Sunday 16 December 2018

50 Shades of GMB's Sarah James!

Back in December, 2014 I had never even heard of Sarah James - employed by the taxpayer as an employee of bent Labour Sandwell Council - but farmed out as a full-time rep of the GMB Union at our cost.

The late "leader" of Sandwell Council, Dickhead/Cokehead Darren Cooper, set up a massive trolling campaign in late 2014 against me and my wife. Anyone who knew Cooper - who used to physically beat-up at least one woman - was aware that he had a playground bully mentality. In December, 2014 he used social media to put up pictures of me taken covertly in Oldbury Wetherspoons:

[Incidentally - Cooper is said to have died in a drink and drug fuelled "session". Happily his death meant that all the - then 16 - troll accounts (operated with the help of Andrew Hipkiss) abusing me and my wife suddenly stopped tweeting! Even the BBC and others picked up on the rumours of Cooper's drug-taking but all was hushed up - perhaps unsurprisingly as the current Chief Constable of corrupt West Midlands Police, Dave Thompson, thought he was the dog's bollocks - which, in one sense, he was. A caller yesterday gave me interesting information that his drug of choice was cocaine but perhaps his pal the Chief Constable can provide some more information about that?]

In December, 2014 Cooper, trade union associates and others started a vicious Twitter trolling campaign against me and my wife. This is all documented by West Midlands Police including by DS Wayne Haynes. But, as we know, WMP are in a corrupt relationship with Labour Sandwell Council and Haynes was stopped from investigating further. Even when Cooper was caught in a famous sting operation a senior WMP officer refused to allow officers to investigate coke-head Cooper.

As regular readers know Cooper's friend Sarah James of the GMB launched a vicious bullying attack on me on 19th December, 2014 which I blogged the very next day. It is no surprise that this involved false allegations of photography in Spoons:

As you will see if you have read the piece, this evil bully (who I had never met) carried on her assault on me via cyber-bullying - trying to seek approval from the late Smethwick Scumbag and others. (See also "Paul Reeves" below).

Several YEARS later this GMB liar has formed a (non-sexual) relationship with another bully of the first order - Tom Watson MP (the right-wing Deputy Leader of the Labour Party now receiving funds from, er, the GMB. He is, of course, the nasty bastard and coward who made totally false allegations of the vilest kind whilst Leon Brittan was dying and then had to be forced to make a pathetic mealy-mouthed apology to his victim's widow.)

Incredibly Watson is now trying to find the unknown Sarah a parliamentary seat! She is trying to airbrush her nasty history and the GMB Union have agreed to pay for her legal proceedings to try to do so. Sarah had indicated that she wants to bankrupt me and pursue an Order for Sale on my matrimonial home of 35 years to force myself and my wife into homelessness at age 60 to silence me forever.

But she has lied about 2014 and also to the GMB about this and other issues. The legal proceedings only cover a minor part of her original and fantastical claims against me. There is more to come on this but let's just examine one part of her vexatious claim which hard-working GMB folk are paying for.

When she viciously bullied me in December, 2014 Sarah James's social media sites were replete with references to the  soft-porn sadomasochistic novels in the "50 Shades of Grey" series. So what? Each to their own. BUT - at the time Ms James was advertising her connections with the "White Ribbon Campaign".

The White Ribbon Campaign is a charity claiming to work "to end male violence against women". I pointed out at the time that it was "ironic" that Sarah James should purport to support such an organisation whilst bullying and cyber-bullying a man ie me. Further, James was advertising her support for this charity (presumably with their permission) across images from the Fifty Shades of Grey series (ie a series of books films based on male violence against women).

As she seeks political office with Watson's support this bully has removed all relevant posts from her Twitter and Facebook posts. She made the bizarre claim that my comments suggested that she was morally depraved whereas my comments were clearly referencing the odd juxtaposition between her bullying and support for the named charity with her public posts about the books etc.

Years after the event the GMB are seeking to crucify and bankrupt me about this when James has removed the offending posts. She is now refusing to provide access to her Twitter/Facebook accounts which would disclose her lies.

I have been asking folk for help to stop this woman destroying me and am most grateful for the information in so far (more would be welcome about Darren James's incident at a railway station....).

I haven't got the Facebook copies yet but have some been kindly sent some stuff from one of her Twitter accounts (she used at least two names before her current one ie @ SarahLou_80 and @_sarahloowho) and so we can now see a couple of things that James has tried to hide and keep hidden.

Image one - the bully advertises the White Ribbon Campaign against a "50 Shades" image "lol" (partial image only here):

If you can't make things out from the partial image this should help:

Image 2 - James again advertises the charity across a "50 Shades" image (partial image only here):

Once again the full image should help:


Some VERY interesting stuff coming in about the arsehole who picked up on James's cyber bullying:

This scumbag is said to NOT be the man of the same name who works for Sandwell Council but a man who had a gardening business. Yet strangely this man was also a member of Unite the Union? Can anyone clarify what is happening here?


The late great Mrs McHale used to say to me and my friends "You're Not Christian!" She was right.


**** New Phone No: 07470 624207 ****


Facebook: Julian Saunders  Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!

Twitter: @SandwellSkidder             Telegram: The Sandwell Skidder

Post:  Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG


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