandwell, Gaza and the Arms Trade

When terrorist group, Hamas, attacked Israel on 7th October, 2023, murdering many and taking hostages, Gaza in particular reaped a terrible whirlwind. Very soon Sandwell Labour was itching to have its say on the conflict and, inevitably, its prevailing view was overwhelmingly hostile to the State of Israel.

Sundry left-wing and pro-Palestinian factions were soon demonstrating outside Council meetings.The "problem", however, is that the Council's legal status does not permit it to discuss UK foreign policy. Indeed, it is outwith the legal Constitution of the Council as I personally advised one group of demonstrators.

Other Councils around the country faced similar external pressure, but bowed to the legal reality and removed pro-Hamas/Palestinian motions from their agendas. It is, of course, open to Councillors to publicly express their views on the conflict in their personal capacities as the likes of proven liar Cllr Parbinder Kaur (who claims to be an NHS nurse) has done on social media with a post backing the UK-proscribed terrorists of Hamas. Equally the Sandwell Labour Group can collectively make its views known outside the Council Chamber, whether they coincide with national policy or not. Further, Sandwell Labour Councillors have a voice in their own political Party. Indeed, now that there is a Labour Government one would expect them to raise their concerns with the local Labour MP's and through the national Party structure. That is the proper route but, of course, that would deprive them of the opportunity to pathetically grandstand in the Council Chamber at taxpayers' expense.

In January, 2024 I wrote to Sandwell's, now part-time, Chief Executive, Shokat Lal. Sandwell confirmed that the email was also forwarded to "Mike" Jones, the bent Labour Council's Head of Legal and statutory Monitoring Officer, pointing out that any "Gaza motion" would be ultra-vires the Constitution and, therefore, unlawful. People who don't like this must lobby Parliament to change the law - it's as simple as that.

It appears that this view was initially accepted but in July, 2024 Lal and Jones permitted a Motion to be discussed which purported to be about "social cohesion" in Sadders but which directly referred to the Gaza conflict. The Council backed - with no legal power to do so - a UN call for an immediate ceasefire. It was seemingly allowed through by Lal and Jones as it referred to violence by both sides and called for the release of hostages - again matters over which even the braggarts of Sandwell Labour have no jurisdiction.The ludicrous motion called for supposed social cohesion in Sadders which was apparently likely to fall apart thanks to a conflict over 2,000 miles away, and even though Sadders is overwhelmingly antisemitic or anti the State of Israel (e.g. Piper) or both. And of course, there are very few Jewish folk actually living in the Socialist Sh*thole of Sandwell.

Now the elected members are at it again, though curiously at the behest of Independent Councillor, Richard Jeffcoat, seconded by notorious masturbator, Cllr John Tipper - an unholy alliance of the organist (Richard is an accomplished keyboard player) and the onanist (Tipper likes to get a tune or two out of the pink oboe).

Richard is a lovely guy and unlike most in the Chamber, is highly intelligent. He has singularly failed to hold Labour to account since his election - shamefully voting for their austerity budget - but he has otherwise worked tirelessly for the folk of Tipton. He is, however, an old, unreconstructed, leftie - though one with a social conscience. He won't stand for Labour because of the appalling conduct of that Party in Sadders for half a century. He actually lives in Tipton, and has personal knowledge of the damage Labour has done to that particular area.

Let me just set the scene before I go on.. All Council employees enjoy the generous terms of the local government pension scheme. Nationally, billions are held in these pension funds and the dirigiste "Socialists" of Labour have been itching to "steal" some of the dosh to invest in crackpot uneconomic schemes, bail-out defunct steelworks, and such like. But these pension schemes, usually locally administered, are run by trustees who have a legal duty to ensure that the funds are invested properly and to ensure there is enough dosh to pay the pensions as they fall due.

Jeffcoat (and many Labour politicians) make the fundamental mistake of claiming that the pension funds are "public money". They are not. Once the money passes to the pension fund it belongs solely to the members of the scheme i.e. the current and future pensioners.

However, there is some political input into these schemes - indeed Sandwell Council has a Cllr Dhariwal - on the West Midlands Pension Fund (WMPF) Committee which is overwhelmingly dominated by Labour but is supposed to act apolitically. Here is the legal framework:

"The Pensions Committee is responsible for exercising all of the functions that are required as an Administering Authority for a Local Government Pension Scheme under the Public Service Pensions Act 2013.

Adhering to the principles required by Statutory Guidance, The Pensions Regulator’s (TPR) Code of Practice and performing the duties set out in the Terms of Reference for the Pensions Committee as detailed in CWC’s [Wolvo Council which administers the local scheme] Constitution available on its website.

Members of the Pensions Committee are responsible for the Fund’s activities, ensuring that the Fund is managed in the best interest of all its members, employers, and beneficiaries. Members of the Pension Committee must therefore take a non-political approach to the decisions they take." [My emphasis]

Thus it is difficult to see how the Constitution of Sandwell Council or the legal framework  of WMPF permits Sandwell Council to interfere in the operation of the pension scheme and it is surprising that the Monitoring Officer permitted this. (I am following this up.) As we shall see, some Councillors are paying into the WMPF or receiving pensions from it and so there is nothing to stop them making personal representations to the WMPF should they wish to do so. But, again, they want to publicly virtue signal (if you can call it that).

I believe the Motion was ultra vires the Council's Constitution and, therefore, unlawful. In any event, I do not believe Jeffcoat, Tipper nor any of the Councillors who voted for the Motion consulted in any way with employees or existing pensioners before deciding to interfere in their affairs - which is both inappropriate and appalling.

Jeffcoat's crazed motion (and he is aware of my views on this) called for:

"Disinvestment of West Midlands Pension Fund from companies that supply armaments that enable conflict and terror"

The wording of the crazed motion is all over the shop - you can read the full wording below* following the the Legal Notice - but veers from what seems like a total ban on arms investment to forcing the trustees to decide in respect of each global conflict whether there have been breaches of international law or human rights abuses and then ban investment in individual firms. Needless to say, despite Jeffcoat's woolly wording the mask slipped and "the conflict in Gaza" was specifically identified. Once again, Lal and Jones let this through.

There was not a named vote and one cannot see from the Council's film of the meeting who voted for this nonsense, but it seems it was almost unanimous save for one abstention which, curiously, appears to have been one of the Giles family (Labour). There is no indication that the useless rump of Tories voted against this or even abstained, but then what would anyone expect from that abysmal shower.

This motion was the very last item on the agenda and was rushed through in a couple of minutes. The Labour Leader, Kerrie "Dim Kez" Carmichael, was said by her ventriloquist's dummy, the odious Paul Moore, to be supporting the Motion (see further below) and it was quickly passed with, as above, just one abstention. Dim Kez was mandated to write a letter to the Pension Fund to develop a clear plan with regard to investments in arms/aerospace, to heed international and human rights law, and to report annually on its doings in this field.

What is absolutely shocking here is that Jeffcoat was seemingly unaware that WMPF already has such a policy. In any event he singularly failed to make the other Councillors aware of the policy which is on the website for all to see and is set out below**. He could not expect lazy Labour Councillors to have researched the matter and the Tories are incapable of doing anything unless it relates to dog sh*t or other mundane issues. I mean - the policy has only been in the public domain for 8 months ...

Despite WMPF pretending to be apolitical it is, as above, Labour-controlled. Thus they had no qualms in virtue-signalling about Gaza. Their public policy dated 26th June, 2024 specifically refers to "the ongoing conflict in Israel". The document explains that it already has strategies in respect of conflicts, international law and human rights and has already made the political decision to largely disinvest so that it now "has minimal exposure to the Aerospace and Defence sector".

Further the Fund is actively engaging with companies operating in the sector. And although Jeffcoat and the Muppets demanded an annual report on these issues the Fund is already producing quarterly reports on this for the Pension Committee!!!!

Interestingly, Cllr Dhariwal failed to declare an interest prior to the discussion of this Motion and also failed to alert colleagues to the already existing policy. How on earth is he fit to be on the WMPF governing body, overseeing huge sums of money on behalf or employees and existing pensioners?

My own declaration of interest is also set out below - underneath the Legal Notice.

Dhariwal was not the only one to have failed to declare an interest at the meeting since many Councillors who voted on the Motion either (a) receive a WMPF pension (e.g. Piper); (b) work for another Council and pay into the scheme (e.g. Millard), or (c) have close relatives working for councils (including Sandwell) who are WMPF members (e.g. Dim Kez). The Monitoring Officer is clearly present on the film of the meeting but failed to address this obvious breach of the rules. In the circumstances I have today filed a formal standards complaint against all those who should have formally declared an interest and here is the operative part of the complaint:

"Standards Complaint re various Councillors in respect of the full Council meeting on 25th February, 2025

At the full Council meeting on 25th February, 2025 Cllr Richard Jeffcoat put forward a motion in respect of Disinvestment by the West Midlands Pension Fund (WMPF) of investments in the Defence and Aerospace industries.

Notwithstanding the possible unlawfulness of the Motion it was passed overwhelmingly with just one abstention.

At the commencement of the meeting the Monitoring Officer confirmed that no declarations of interest had been received prior to the meeting and he invited any relevant declarations from the members. No declarations were forthcoming.

Many Councillors should have made declarations (and the Council will be able to identify the guilty parties). 

Cllr Dhariwal sits on the WMPF Board and clearly has an interest.

Some Councillors receive WMPF pensions - such as Cllr Piper - and should have declared an interest. Some work for other Councils such as Cllr Millard and the public pays into the WMPF on their behalf and that group also has an interest to declare as do those Councillors who have close relatives receiving WMPF pensions or paying into the Fund - such as Cllr Carmichael whose husband she declares is working for SMBC.

Failure to declare relevant interests is a disciplinary matter and this must be formally addressed.

As the complainant I would accept the following remedies for most of the miscreants:

1   all guilty Councillors to formally and publicly apologise and to make formal declarations at tonight’s Council meeting so that the Minutes of the last meeting can be amended accordingly;

2. All Councillors should be reminded of their duty to declare interests - both their own and those of close relatives.

In respect of Cllr Dhariwal his omission is so egregious he must face full investigation and appropriate sanction."

Just to finish by looking at the wider picture here, the Left has consistently pleaded for "welfare not warfare" as if we needn't spend any money at all on our defence. This policy reached a nadir when terrorist-rimmer, Jeremy Corbyn, was permitted to attend The Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday and p*ss over our war dead.

Take a look at Ukraine if you want to see the folly of this nonsense. We need weapons and it is as simple as that. Ironically, the day Jeffcoat and his new pals in Labour voted for his absurd Motion the Labour Prime Minister, Sir Woodenarse, announced a massive INCREASE in Defence spending!

Many firms in Sandwell (and the wider West Midlands) are also engaged in the defence and aerospace industries either directly or as component suppliers. We know that Sandwell Labour hates business in all its forms and it is no surprise that they should seek to damage local companies but Richard?

The Economist has written this week:

"Which MP wouldn't want a defence factory in their constituency? The median full-time pay for making weapons and ammunition in Britain last year was £49,300 far above the national average ... [and certainly the average in sh*thole Sandwell - Skidder]. Big plants hire lots of, apprentices, and keep local suppliers of screws and sandwiches in business. For poor English towns that other industries don't reach they are a godsend."

Britain could, of course, collectively bare its buttocks on the White Cliffs of Dover and wait for Putin or some other tyrant to shaft us up the arse. Alternatively we can acquire arms - by making them ourselves or buying lots off that nice Mr Trump. You pays your money - you takes your choice.

The irony of Sandwell Labour's colleagues [sic] in Government boosting Defence spending is that the share prices have, as elsewhere in Europe, tended to go up! The supposedly apolitical WMPF's anti-Israeli political stance means that - at least temporarily - they are shafting their own members by failing to maximise investment returns. Local Government employees and pensioners should be the ones who say whether they wish to accept lower pensions via disinvestment NOT showboating Sandwell Councillors and Labour politicians running the Fund.

LEGAL NOTICE (Version 4 from 8th October, 2023.)

I cannot list every previous mention of individuals referred to in the entirety of this blog. Where I refer to a specific story please follow the supplied hyperlink since this forms legal justification for later comments. Similarly references to “posts or Skidders passim” and to earlier posts mean any individuals concerned about purported defamatory or otherwise unlawful material must read later posts in the context of earlier posts. Full information can also be supplied within a reasonable time upon application via email to thesandwellskidder@gmail.com

We may also add hyperlinks or references to content in our associated blogs, “As The Crow Flies!” (at crowmultimedia.blogspot.com) and Rotten Council Governance - Legal Review (at rottencouncils.blogspot.com). Reference to content in those blogs also forms part of the context, meaning of, and justification for, contents in this blog.

In most cases we try to give the subjects of these blog posts the opportunity to comment on our journalism pre-publication to ensure the accuracy of our work.

Every now and again we make a genuine error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com and we shall use our best endeavours to remove offending material and/or publish appropriate corrections forthwith (together with an apology, if applicable).

We have had to remove the direct comment facility from this blog due to the malicious activity of a West Bromwich woman but we are pleased to receive comments via email to thesandwellskidder@gmail.com, on Twitter via our publishers @CrowMultimedia or via our 

If you consider that anything written is defamatory or otherwise unlawful please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.dedicated Facebook Group: “The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth to Power!” We are happy to publish any sensible commentary and offer a right of reply where applicable. We can also publish “guest” posts on mutually agreed terms.

Jeffcoat's crazed, showboating, motion:

*   https://sandwell.moderngov.co.uk/documents/s25791/05%20-%20Divestment%20of%20West%20Midlands%20Pension%20Fund%20investment%20from%20companies%20that%20supply%20armaments%20that%20e.pdf

WMPF existing policy

**  https://www.wmpfonline.com/news/exposure-companies-aerospace-and-defence-sector


My own notice of interest - thanks to the GMB Union and Sandwell Council lawfare against me I haven't got a pot to piss in. My wife, however, has a small shareholding in Babcock International and is highly likely to indirectly hold some investments in arms and aerospace companies around the world via investments in sundry managed and tracker funds through the likes of Vanguard and Hargreaves Lansdown. She also receives a pension from the West Midlands Pension Fund.


Thursday, 13 March 2025

More Sandwell Labour Corruption?

Thanks to an anonymous tip-off, plus by own journalistic endeavours, a very disturbing incident has come to light. In the circumstances I have, today, made a formal standards complaint against the Labour Councillor believed to have been the culprit as this is too a serious a matter for Labour "Leader" Kerrie "Dim Kez" Carmichael to brush under the carpet (again).

For present purposes I have had to maintain the anonymity of the Councillor concerned and I will, of course, keep you informed of developments.

"Details of Standards Complaint

On 27th January, 2025 Cllr Jag Singh was chairing Licensing sub-Committee 2. At some point an application for, as I understand it, the grant of a taxi licence was due jto be decided. Shortly before the application an unknown Labour Councillor, believed to be Cllr xxxxxxxxxxx, made contact with Cllr Singh and attempted to suborn him, and to ensure that he and the sub-Committee granted the licence.

Cllr Singh acted very properly. He immediately informed one or more law officers of the Council of the attempt to unduly influence him. I understand that he was advised to recuse himself from hearing the application which he duly did. Cllr Fenton took the Chair.

Cllr John Giles was later informed of what had happened. I understand that he was appalled at this crass corruption.

This was a disgraceful and egregious breach of the Councillor’s Code of Conduct by the Councillor - believed to be xxxxxxxx - particularly the requirements of Councillors to act in a selfless manner, and with integrity and honesty.

I attempted to seek information concerning this appalling incident from The Monitoring Officer and Cllrs Giles, Singh and Fenton without success, apart from a bland form of words from the Monitoring Officer. This has all the hallmarks of yet another Sandwell Council cover-up of Labour wrongdoing - hence this formal Standards Complaint which is made to ensure that this issue is dealt with in the correct manner."

LEGAL NOTICE (Version 4 from 8th October, 2023.)

I cannot list every previous mention of individuals referred to in the entirety of this blog. Where I refer to a specific story please follow the supplied hyperlink since this forms legal justification for later comments. Similarly references to “posts or Skidders passim” and to earlier posts mean any individuals concerned about purported defamatory or otherwise unlawful material must read later posts in the context of earlier posts. Full information can also be supplied within a reasonable time upon application via email to thesandwellskidder@gmail.com

We may also add hyperlinks or references to content in our associated blogs, “As The Crow Flies!” (at crowmultimedia.blogspot.com) and Rotten Council Governance - Legal Review (at rottencouncils.blogspot.com). Reference to content in those blogs also forms part of the context, meaning of, and justification for, contents in this blog.

In most cases we try to give the subjects of these blog posts the opportunity to comment on our journalism pre-publication to ensure the accuracy of our work.

Every now and again we make a genuine error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com and we shall 
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We have had to remove the direct comment facility from this blog due to the malicious activity of a West Bromwich woman but we are pleased to receive comments via email to thesandwellskidder@gmail.com, on Twitter via our publishers @CrowMultimedia or via our 
If you consider that anything written is defamatory or otherwise unlawful please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.dedicated Facebook Group: “The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth to Power!” We are happy to publish any sensible commentary and offer a right of reply where applicable. We can also publish “guest” posts on mutually agreed terms.

Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Sandwell's epidemic of violence against women

Are SOME things changing for the better in the brutal Borough of Sandwell? Maybe. At a recent full Council meeting there was, perhaps unsurprisingly, overwhelming support for a motion condemning violence against women and girls. This was presented by Cllr Sahdaish Pall who spoke eloquently on the subject. But the facts presented seemed to overwhelm the easy words of Councillors.

Cllr Pall acknowledged that much domestic abuse is not reported to the police but still highlighted alarming local statistics:

"The Sandwell Domestic Abuse Strategy reports that there were 10,008 incidents of domestic abuse reported to West Midlands Police in 2020/21. This represents an increase of 27.3% compared with the 7,860 incidents reported in 2019/20."

Note - it is not clear to me why the statistics appear to be so out of date and nor is it clear whether the above figures relate just to Sandwell or to the whole of the West Midlands. In any event, Sandwell is, after 51 years of Labour control, home to a large, uneducated and feral underclass, prone to violence. 

Cllr Hemingway explained, using figures relating to the number of women Councillors that a quarter could expect to be subjected to violence. She had not reported violence perpetrated against herself to the police, but sought solace and support from "Labour Sisters".

Cllr Parbinder Kaur's position was odd. She too said she had faced domestic violence and she thought survivors should also seek help and support from "faith groups". But firstly, she openly took to X (Twitter) to support Hamas which murdered and raped women on October 7th, last. Presumably Israeli women somehow don't count. Secondly, "faith groups" did not cover themselves with glory if the stories about the handling of the allegations surrounding former Labour Council Kirat Singh are true. These did not relate to violence against women but another form of alleged abuse against them. Yet adherents to the particular faith in question told me that on that occasion the "faith group" strongly supported the party with the beard and penis.

There is no agenda item where the ghastly Cllr Peter "Zorro" Hughes, aka "Alberich", does not have to spout out some lengthy and absurd contribution. This might have been an occasion, particularly where some female Councillors were sharing harrowing personal testimony, when this puffball could have kept his gob shut. But no - he had to intervene. Of course, I am not accusing Hughes of domestic violence but there are some women who find his domineering and controlling influence over his wife unacceptable. I personally witnessed him treating his wife (and another woman) like a doormat. Of course, his wife was also a former Councillor but resigned before she had to face a standards investigation in respect of her failure to declare an interest at planning committee meetings favouring Hughes's pal, property developer, Satnam Sahota. Husband and wife moved into one of the properties for which planning permission was granted. Sandwell Council says that Hughes did not exercise undue influence on his wife even when he spoke at one meeting to attack those of his constituents who opposed the plans. And even when one meeting was held on Zoom and husband and wife were in the same house!

Oh yes, and the lurid stories oft repeated in Wednesbury concerning Hughes's conduct down the Rugby Club might not meet with the approval of many Labour Sisters, but I am sure that it was all just a bit of fun [sic].

A number of male and female Councillors in the chamber were around when the wifebeater Darren Cooper was leader and failed to condemn him (ditto Jess Phillips MP who was working in Saddders at the time). It is impossible to look at this photo of Cooper without thinking of those huge fists raining heavy blows on his first wife:

Cooper was also notorious for touching up female members of staff which again was unquestioned by male and female Councillors (and senior officers). As was his absolutely vicious Twitter trolling campaigns - he (with others) ran at least 16 accounts attacking me and my wife. He also wrote officially as Leader of the Council to my wife's then employers trying to get her sacked for the sole reason that she was married to me!

After he died (note particularly, "after") two Labour women councillors approached me - separately - and both said they thought Cooper had gone way too far with his attacks on my wife (although the Sisters seemingly had no problem with him running fake accounts to attack me). What a shame they were too scared of him to ask him to desist when he was alive. And a woman who is STILL a very senior Councillor thought my wife was fair game, and totally backed Cooper's appalling attacks on her.

Oh yes, then there was the nasty bullying by a number of Labour Councillors of Cllr Jayne Wilkinson.

But neither the brothers nor sisters are seemingly opposed to violence against men. I don't know of a single one of the comrades who has opposed the elevation of criminal Cllr Steve "Rocky" Melia to Deputy Mayor this year and Mayor next, despite his conviction - on his own guilty plea - of assault by beating. Perhaps Cllr Pall will be introducing a motion condemning ALL violence at a forthcoming meeting - but don't hold your breath ...

Jess Phillips - major Cooper (metaphorical) rimmer.

LEGAL NOTICE (Version 4 from 8th October, 2023.)

I cannot list every previous mention of individuals referred to in the entirety of this blog. Where I refer to a specific story please follow the supplied hyperlink since this forms legal justification for later comments. Similarly references to “posts or Skidders passim” and to earlier posts mean any individuals concerned about purported defamatory or otherwise unlawful material must read later posts in the context of earlier posts. Full information can also be supplied within a reasonable time upon application via email to thesandwellskidder@gmail.com

We may also add hyperlinks or references to content in our associated blogs, “As The Crow Flies!” (at crowmultimedia.blogspot.com) and Rotten Council Governance - Legal Review (at rottencouncils.blogspot.com). Reference to content in those blogs also forms part of the context, meaning of, and justification for, contents in this blog.

In most cases we try to give the subjects of these blog posts the opportunity to comment on our journalism pre-publication to ensure the accuracy of our work.

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We have had to remove the direct comment facility from this blog due to the malicious activity of a West Bromwich woman but we are pleased to receive comments via email to thesandwellskidder@gmail.com, on Twitter via our publishers @CrowMultimedia or via our 

If you consider that anything written is defamatory or otherwise unlawful please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.dedicated Facebook Group: “The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth to Power!” We are happy to publish any sensible commentary and offer a right of reply where applicable. We can also publish “guest” posts on mutually agreed terms.

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Sandwell employee photo mystery ...

Many readers will remember the imprisonment of two Sandwell Council employees, Hayre and Rai, for 12 years apiece on drugs offences. At the time a fellow employee at bent Labour Sandwell vehemently denied being in a relationship with Hayre, saying she was only a friend, and a fellow employee concerned for his welfare. 

The Council claims to have fully investigated the work aspects of the non-relationship and apparently agreed with the employee that nothing was amiss.

And yet here is Hayre and A. N. Other discussing how great the bent Labour Council is ...

LEGAL NOTICE (Version 4 from 8th October, 2023.)

I cannot list every previous mention of individuals referred to in the entirety of this blog. Where I refer to a specific story please follow the supplied hyperlink since this forms legal justification for later comments. Similarly references to “posts or Skidders passim” and to earlier posts mean any individuals concerned about purported defamatory or otherwise unlawful material must read later posts in the context of earlier posts. Full information can also be supplied within a reasonable time upon application via email to thesandwellskidder@gmail.com

We may also add hyperlinks or references to content in our associated blogs, “As The Crow Flies!” (at crowmultimedia.blogspot.com) and Rotten Council Governance - Legal Review (at rottencouncils.blogspot.com). Reference to content in those blogs also forms part of the context, meaning of, and justification for, contents in this blog.

In most cases we try to give the subjects of these blog posts the opportunity to comment on our journalism pre-publication to ensure the accuracy of our work.

Every now and again we make a genuine error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com and we shall use our best endeavours to remove offending material and/or publish appropriate corrections forthwith (together with an apology, if applicable).

We have had to remove the direct comment facility from this blog due to the malicious activity of a West Bromwich woman but we are pleased to receive comments via email to thesandwellskidder@gmail.com, on Twitter via our publishers @CrowMultimedia or via our 

If you consider that anything written is defamatory or otherwise unlawful please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.dedicated Facebook Group: “The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth to Power!” We are happy to publish any sensible commentary and offer a right of reply where applicable. We can also publish “guest” posts on mutually agreed terms.

Green Party welcomes notorious masturbator

The Green Party has been an utter disgrace in Socialist Sandwell during the currency of this blog. It has failed to criticise the bent Labour dictatorship's horrendous record on green issues nor engaged in any attempt to campaign. In particular it has done precisely nothing to oppose Labour's destruction of Londonderry Fields, and the proposed destruction of substantial parts of Brandhall Golf Course and Lion Farm Fields even when community groups have formed to save the green spaces in an urban dystopia. Although it has been completely anonymous in Sadders it has very occasionally fielded a candidate or two in local elections - which is an insult to the electorate given its failure to engage with the benighted Borough.

Now ejaculations - sorry, congratulations - are in order! The Green Party now boasts a Councillor in the form of notorious masturbator John "Tosser" Tipper who was elected as a Labour Councillor before a short stint as an "independent". Regular readers will know that in his first stint as a Labour Councillor "Tosser" borrowed a taxpayer-funded iPhone and filmed himself masturbating for the delectation of a "lucky" young lady. Alas this moron failed to, er, wipe it before returning the phone to the Council, when it was handed-on to a female Labour Councillor who was exposed (!) to the full horror.

As if that isn't bad enough the pusillanimous Tipper used a journalist to lie about his antics on his behalf, and Adam Smith, now of the Wolverhampton Express & Star, was only too happy to oblige for his bessie mate.

In 2025 the Green Party promised zero tolerance on online pornography ...

LEGAL NOTICE (Version 4 from 8th October, 2023.)

I cannot list every previous mention of individuals referred to in the entirety of this blog. Where I refer to a specific story please follow the supplied hyperlink since this forms legal justification for later comments. Similarly references to “posts or Skidders passim” and to earlier posts mean any individuals concerned about purported defamatory or otherwise unlawful material must read later posts in the context of earlier posts. Full information can also be supplied within a reasonable time upon application via email to thesandwellskidder@gmail.com

We may also add hyperlinks or references to content in our associated blogs, “As The Crow Flies!” (at crowmultimedia.blogspot.com) and Rotten Council Governance - Legal Review (at rottencouncils.blogspot.com). Reference to content in those blogs also forms part of the context, meaning of, and justification for, contents in this blog.

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Every now and again we make a genuine error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com and we shall 

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We have had to remove the direct comment facility from this blog due to the malicious activity of a West Bromwich woman but we are pleased to receive comments via email to thesandwellskidder@gmail.com, on Twitter via our publishers @CrowMultimedia or via our 

If you consider that anything written is defamatory or otherwise unlawful please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.dedicated Facebook Group: “The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth to Power!” We are happy to publish any sensible commentary and offer a right of reply where applicable. We can also publish “guest” posts on mutually agreed terms.

Thursday, 20 February 2025

The Rise and Rise of Sandwell's Shokat Lal

This blog has consistently pointed out the corruption, cronyism and incompetence at bent Labour Sandwell Council and, occasionally, further afield. And so it is good to be able to report on local government's new wunderkind - unbelievably in the Heart of Darkness itself!

Shokat Lal started his first job as a council Chief Executive in bent Labour Sandwell in 2023 replacing Interim CE, Kim Bromley-Derry (KBD), surely the richest man in local government. KBD was brought in via a secret deal with the Local Government Association and a hearing before the Information Rights Tribunal is listed for 11th March where the Skidder is trying to flush out more information about this episode and also the LGA's involvement in the appointment of Imogen Walker as the Leader's wet nurse.

KBD replaced the disastrous previous pair of Chief Exec's - the disgraced Jan Britton and David Stevens. Of course, he went on to get the gig as Lead Commissioner when the Government was forced to act against corrupt Labour Sandwell.

Lal had previously worked at another basket-case Labour Council, Rotherham, where he toiled alongside the former disgraced Leader of Sandwell, Steve "Squealing" Eling, who did so much to instituitionalise corruption in the benighted Borough. As above, this was his first promotion to Chief Exec - with the help of KBD - and he was immediately paid the highest figure ever for Sandwell's top job - £185,000 in early 2023. Despite the £20m black hole in the Labour Council's accounts he received a nice pay-rise so that in 2024 his salary was up to the bracket £195,000 to £199,499 for a 37-hour week, plus gold-plated pension.

No wonder Lal was anxious to go out on the p*ss at a grand do in Wolvo with us taxpayers' picking up the tab. Here he is partying with Labour Cllr, Peter Hughes and his wife, former Labour Cllr Pam Hughes. This blog exposed the Hughes's relationship with property developer, Satnam Sahota (Skidder's passim). Despite this, and the fact that Pam Hughes was in breach of the Councillors' Code of Conduct and would have faced the music had she not "retired", Lal ensured that us taxpayers paid for them too to join the beano.

KBD has been feathering his already amply nest with various local government gigs - even though this blog showed that he is apparently incapable of keeping proper records of his actions, something the last Secretary of State for Local Government, Michael Gove, incredibly thought was absolutely fine!!!! He has also been allowed to retain his company directorship with large property developer, McLaren Construction.

KBD has been raking it in since Sandwell with a stint as Interim CE at Basildon. He also advertises himself as a "Special Advisor" to Dudley Council and he has now been sent in as a Commissioner - although the new Government has changed the name to "Ministerial Envoy" - at Tower Hamlets. The latter is an interesting gig for KBD noting that McLaren Construction moved its HQ into that London Borough and is also undertaking a number of lucrative developments there.

Meanwhile in Sadders ... As above, Labour has blown a £20m hole in the accounts and so yet another round of council tax increases, rent increases and across the board fee increases are coming real soon to the local pro-Labour morons. All - so far - backed by the spineless rump of Tory Councillors ROFLMAO! This is a good time to remind ourselves of this from our friends at Sandwell Corruption. Last June Labour Leader, Kerry "Dim Kez" Carmichael, boasted of her hitherto well-hidden financial acumen, and that the Council was NOT in a financial mess:

Just 4 months later. even her pals at the Express and Star were calling this proven liar out, and pointing out that the five-year financial plan "makes for bleak reading"! 

Recently, the Regulator of Social Housing issued a damning report on slum landlord, Sandwell Council. Here is a succinct summary from the experts at "Inside Housing":

"In Sandwell, the regulator found a number of issues with the Safety and Quality Standard due to the council’s tenant satisfaction measure return.

These included how the local authority was only able to evidence that required asbestos management surveys or re-inspections had been carried out on around 2% of relevant buildings.

Despite electrical safety inspections having been completed for 96% of its 27,900 homes, Sandwell Council was unable to monitor or report on the completion of remedial actions.

The council has a backlog of more than 14,000 overdue repairs, with over 90% of these yet to be assigned for completion. Plus, accurate, up-to-date information was available for only 5% of its homes."

Readers might be wondering where I am going with this, and also thinking that Shokat Lal still has much to do. The fact is that everything is now so wonderful in Sadders that Lal has been permitted (at the crucial period when the budget is being set) to go off and work, when necessary, as one of the two other "Ministerial Envoys" appointed to help KBD in London at Tower Hamlets!

The newish Labour Government thinks that Lal has somehow "cleaned-up" bent Sandwell and so can be farmed out to other authorities now. As do Sandwell Labour! Needless to say - and once again - there is silence from the hapless Tory Councillors about this incredible situation.

I duly wrote to SMBC querying the payment arrangements involved here and, for once, actually got a reply:

Now here's an idea. Let Lal keep the £1k per day from Tower Hamlets, reduce his role to 4-days a week and cut his pay pro rata i.e. by 20%. There's an instant saving for the hard-pressed taxpayers of Sadders!

Just on another point - the unions are demanding of their Labour puppets that they do what they are told and introduce 4-day weeks across the board. This despite the UK's appalling productivity figures. Will Lal remove himself from any discussions on this subject when the Sandwell unions try to force this issue? Surely he has a clear conflict of interest?

One of the criticisms of the 4-day week is that many people will take on extra work, set up businesses etc. on the day they are supposed to be looking after themselves and their families (whatever the f*** that means). Our wonderful firefighters , for example, are past masters at running such side-hussles, and now Lal is showing that it can even be done in the sick, over-staffed, sclerotic world of town halls!.

LEGAL NOTICE (Version 4 from 8th October, 2023.)

I cannot list every previous mention of individuals referred to in the entirety of this blog. Where I refer to a specific story please follow the supplied hyperlink since this forms legal justification for later comments. Similarly references to “posts or Skidders passim” and to earlier posts mean any individuals concerned about purported defamatory or otherwise unlawful material must read later posts in the context of earlier posts. Full information can also be supplied within a reasonable time upon application via email to thesandwellskidder@gmail.com

We may also add hyperlinks or references to content in our associated blogs, “As The Crow Flies!” (at crowmultimedia.blogspot.com) and Rotten Council Governance - Legal Review (at rottencouncils.blogspot.com). Reference to content in those blogs also forms part of the context, meaning of, and justification for, contents in this blog.

In most cases we try to give the subjects of these blog posts the opportunity to comment on our journalism pre-publication to ensure the accuracy of our work.

Every now and again we make a genuine error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com and we shall use our best endeavours to remove offending material and/or publish appropriate corrections forthwith (together with an apology, if applicable).

We have had to remove the direct comment facility from this blog due to the malicious activity of a West Bromwich woman but we are pleased to receive comments via email to thesandwellskidder@gmail.com, on Twitter via our publishers @CrowMultimedia or via our 

If you consider that anything written is defamatory or otherwise unlawful please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.dedicated Facebook Group: “The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth to Power!” We are happy to publish any sensible commentary and offer a right of reply where applicable. We can also publish “guest” posts on mutually agreed terms.

Thursday, 9 January 2025

My AI Profile - A Grok of Sh*t?

I dipped my toe into the murky waters of Artificial Intelligence (AI) sometime ago - publishing a post entirely written using this new wonder. I am now indebted to Sandwell Community Activist, Darryl Magher, for forwarding a profile of me via Elon Musk's AI tool, Grok. I should say that Grok has thrown up different versions of my profile and this is just one of them.

I am including a couple of comments/clarifications, but will leave it to you, dear readers, to form a view as to the accuracy or otherwise of the piece.

My soliciting days did include a spell in Sadders, but were mostly spent elsewhere.

AI fails to mention the harassment of me by Sandwell Labour Council's bent cronies at West Midlands Police leading to several unpleasant trips to police stations and interviews under caution. It also fails to mention death threats, threats of extreme violence and threats to burn my house down, plus an actual assault on me by the next Mayor of Sandwell, Melia, who was duly convicted at Dudley Magistrates for attacking me.

I am pleased that AI has picked up the fact that I organised the UK's first ever "Corruptour" with permission from the originators of the idea in Mexico City. This involved a small party touring various sites in Sandwell including Providence Place (where Labour cost taxpayers a mere, er, £22.5 m) and the former public conveniences in Oldbury - the epicentre of the "Boggate" scandal!

A different Grok version puts the number of views of The Skidder at 1.9 m which is incorrect. At the time of writing the figure is just under 2.75 m and that does not include some Sandwell-related posts on associated blogs, As The Crow Flies and Rotten Councils.

I have fought two separate cases in the High Court Media and Communications List plus an action of the High Court, Birmingham District Registry.

This is putting it very mildly - the Labour Council, trade unions and Labour's cop pals have tried to bankrupt me and to have me imprisoned over many years.

LEGAL NOTICE (Version 4 from 8th October, 2023.)

I cannot list every previous mention of individuals referred to in the entirety of this blog. Where I refer to a specific story please follow the supplied hyperlink since this forms legal justification for later comments. Similarly references to “posts or Skidders passim” and to earlier posts mean any individuals concerned about purported defamatory or otherwise unlawful material must read later posts in the context of earlier posts. Full information can also be supplied within a reasonable time upon application via email to thesandwellskidder@gmail.com

We may also add hyperlinks or references to content in our associated blogs, “As The Crow Flies!” (at crowmultimedia.blogspot.com) and Rotten Council Governance - Legal Review (at rottencouncils.blogspot.com). Reference to content in those blogs also forms part of the context, meaning of, and justification for, contents in this blog.

In most cases we try to give the subjects of these blog posts the opportunity to comment on our journalism pre-publication to ensure the accuracy of our work.

Every now and again we make a genuine error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com and we shall use our best endeavours to remove offending material and/or publish appropriate corrections forthwith (together with an apology, if applicable).

We have had to remove the direct comment facility from this blog due to the malicious activity of a West Bromwich woman but we are pleased to receive comments via email to thesandwellskidder@gmail.com, on Twitter via our publishers @CrowMultimedia or via our 

If you consider that anything written is defamatory or otherwise unlawful please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.dedicated Facebook Group: “The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth to Power!” We are happy to publish any sensible commentary and offer a right of reply where applicable. We can also publish “guest” posts on mutually agreed terms.