Thanks to an anonymous tip-off, plus by own journalistic endeavours, a very disturbing incident has come to light. In the circumstances I have, today, made a formal standards complaint against the Labour Councillor believed to have been the culprit as this is too a serious a matter for Labour "Leader" Kerrie "Dim Kez" Carmichael to brush under the carpet (again).
For present purposes I have had to maintain the anonymity of the Councillor concerned and I will, of course, keep you informed of developments.
"Details of Standards Complaint
On 27th January, 2025 Cllr Jag Singh was chairing Licensing sub-Committee 2. At some point an application for, as I understand it, the grant of a taxi licence was due jto be decided. Shortly before the application an unknown Labour Councillor, believed to be Cllr xxxxxxxxxxx, made contact with Cllr Singh and attempted to suborn him, and to ensure that he and the sub-Committee granted the licence.
Cllr Singh acted very properly. He immediately informed one or more law officers of the Council of the attempt to unduly influence him. I understand that he was advised to recuse himself from hearing the application which he duly did. Cllr Fenton took the Chair.
Cllr John Giles was later informed of what had happened. I understand that he was appalled at this crass corruption.
This was a disgraceful and egregious breach of the Councillor’s Code of Conduct by the Councillor - believed to be xxxxxxxx - particularly the requirements of Councillors to act in a selfless manner, and with integrity and honesty.
I attempted to seek information concerning this appalling incident from The Monitoring Officer and Cllrs Giles, Singh and Fenton without success, apart from a bland form of words from the Monitoring Officer. This has all the hallmarks of yet another Sandwell Council cover-up of Labour wrongdoing - hence this formal Standards Complaint which is made to ensure that this issue is dealt with in the correct manner."

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