This blog has consistently pointed out the corruption, cronyism and incompetence at bent Labour Sandwell Council and, occasionally, further afield. And so it is good to be able to report on local government's new wunderkind - unbelievably in the Heart of Darkness itself!
Shokat Lal started his first job as a council Chief Executive in bent Labour Sandwell in 2023 replacing Interim CE, Kim Bromley-Derry (KBD), surely the richest man in local government. KBD was brought in via a secret deal with the Local Government Association and a hearing before the Information Rights Tribunal is listed for 11th March where the Skidder is trying to flush out more information about this episode and also the LGA's involvement in the appointment of Imogen Walker as the Leader's wet nurse.
KBD replaced the disastrous previous pair of Chief Exec's - the disgraced Jan Britton and David Stevens. Of course, he went on to get the gig as Lead Commissioner when the Government was forced to act against corrupt Labour Sandwell.
Lal had previously worked at another basket-case Labour Council, Rotherham, where he toiled alongside the former disgraced Leader of Sandwell, Steve "Squealing" Eling, who did so much to instituitionalise corruption in the benighted Borough. As above, this was his first promotion to Chief Exec - with the help of KBD - and he was immediately paid the highest figure ever for Sandwell's top job - £185,000 in early 2023. Despite the £20m black hole in the Labour Council's accounts he received a nice pay-rise so that in 2024 his salary was up to the bracket £195,000 to £199,499 for a 37-hour week, plus gold-plated pension.
No wonder Lal was anxious to go out on the p*ss at a grand do in Wolvo with us taxpayers' picking up the tab. Here he is partying with Labour Cllr, Peter Hughes and his wife, former Labour Cllr Pam Hughes. This blog exposed the Hughes's relationship with property developer, Satnam Sahota (Skidder's passim). Despite this, and the fact that Pam Hughes was in breach of the Councillors' Code of Conduct and would have faced the music had she not "retired", Lal ensured that us taxpayers paid for them too to join the beano.
KBD has been feathering his already amply nest with various local government gigs - even though this blog showed that he is apparently incapable of keeping proper records of his actions, something the last Secretary of State for Local Government, Michael Gove, incredibly thought was absolutely fine!!!! He has also been allowed to retain his company directorship with large property developer, McLaren Construction.
KBD has been raking it in since Sandwell with a stint as Interim CE at Basildon. He also advertises himself as a "Special Advisor" to Dudley Council and he has now been sent in as a Commissioner - although the new Government has changed the name to "Ministerial Envoy" - at Tower Hamlets. The latter is an interesting gig for KBD noting that McLaren Construction moved its HQ into that London Borough and is also undertaking a number of lucrative developments there.
Meanwhile in Sadders ... As above, Labour has blown a £20m hole in the accounts and so yet another round of council tax increases, rent increases and across the board fee increases are coming real soon to the local pro-Labour morons. All - so far - backed by the spineless rump of Tory Councillors ROFLMAO! This is a good time to remind ourselves of this from our friends at Sandwell Corruption. Last June Labour Leader, Kerry "Dim Kez" Carmichael, boasted of her hitherto well-hidden financial acumen, and that the Council was NOT in a financial mess:
Just 4 months later. even her pals at the Express and Star were calling this proven liar out, and pointing out that the five-year financial plan "makes for bleak reading"!
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Recently, the Regulator of Social Housing issued a damning report on slum landlord, Sandwell Council. Here is a succinct summary from the experts at "Inside Housing":
"In Sandwell, the regulator found a number of issues with the Safety and Quality Standard due to the council’s tenant satisfaction measure return.
These included how the local authority was only able to evidence that required asbestos management surveys or re-inspections had been carried out on around 2% of relevant buildings.
Despite electrical safety inspections having been completed for 96% of its 27,900 homes, Sandwell Council was unable to monitor or report on the completion of remedial actions.
The council has a backlog of more than 14,000 overdue repairs, with over 90% of these yet to be assigned for completion. Plus, accurate, up-to-date information was available for only 5% of its homes."
Readers might be wondering where I am going with this, and also thinking that Shokat Lal still has much to do. The fact is that everything is now so wonderful in Sadders that Lal has been permitted (at the crucial period when the budget is being set) to go off and work, when necessary, as one of the two other "Ministerial Envoys" appointed to help KBD in London at Tower Hamlets!
The newish Labour Government thinks that Lal has somehow "cleaned-up" bent Sandwell and so can be farmed out to other authorities now. As do Sandwell Labour! Needless to say - and once again - there is silence from the hapless Tory Councillors about this incredible situation.
I duly wrote to SMBC querying the payment arrangements involved here and, for once, actually got a reply:
Now here's an idea. Let Lal keep the £1k per day from Tower Hamlets, reduce his role to 4-days a week and cut his pay pro rata i.e. by 20%. There's an instant saving for the hard-pressed taxpayers of Sadders!
Just on another point - the unions are demanding of their Labour puppets that they do what they are told and introduce 4-day weeks across the board. This despite the UK's appalling productivity figures. Will Lal remove himself from any discussions on this subject when the Sandwell unions try to force this issue? Surely he has a clear conflict of interest?
One of the criticisms of the 4-day week is that many people will take on extra work, set up businesses etc. on the day they are supposed to be looking after themselves and their families (whatever the f*** that means). Our wonderful firefighters , for example, are past masters at running such side-hussles, and now Lal is showing that it can even be done in the sick, over-staffed, sclerotic world of town halls!.
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