I know that some of you are awaiting the Skidder's take on Labour's implosion last Thursday - which will be with you soon - but may I take this opportunity to remind you that the Bescot Planning Meeting is TODAY at 5pm at Oldbury Council House (in the main Council chamber.)
If you are not at work etc please DO come along. The bent Council may have cynically announced that their officers were against the scheme just before election day but objectors need to see this job through. Local Labour must be left in no doubt as to the strength of local opposition.
The Skidder will be around at 4pm onwards if anyone wants a chat about this, or indeed any other, matter. As ever, the appeal is repeated for any information on the three councillors who are said to have boasted to Network Rail that this is a done deal (as repeated by a senior Sandwell Council employee.)
I have met many of the protestors already but look forward to seeing many of you again later.
And finally,
Back in 2013 our old friend Labour Cllr Bob "Seig Heil" Piper but up another of his infamous "nasty"* (and childish) tweets but the delicious irony is that after last Thursday it is now true for large parts of Sadders!!!! Double "lol"!
* The High Court says that using the word "nasty" can be defamtory but in its ordinary and natural meaning this tweet is, er, nasty lol!
**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****
Email: thesandwellskidder@gmail.com
Facebook: Julian Saunders
Facebook Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!
Twitter: @SandwellSkidder
Post: Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG
LEGAL NOTICE (Version 1 from 23rd January, 2019)
Every now and again we make a genuine honest error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com and we shall
use our best endeavours to make appropriate corrections forthwith.
If you consider that anything written is libellous please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.
Monday, 16 December 2019
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
Sandwell Votes Remain?
It was no surprise when an insular area like Sandwell with a strong undercurrent of latent racism should have voted decisively for Brexit. During six years of chronicling the corruption, cronyism and incompetence of the bent Labour dictatorship I have consistently come across the almost wilful determination of the mostly poorly-educated, anti-expert, anti-intellectual grunting populace to accept their pisspoor condition. "Sadwell" has been under total Labour control for the whole 45 years of its manufactured existence but is consistently at or near the bottom of league tables for deprivation, sundry social ills and quality of life. Before anyone says "Tory austerity" to me remember that for many years of Labour Government cash was rolling in eg during the Blair/Brown years but the comrades p*ssed it all up the wall rather than investing in local people.
Labour keep getting re-elected because the local populace are too stupid and/or lazy to vote at all. The "socialists" keep total control via small turnouts of their cronies and grovellers. Hitherto they have been assiduous in greasing-up to the Sikh and Muslim "communities" who have duly delivered their "block" votes. This led recently to an absolutely naked threat from the Tividale/Tipton mosque that if the bent Council did not do what it had in the past and divvy up some publicly-owned land worshippers would withdraw their red votes (see this blog re previous posts about Tipton and Dartmourth Street Mosque "car parks".)
Incidentally, the candidate for West Brom East, Ibrahim "Bogus" Dogus is held out as a good Muslim despite formerly running a beer company and making healthy profits from the sale of alcohol - eg nearly sixty quid in his London restaurants (where he pays his "immigrant" staff low wages) for the champagne quaffed by his "socialist" mates. Still, politicians need to be "flexible"......
The most interesting thing tomorrow will be to see if dim-witted Sadders folk have changed their minds on Brexit (if they have applied any rigorous thought to the matter at all.) Usually they cannot be arsed to waddle to a polling station although many did in the Brexit referendum. Will lightning strike twice in the sh*thole Borough or will the turnout be as pathetic as usual?
As far as the Labour candidates are concerned there is only one incumbent - the ghastly Spellar in Warley. Together with Tom "Twatson" Watson this ex-public school Londoner totally backed the disastrous local Labour "leaders" Darren "Dickhead Daz" Cooper and Steve "Squealing" Eling. Under Cooper the corruption and incompetence reached its apogee whereas the Eling regime descended into paranoia and civil war. The two MP's were utterly cynical and even used a prominent Sikh member of the Labour Party as their intermediary to communicate with me via "back channels" to destroy a leading Muslim Councillor.
Spellar was well aware of the complaints of local residents concerning the bent deal that resulted in the Rouf mansion but seemingly did nothing to stop what was going on. If Trappist-like silence is anything to go by he is determined to see the destruction of all green space in Warley with the possible exception of Warley Woods (although the comrades even marked out that site for the potential Commonwealth Games paddling pool.) As it is the White Elephant pool (where the costs are already going through the unbuilt roof so that the Council will be forced to spend any spare cash on this nonsense) for years to come instead of on vital services) has destroyed Londonderry Fields. Labour are also trying to destroy the huge green space that is Lion Farm Fields in a bent deal to plonk a shopping centre on it and Spellar has said nothing. Now the "socialists" want to build over Brandhall Golf Club. (These plots should be open goals for the local Green Party but they seem to have been completely anonymous in this campaign - and I speak as a Green supporter!) Of course, Spellar doesn't have to live in the area......
Spellar voted for the Iraq War and against investigations into that murderous debacle and has consistently voted for more EU integration. He has been in a party that has actively blocked a Brexit deal and is likely to continue to block departure. The only thing that can be said for him is that he is a "Labour Friend of Israel" and so not party the the rampant anti-semitism in Corbyn's rancid ranks.
The irony is that had this snap-election not been called right-winger Spellar's days ruining Warley would have been numbered. Just a few weeks ago the left of the Labour Party staged a coup at the Warley Labour AGM and kicked out all his cronies and rimmers from positions of power. The plan was then to hold a trigger ballot to de-select him and my sources were very confident of success. In other words, local folk are asked to act for a candidate his own Party was just about to try to depose. Still local folk can still put him back on the gravy train for another five years of pay and gold-plated pension contributions! Don't expect anything in return lol!
In Wednesbury West Labour are fielding a Commie. Even the normally pro-Labour Express and Star said this about James Cunningham:
The Wolvo C-Suckers went on to say that bearded Commie Cunningham was "a former member of the Alliance for Workers Liberty, a Trotskist group which aims to end capitalism." He is now said to be a member of Corbyn's extreme-leftist cult, Peoples Momentum (although even some of their members tell me they don't like him) and so only vote for this man if you are happy to live in a totaliratian state!
Once again - if your Brexit vote was just a joke or a mental abberation a vote for Labour is a vote for Remain even though Cunningham himself may quietly "follow the leader" and be a closet hard Brexiteer!
Comrade Nicky Brennan wanted this seat but lacks a penis and so was overlooked.
Other than his comministic past Cunningham is a complete non-entity.
I am not bothering to write about the Labour candidate for the "half Sandwell" constituency of Halesowen and Rowley Regis as he appears to just be a comedy act.
That brings us to Bogus Dogus. I really despair if local morons in West Brom East let this guy in. The day before he was announced for the seat an email was sent to Jenny Formby, Labour's Corbynista General Secretary, with some very lurid allegations against this guy but Jeremy Corbyn himself is said to have still intervened to foist this Londoner on local thickos.
The econonmic imbecile Corbyn, who is 70 but has never run a tap, once wrote furiously against centralised "pre-screening of candidates" before local constituencies were allowed to choose. The serial failure wrote, "MP's ought to be selected by their local parties and answerable to the local electorate. That has served the party very well in the past and ought to be the basis for representative democracy in the future."
But the Jezatollah and his wife are said to be friends with Mr and Mrs Bogus and so Corbyn ignored the fact that Dogus had been REJECTED by local party members in Vauxhall in London and Hall Green in Birmingham and the deed was done. Some West Brom East Labour members were outraged but Bogus has allegedly offered jobs to key comtrades and they have suddenly rallied round him despite full knowledge of his record! Can't think why? Even Sandwell's very own greaser-in-chief, Jedward, has joined the local rimmers:
Much has been made of Bogus's work for the Turkish/Kurdish community in particular the "Centre" he set up to allegedly advocate for this group. Uncharitable people say he was "asked to leave" the organisation he was originally connected with although I am sure he would deny that. Whatever, he and his wife then set up their own "organisation" although his wife ceased being a Director and so the sole director of this "organisation" is Bogus himself! Much money seems to flow through this organisation but he only produces "micro accounts" which tell the public bugger-all (and the ones filed at Companies Huse are unaudited.) Like the "newspapers" he runs as "non-profit" community organisations the Centre would appear to some as simply a vehicle for the aggrandisement of Bogus himself.
We have seen that he was shot in a "gangland incident" in which a man was killed. Bogus says he turned up at this incident as a "community worker" to try and act as a "peacemaker". It is true that no criminal action was taken against him although he was arrested by the Metropolitan Police in connection with their inquiry.
In previous posts I showed how a kid was working at one of his restaurants in Central London for nearly 50 hours a week on the, then, minimum wage of £3.87. From my You Tube interviews (posts passim) you will see that Bogus is seemingly not even paying his workers (whom he calls "immigrants") £10 per hour whereas his new friend, the terrorist-lover Corbyn, wants burger-flippers at Big Macs to get £15 per hour! Bogus claims on tape that he is a "small businessman" who cannot afford this! (See further below).
Please remember that the confiscation of thousands of pounds from Bogus by a court was under the Proceeds of Crime Act. The Court was not satisfied where the money had come from nor in respect of "invoices" Bogus produced for wedding costs the year AFTER the nuptials! The court consider that there was illegality and/or tax evasion in the attempt to smuggle money out of the country! Is that not enough for right-thinking people to run a mile from this guy?
Tommy, the former "Ten Bellies", was a total disaster for West Brom and the rest of Sandwell. This guy Bogus was trying to curry favour with the Tories and made them at least one substantial donation - cash natch. Suddenly he became a "millionaire" socialist and joined no less that three trade unions whilst paying his own workers minimum rates. He appears to be, at best, a chancer of the first order. Do local people want him as their MP - potentially for the next five years?
Labour love to p*ss over the local morons and one of the big jokes about Lazy Tom's reign was that for many of those years whilst he was living in London far away from sh*thole Sandwell he claimed he was actually living at the home of Cllr Simon "The Sandwell Slasher" Hackett and even went on the voters' roll there! Yet again local morons were too retarded to see the truth.
Bogus seemingly has not smuggled all his cash abroad since he and his wife paid a cool £1.3 million for a Thames-side flat in 2016. Admittedly he and his wife have a mortgage from Barclays but do locals in West Brom, Friar Park, Stome Cross etc imagine he is going to give that up for the dog sh*t smeared streets of Sadders. Dream on folks!
If you are sticking with your Brexit vote then Bogus is a "fanatical remainer" so it is up to you if you have changed your mind. Be under no illusion, however, that Bogus has a very dodgy record and seemingly needs a steady supply of low paid "immigrant" workers for his restaurants. He is as likely to vote for Brexit as turkeys (no pun intended) are to vote for Christmas. The matter is in your hands folks and your vote really does count this time! You do have real alternatives.
And finally...
Labour may have done its best to make Sandwell awful but they do know how to play the game and, as above, piss all over you. When the election was called the Council had to go into something called "purdah". In short they are not supposed to announce any politically-contentious decisions during that time. But soft - the cuuning comrades have listed the highly-controversial planning application for the ridiculous Bescot sleeper factory on 17th December. On the face of it this looked like a cynical ploy to make sure that this decision was taken after the election but it is even worse than that. The planning process means that certain documents have to be placed in the public domain and so yesterday the conning comrades just happened to make public that their planning officers (ie not councillors) had recommended that the planning application be rejected. What a coincidence! In a normal council officers are independent of the political process and I do not intend to defame the integrity of the officers here BUT the timing is everything. At least until Jan Britton's defenestration it was highly unusual for officers to act independently of their political masters (posts passim ad nauseum.) Whilst the officers may have come to their decision on empirical evidence Labour have seized on this to make details of a highly contentious decision public during the purdah period. They will try and con you that the timing of the planning hearing was entirely coincidental and that they were "obliged by law" to make the details public in good time for the planning meeting.
You must note a few things about this. 1. There is a constant rumour that three Labour Councillors gave Network Rail the nod for this wretched proposal in the first place and that this has been concealed as opposition has grown. 2. It is clear that Labour is scared of losing West Brom East and has deliberately timed this to quell the opponents of the project many of whom are p*ssed off with the comrades over this and 3. The planning committee could still overrule the council officers on the 17th. In any event this is a sick move again and it remains to be seen whether, yet again, local dimwits fall for it!
Labour keep getting re-elected because the local populace are too stupid and/or lazy to vote at all. The "socialists" keep total control via small turnouts of their cronies and grovellers. Hitherto they have been assiduous in greasing-up to the Sikh and Muslim "communities" who have duly delivered their "block" votes. This led recently to an absolutely naked threat from the Tividale/Tipton mosque that if the bent Council did not do what it had in the past and divvy up some publicly-owned land worshippers would withdraw their red votes (see this blog re previous posts about Tipton and Dartmourth Street Mosque "car parks".)
Incidentally, the candidate for West Brom East, Ibrahim "Bogus" Dogus is held out as a good Muslim despite formerly running a beer company and making healthy profits from the sale of alcohol - eg nearly sixty quid in his London restaurants (where he pays his "immigrant" staff low wages) for the champagne quaffed by his "socialist" mates. Still, politicians need to be "flexible"......
The most interesting thing tomorrow will be to see if dim-witted Sadders folk have changed their minds on Brexit (if they have applied any rigorous thought to the matter at all.) Usually they cannot be arsed to waddle to a polling station although many did in the Brexit referendum. Will lightning strike twice in the sh*thole Borough or will the turnout be as pathetic as usual?
As far as the Labour candidates are concerned there is only one incumbent - the ghastly Spellar in Warley. Together with Tom "Twatson" Watson this ex-public school Londoner totally backed the disastrous local Labour "leaders" Darren "Dickhead Daz" Cooper and Steve "Squealing" Eling. Under Cooper the corruption and incompetence reached its apogee whereas the Eling regime descended into paranoia and civil war. The two MP's were utterly cynical and even used a prominent Sikh member of the Labour Party as their intermediary to communicate with me via "back channels" to destroy a leading Muslim Councillor.
Spellar was well aware of the complaints of local residents concerning the bent deal that resulted in the Rouf mansion but seemingly did nothing to stop what was going on. If Trappist-like silence is anything to go by he is determined to see the destruction of all green space in Warley with the possible exception of Warley Woods (although the comrades even marked out that site for the potential Commonwealth Games paddling pool.) As it is the White Elephant pool (where the costs are already going through the unbuilt roof so that the Council will be forced to spend any spare cash on this nonsense) for years to come instead of on vital services) has destroyed Londonderry Fields. Labour are also trying to destroy the huge green space that is Lion Farm Fields in a bent deal to plonk a shopping centre on it and Spellar has said nothing. Now the "socialists" want to build over Brandhall Golf Club. (These plots should be open goals for the local Green Party but they seem to have been completely anonymous in this campaign - and I speak as a Green supporter!) Of course, Spellar doesn't have to live in the area......
Spellar voted for the Iraq War and against investigations into that murderous debacle and has consistently voted for more EU integration. He has been in a party that has actively blocked a Brexit deal and is likely to continue to block departure. The only thing that can be said for him is that he is a "Labour Friend of Israel" and so not party the the rampant anti-semitism in Corbyn's rancid ranks.
The irony is that had this snap-election not been called right-winger Spellar's days ruining Warley would have been numbered. Just a few weeks ago the left of the Labour Party staged a coup at the Warley Labour AGM and kicked out all his cronies and rimmers from positions of power. The plan was then to hold a trigger ballot to de-select him and my sources were very confident of success. In other words, local folk are asked to act for a candidate his own Party was just about to try to depose. Still local folk can still put him back on the gravy train for another five years of pay and gold-plated pension contributions! Don't expect anything in return lol!
In Wednesbury West Labour are fielding a Commie. Even the normally pro-Labour Express and Star said this about James Cunningham:
The Wolvo C-Suckers went on to say that bearded Commie Cunningham was "a former member of the Alliance for Workers Liberty, a Trotskist group which aims to end capitalism." He is now said to be a member of Corbyn's extreme-leftist cult, Peoples Momentum (although even some of their members tell me they don't like him) and so only vote for this man if you are happy to live in a totaliratian state!
Once again - if your Brexit vote was just a joke or a mental abberation a vote for Labour is a vote for Remain even though Cunningham himself may quietly "follow the leader" and be a closet hard Brexiteer!
Comrade Nicky Brennan wanted this seat but lacks a penis and so was overlooked.
Other than his comministic past Cunningham is a complete non-entity.
I am not bothering to write about the Labour candidate for the "half Sandwell" constituency of Halesowen and Rowley Regis as he appears to just be a comedy act.
That brings us to Bogus Dogus. I really despair if local morons in West Brom East let this guy in. The day before he was announced for the seat an email was sent to Jenny Formby, Labour's Corbynista General Secretary, with some very lurid allegations against this guy but Jeremy Corbyn himself is said to have still intervened to foist this Londoner on local thickos.
The econonmic imbecile Corbyn, who is 70 but has never run a tap, once wrote furiously against centralised "pre-screening of candidates" before local constituencies were allowed to choose. The serial failure wrote, "MP's ought to be selected by their local parties and answerable to the local electorate. That has served the party very well in the past and ought to be the basis for representative democracy in the future."
But the Jezatollah and his wife are said to be friends with Mr and Mrs Bogus and so Corbyn ignored the fact that Dogus had been REJECTED by local party members in Vauxhall in London and Hall Green in Birmingham and the deed was done. Some West Brom East Labour members were outraged but Bogus has allegedly offered jobs to key comtrades and they have suddenly rallied round him despite full knowledge of his record! Can't think why? Even Sandwell's very own greaser-in-chief, Jedward, has joined the local rimmers:
Much has been made of Bogus's work for the Turkish/Kurdish community in particular the "Centre" he set up to allegedly advocate for this group. Uncharitable people say he was "asked to leave" the organisation he was originally connected with although I am sure he would deny that. Whatever, he and his wife then set up their own "organisation" although his wife ceased being a Director and so the sole director of this "organisation" is Bogus himself! Much money seems to flow through this organisation but he only produces "micro accounts" which tell the public bugger-all (and the ones filed at Companies Huse are unaudited.) Like the "newspapers" he runs as "non-profit" community organisations the Centre would appear to some as simply a vehicle for the aggrandisement of Bogus himself.
We have seen that he was shot in a "gangland incident" in which a man was killed. Bogus says he turned up at this incident as a "community worker" to try and act as a "peacemaker". It is true that no criminal action was taken against him although he was arrested by the Metropolitan Police in connection with their inquiry.
In previous posts I showed how a kid was working at one of his restaurants in Central London for nearly 50 hours a week on the, then, minimum wage of £3.87. From my You Tube interviews (posts passim) you will see that Bogus is seemingly not even paying his workers (whom he calls "immigrants") £10 per hour whereas his new friend, the terrorist-lover Corbyn, wants burger-flippers at Big Macs to get £15 per hour! Bogus claims on tape that he is a "small businessman" who cannot afford this! (See further below).
Please remember that the confiscation of thousands of pounds from Bogus by a court was under the Proceeds of Crime Act. The Court was not satisfied where the money had come from nor in respect of "invoices" Bogus produced for wedding costs the year AFTER the nuptials! The court consider that there was illegality and/or tax evasion in the attempt to smuggle money out of the country! Is that not enough for right-thinking people to run a mile from this guy?
Tommy, the former "Ten Bellies", was a total disaster for West Brom and the rest of Sandwell. This guy Bogus was trying to curry favour with the Tories and made them at least one substantial donation - cash natch. Suddenly he became a "millionaire" socialist and joined no less that three trade unions whilst paying his own workers minimum rates. He appears to be, at best, a chancer of the first order. Do local people want him as their MP - potentially for the next five years?
Labour love to p*ss over the local morons and one of the big jokes about Lazy Tom's reign was that for many of those years whilst he was living in London far away from sh*thole Sandwell he claimed he was actually living at the home of Cllr Simon "The Sandwell Slasher" Hackett and even went on the voters' roll there! Yet again local morons were too retarded to see the truth.
Bogus seemingly has not smuggled all his cash abroad since he and his wife paid a cool £1.3 million for a Thames-side flat in 2016. Admittedly he and his wife have a mortgage from Barclays but do locals in West Brom, Friar Park, Stome Cross etc imagine he is going to give that up for the dog sh*t smeared streets of Sadders. Dream on folks!
If you are sticking with your Brexit vote then Bogus is a "fanatical remainer" so it is up to you if you have changed your mind. Be under no illusion, however, that Bogus has a very dodgy record and seemingly needs a steady supply of low paid "immigrant" workers for his restaurants. He is as likely to vote for Brexit as turkeys (no pun intended) are to vote for Christmas. The matter is in your hands folks and your vote really does count this time! You do have real alternatives.
And finally...
Labour may have done its best to make Sandwell awful but they do know how to play the game and, as above, piss all over you. When the election was called the Council had to go into something called "purdah". In short they are not supposed to announce any politically-contentious decisions during that time. But soft - the cuuning comrades have listed the highly-controversial planning application for the ridiculous Bescot sleeper factory on 17th December. On the face of it this looked like a cynical ploy to make sure that this decision was taken after the election but it is even worse than that. The planning process means that certain documents have to be placed in the public domain and so yesterday the conning comrades just happened to make public that their planning officers (ie not councillors) had recommended that the planning application be rejected. What a coincidence! In a normal council officers are independent of the political process and I do not intend to defame the integrity of the officers here BUT the timing is everything. At least until Jan Britton's defenestration it was highly unusual for officers to act independently of their political masters (posts passim ad nauseum.) Whilst the officers may have come to their decision on empirical evidence Labour have seized on this to make details of a highly contentious decision public during the purdah period. They will try and con you that the timing of the planning hearing was entirely coincidental and that they were "obliged by law" to make the details public in good time for the planning meeting.
You must note a few things about this. 1. There is a constant rumour that three Labour Councillors gave Network Rail the nod for this wretched proposal in the first place and that this has been concealed as opposition has grown. 2. It is clear that Labour is scared of losing West Brom East and has deliberately timed this to quell the opponents of the project many of whom are p*ssed off with the comrades over this and 3. The planning committee could still overrule the council officers on the 17th. In any event this is a sick move again and it remains to be seen whether, yet again, local dimwits fall for it!
**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****
Email: thesandwellskidder@gmail.com
Facebook: Julian Saunders
Facebook Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!
Twitter: @SandwellSkidder
Post: Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG
LEGAL NOTICE (Version 1 from 23rd January, 2019)
Every now and again we make a genuine honest error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com and we shall
use our best endeavours to make appropriate corrections forthwith.
If you consider that anything written is libellous please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.
Tuesday, 3 December 2019
Bescot Sleeper Planning Date Set!
The big day approaches for the huge number of protesters against the ghastly sleeper works factory proposal at Bescot sidings. The planning application from Network Rail will take place on 17th December at 5pm at Oldbury Council House. I understand that a special meeting has been arranged to deal with this application only and it will be held in the Council chamber itself.
This is not just a "NIMBY" ("Not In My Back Yard") issue - although the prospects for the people living close to this wretched thing are horrendous enough - as all the aggregate witll be brought to the site not by rail but by road. Hundreds of heavy lorries will be thundering along local roads from the motorway up through West Brom and Stone Cross. The empty lorries will rejoin the motorway at that oasis of calm - Junction 9!
Mystery still surrounds the identity of the three senior Councillors who are said to have given Network Rail "the nod" that the bent Labour Council would happily ensure the proposal went through. It may be late in the day but info still required on this!!!!
Please go along to the meeting if you can. I am sure there will be a demo beforehand and so watch this space. Also join the Facebbok group if you have not already done so - "The People of Wednesbury Say NO to Nework Rail."
Labour have done f all on environmental issues in their 45 years in charge of Sandwell (including when money was pouring in eg during the Blair/Brown years.) Brownfield sites remain heavily polluted, we have seen mass poisoning of wildlife even very recently, air quality and traffic is diabolical and, to cap it all, Labour are waging war to destroy as much green space as they can get away with (Londonderry Fields have gone and the comrades also wish to destroy Lion Farm Fields and the Brandhall Golf Club site.) Folk who oppose this nonsense should show solidarity with the Bescot Sleeper protesters and come along on the 17th to make their voices heard!
Meanwhile - the tax-evader etc Bogus Dogus loses his voice...
Please note that the "fanatical remainer" parachuted into West Brom East, Ibrahim "Bogus" Dogus, was:
Rejected for the Labour Seat at Vauxhall in London;
Rejected for the Labour Seat of Birmingham Hall Green
BUT is now being metaphorically c*ck-sucked by the comrades of West Brom East despite his record! It is said that this arrogant man thinks he has the seat in the bag and is already offering jobs to "the usual suspects" so that the comrades are pulling out all the stops in the hope of a future pay-day. One (who is NOT said to be on the putative payroll), Cllr "Ludicrous" Laura Rollins is, however, another ignoring all the stories about Bogus (ie the ones that caused more sensible members in Vauxhall and Hall Green to shun him) and actively tweeting paeans of praise for him as some sort of "freedom fighter" "lol"!!!!!
We have seen that Bogus employed a kid to work for nearly 48 hours a week at £3.87 an hour. Let's hope he is more generous to his Wednesbury and West Brom Labour rimmers!
In a recent post I put up two video interviews with Bogus. Unfortunately the middle section was missing when his "minder" tried to grab my phone and the video got knocked off in the tussle. In the circumstances I tried again on Sunday to ascertain (a) which of his companies he claims to have withdrawn the money from (ie the money he tried to get out of the country hidden in his "uncle's wife's" suitcase, and (b) which court he actually attended when the Judge confiscated the loot under the Proceeds of Crime Act. But you will see from the clip that he doesn't want to tell local voters this!
Corbyn himself is said to have foisted Bogus on West Brom East probably safe in the knowledge that a the moronic local population will vote Labour no matter who they put up and also recognising that a high percentage of the populace are criminals of one sort or another and unlikely to be put off by the lurid stories surrounding Bogus. Hitherto Labour have put in someone who was shit but this time they have gone for someone who was shot!
Many in WBE are also too thick to realise that although they claim to be "for" Brexit this guy is batting for the other team. If you vote for him you deserve everything you get (again)!
I will just mention here that I recently met the Tory candidate, Nicola Richards - a very personable local woman. Now I am no Tory but I was struck by something she told me concerning Labour's mad claim that the NHS is to be sold to Donald Trump. She vouchsafed that five members of her immediate family had received excellent cancer treatment in the last five years and she was genuinely astonished that anyone should think that she personally was against the NHS in any way. I am sure she will explain this to you herself if you have a chat with her in the next few days. Try it!
For once there is a left-wing (and pro-Brexit) choice on offer to West Brom East. Why not go and have a chat with George Galloway who is on the West Brom High Street most days and will also be around the patch in the lead up to the big day. Unlike Bogus, George does not need minders to guard him and I can promise you (having also met him) that if you ask him a question he will give you a straight answer!
The Bogus video:
**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****
Email: thesandwellskidder@gmail.com
Facebook: Julian Saunders
Facebook Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!
Twitter: @SandwellSkidder
Post: Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG
LEGAL NOTICE (Version 1 from 23rd January, 2019)
Every now and again we make a genuine honest error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com and we shall
use our best endeavours to make appropriate corrections forthwith.
If you consider that anything written is libellous please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.
This is not just a "NIMBY" ("Not In My Back Yard") issue - although the prospects for the people living close to this wretched thing are horrendous enough - as all the aggregate witll be brought to the site not by rail but by road. Hundreds of heavy lorries will be thundering along local roads from the motorway up through West Brom and Stone Cross. The empty lorries will rejoin the motorway at that oasis of calm - Junction 9!
Mystery still surrounds the identity of the three senior Councillors who are said to have given Network Rail "the nod" that the bent Labour Council would happily ensure the proposal went through. It may be late in the day but info still required on this!!!!
Please go along to the meeting if you can. I am sure there will be a demo beforehand and so watch this space. Also join the Facebbok group if you have not already done so - "The People of Wednesbury Say NO to Nework Rail."
Labour have done f all on environmental issues in their 45 years in charge of Sandwell (including when money was pouring in eg during the Blair/Brown years.) Brownfield sites remain heavily polluted, we have seen mass poisoning of wildlife even very recently, air quality and traffic is diabolical and, to cap it all, Labour are waging war to destroy as much green space as they can get away with (Londonderry Fields have gone and the comrades also wish to destroy Lion Farm Fields and the Brandhall Golf Club site.) Folk who oppose this nonsense should show solidarity with the Bescot Sleeper protesters and come along on the 17th to make their voices heard!
Meanwhile - the tax-evader etc Bogus Dogus loses his voice...
Please note that the "fanatical remainer" parachuted into West Brom East, Ibrahim "Bogus" Dogus, was:
Rejected for the Labour Seat at Vauxhall in London;
Rejected for the Labour Seat of Birmingham Hall Green
BUT is now being metaphorically c*ck-sucked by the comrades of West Brom East despite his record! It is said that this arrogant man thinks he has the seat in the bag and is already offering jobs to "the usual suspects" so that the comrades are pulling out all the stops in the hope of a future pay-day. One (who is NOT said to be on the putative payroll), Cllr "Ludicrous" Laura Rollins is, however, another ignoring all the stories about Bogus (ie the ones that caused more sensible members in Vauxhall and Hall Green to shun him) and actively tweeting paeans of praise for him as some sort of "freedom fighter" "lol"!!!!!
We have seen that Bogus employed a kid to work for nearly 48 hours a week at £3.87 an hour. Let's hope he is more generous to his Wednesbury and West Brom Labour rimmers!
In a recent post I put up two video interviews with Bogus. Unfortunately the middle section was missing when his "minder" tried to grab my phone and the video got knocked off in the tussle. In the circumstances I tried again on Sunday to ascertain (a) which of his companies he claims to have withdrawn the money from (ie the money he tried to get out of the country hidden in his "uncle's wife's" suitcase, and (b) which court he actually attended when the Judge confiscated the loot under the Proceeds of Crime Act. But you will see from the clip that he doesn't want to tell local voters this!
Corbyn himself is said to have foisted Bogus on West Brom East probably safe in the knowledge that a the moronic local population will vote Labour no matter who they put up and also recognising that a high percentage of the populace are criminals of one sort or another and unlikely to be put off by the lurid stories surrounding Bogus. Hitherto Labour have put in someone who was shit but this time they have gone for someone who was shot!
Many in WBE are also too thick to realise that although they claim to be "for" Brexit this guy is batting for the other team. If you vote for him you deserve everything you get (again)!
I will just mention here that I recently met the Tory candidate, Nicola Richards - a very personable local woman. Now I am no Tory but I was struck by something she told me concerning Labour's mad claim that the NHS is to be sold to Donald Trump. She vouchsafed that five members of her immediate family had received excellent cancer treatment in the last five years and she was genuinely astonished that anyone should think that she personally was against the NHS in any way. I am sure she will explain this to you herself if you have a chat with her in the next few days. Try it!
For once there is a left-wing (and pro-Brexit) choice on offer to West Brom East. Why not go and have a chat with George Galloway who is on the West Brom High Street most days and will also be around the patch in the lead up to the big day. Unlike Bogus, George does not need minders to guard him and I can promise you (having also met him) that if you ask him a question he will give you a straight answer!
The Bogus video:
**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****
Email: thesandwellskidder@gmail.com
Facebook: Julian Saunders
Facebook Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!
Twitter: @SandwellSkidder
Post: Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG
LEGAL NOTICE (Version 1 from 23rd January, 2019)
Every now and again we make a genuine honest error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com and we shall
use our best endeavours to make appropriate corrections forthwith.
If you consider that anything written is libellous please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.
Thursday, 28 November 2019
Bogus Dogus - More Questions!
Many of you will now know that "Bogus" Dogus, the remain fanatic who Jeremy Corbyn insisted should fight the pro-Brexit seat of West Bromwich East, had £11,500 taken off him by a Judge when it was discovered in a suitcase being taken out of the country by a woman. But Bogus managed to give contradictory versions of events about this in West Brom High Street the other day.
In the first video he says the court thought it was right at the time to confiscate the money. His minder tried to seize my phone when I asked Bogus how much he was paying his workers. He was unsuccesful but, unfortunately, the video record button did get knocked off in the scuffle.
Whilst the phone was not running Bogus said that the article in The Times was wrong and he was going to take legal action against them.
When I realised the video had been knocked off I restarted the tape (some of the BBC staff present filmed all this but seem unwillinging to share the full tape with me.)
Here is the second part and you will see Bogus specifically said the court never took the money off him. He makes this clear twice. He makes the curious statement - more of which anon - "I don't have an auntie unfortunately."
Happily the BBC were on hand to try and rescue their man and Rob Mayor gave him a metaphophorical media blowjob. Here is a transcript of the "interview":
"I ran a small business. I have withdrawn some monies from my business account as dividends. Those who run small businesses would know what that means. You withdraw money and account for them properly through regular accounts as dividends. It was convenient for me to send those monies in cash through my uncle's wife rather than my auntie so I passed them onto my uncle's wife. The monies were withdrawn from the bank account. The account was formed properly. Its tax was paid properly through the annual accounts and corporation tax so its a false, misleading, piece and unfortunately those who are politically in opposition to me and to our party are trying to use such false stories to discrdit candidates and our campaign."
Rob Mayor didn't ask him which company he says he took the money from but asked him why he didn't simply wire it to Turkey (assuming the money was legit of course). Dogus went on:
"This was a ten year old story and I used to have.."
Major interjected that electronic transfer was around ten years ago. Dogus continued:
"We did have electronic transfers but the cost of those sending and receiving is higher than sending the money in cash through your, through somebody who is just conveniently going over for a holiday and you just happen to find out they are leaving for holiday in Turkey a day later, the day after you want to transfer the funds so it's not an unusual prcatice amongst communities, amongst small businesses - I mean this is a small business I'm running at the time, I mean ten years ago."
In an odd choice of words given that a Court confiscated the money, Mayor asked why the authorities has been so, er, "upset" about all this. Dogus stated:
"We had a legal erm.. when this happened. My uncle's wife had a lawyer who was later on reported to the SRA [Solicitors' Regulatory Authority] for neglect so it was legal neglect I think rather than anything else."
Now this needs a little analysis. Bogus says he used company money which he had paid tax on though he wasn't asked which of his companies he withdrew the money from. He claims he was just trying to save financial transfer costs by giving the money to "my uncle's wife" - not his "auntie". Then he says that it was his non-auntie's lawyers who were at fault for the confiscation.
This is bizarre. Let us picture the scene at Heathrow airport when the money was seized from the non-Auntie. How did the authorities come to find out the money was not hers? We might suspect that she spilled the beans when the custom's officer started to don the rubber gloves!
But Bogus says the money was NOT seized from him and that her lawyers were involved and messed the case up. Is he saying that the woman he describes as his "uncles's wife" was taken to court and that he intervened to claim the money himself? This makes no sense but remember the words in the second video:
"I had not have £11,500 confiscated of me at all"!!!!
This directly contradicts the story in The Times. They reported:
And finally....
Info has come in that a female Sandwell employee bent down to sort out some computer wires and a (named) Supervisor smacked her hard on the arse. There were witnesses - were you one of them? Skidder contact details below.
**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****
Email: thesandwellskidder@gmail.com
Facebook: Julian Saunders Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!
Twitter: @SandwellSkidder Telegram: The Sandwell Skidder
Post: Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG
LEGAL NOTICE (Version 1 from 23rd January, 2019)
Every now and again we make a genuine honest error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com and we shall
use our best endeavours to make appropriate corrections forthwith.
If you consider that anything written is libellous please email thesandwellskid
der@gmail.com or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.
In the first video he says the court thought it was right at the time to confiscate the money. His minder tried to seize my phone when I asked Bogus how much he was paying his workers. He was unsuccesful but, unfortunately, the video record button did get knocked off in the scuffle.
Whilst the phone was not running Bogus said that the article in The Times was wrong and he was going to take legal action against them.
When I realised the video had been knocked off I restarted the tape (some of the BBC staff present filmed all this but seem unwillinging to share the full tape with me.)
Here is the second part and you will see Bogus specifically said the court never took the money off him. He makes this clear twice. He makes the curious statement - more of which anon - "I don't have an auntie unfortunately."
Happily the BBC were on hand to try and rescue their man and Rob Mayor gave him a metaphophorical media blowjob. Here is a transcript of the "interview":
"I ran a small business. I have withdrawn some monies from my business account as dividends. Those who run small businesses would know what that means. You withdraw money and account for them properly through regular accounts as dividends. It was convenient for me to send those monies in cash through my uncle's wife rather than my auntie so I passed them onto my uncle's wife. The monies were withdrawn from the bank account. The account was formed properly. Its tax was paid properly through the annual accounts and corporation tax so its a false, misleading, piece and unfortunately those who are politically in opposition to me and to our party are trying to use such false stories to discrdit candidates and our campaign."
Rob Mayor didn't ask him which company he says he took the money from but asked him why he didn't simply wire it to Turkey (assuming the money was legit of course). Dogus went on:
"This was a ten year old story and I used to have.."
Major interjected that electronic transfer was around ten years ago. Dogus continued:
"We did have electronic transfers but the cost of those sending and receiving is higher than sending the money in cash through your, through somebody who is just conveniently going over for a holiday and you just happen to find out they are leaving for holiday in Turkey a day later, the day after you want to transfer the funds so it's not an unusual prcatice amongst communities, amongst small businesses - I mean this is a small business I'm running at the time, I mean ten years ago."
In an odd choice of words given that a Court confiscated the money, Mayor asked why the authorities has been so, er, "upset" about all this. Dogus stated:
"We had a legal erm.. when this happened. My uncle's wife had a lawyer who was later on reported to the SRA [Solicitors' Regulatory Authority] for neglect so it was legal neglect I think rather than anything else."
Now this needs a little analysis. Bogus says he used company money which he had paid tax on though he wasn't asked which of his companies he withdrew the money from. He claims he was just trying to save financial transfer costs by giving the money to "my uncle's wife" - not his "auntie". Then he says that it was his non-auntie's lawyers who were at fault for the confiscation.
This is bizarre. Let us picture the scene at Heathrow airport when the money was seized from the non-Auntie. How did the authorities come to find out the money was not hers? We might suspect that she spilled the beans when the custom's officer started to don the rubber gloves!
But Bogus says the money was NOT seized from him and that her lawyers were involved and messed the case up. Is he saying that the woman he describes as his "uncles's wife" was taken to court and that he intervened to claim the money himself? This makes no sense but remember the words in the second video:
"I had not have £11,500 confiscated of me at all"!!!!
This directly contradicts the story in The Times. They reported:
- His aunt was found at Heathrow airport with £11,500 in silk purses, envelopes and a sock with a zipped compartment. "Most of the money" belonged to him. The Border officials concluded he was trying to smuggle it out of the country for the purposes of "unlawful conduct" including "tax evasion."
- In the Court case Bogus said the money was his and was legit (as above, how was he involved in the first place?) He was cross-examined and the judge upheld the forfeiture under the Proceeds of Crime Act.
- The Times reported that "Dogus could not explain why several of the receipts for his 2009 wedding.... were dated 2010 and had no details about the purchases or the person who paid."
- It was said in the court case that Bogus paid himself a large salary - see the stuff that is coming out about what he pays his workers!
- "Most damagingly" Bogus "could not account for thousands of pounds of cash withrawals from his businesses" which include three restaurants much favoured by Jeremy Corbyn, and other top Labour and Union people (including the heads of the GMB and Unite.)
- In a statement from a spokesperson Bogus says "at the time he disagreed with the judge's decision." Eh? He says there was no court decision against him and so what is he disagreeing with?
Incidentally corporation tax is levied on business profits which would only be calculated after wages etc. And Bogus would pay personal income tax on wages and dividends subject to any reliefs at the time. It doesn't make sense to say that he had paid corporation tax on the money he was trying to "smuggle" out of the country - per The Times.
More eye-popping stuff is coming out. Back in 2003 Bogus was shot! The Evening Standard newspaper in London where Bogus lives - far away from sh*thole Sandwell - reported:
"Armed police are on patrol in North London today after gangsters [my empahasis] fought a battle with guns and weapons, killing one man and injuring 21 others."
Of course, remainer Dogus says he was completely innocent and, indeed, he was seemingly never charged with any offence although the Met did see fit to arrest him on 16th July, 2003!
Much has been made of Bogus paying a kid £3.87 an hour. The wage slip photo (below) is undated but £3.87 was the minimum wage from 1st April, 2015 to October 2016 and so must date from that period. Remember, that this is for work in central London - an incredibly expensive place!
Corbyn, who eats in Bogus's restaurants, wants a four day week but look at the payslip - this poor kid had to work for 47.67 hours to feed the country's "top socialists". Positively Dickensian!
Ok you might say - forget the old baloney from Corbyn and Labour. Bogus was at least paying the legal minimum wage but hang on! Our man fell out with a Turkish/Kurdish organisation and so, er, set up his own, CEFTUS, where he is currently the only director. And there he boasts that he is, in fact, a London Living Wage employer!!!
Well if he pays his employees there the London living wage - currently £10.55 per hour - he doesn't pay most of his restaurant workers - whom he publicly describes as "immigrants" - that figure. You will see in video two above that he is not even paying them £10 an hour - less that the London Living Wage. Bizarrely he said he would not pay them £10 an hour now but will do when there is a Labour Government!!!! This is what is known in the trade as " total b*llocks"!
Come on West Brom folk - for once get your brains into gear and get wise to this guy!
And finally....
Info has come in that a female Sandwell employee bent down to sort out some computer wires and a (named) Supervisor smacked her hard on the arse. There were witnesses - were you one of them? Skidder contact details below.
**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****
Email: thesandwellskidder@gmail.com
Facebook: Julian Saunders Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!
Twitter: @SandwellSkidder Telegram: The Sandwell Skidder
Post: Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG
LEGAL NOTICE (Version 1 from 23rd January, 2019)
Every now and again we make a genuine honest error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com and we shall
use our best endeavours to make appropriate corrections forthwith.
If you consider that anything written is libellous please email thesandwellskid
der@gmail.com or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.
Monday, 25 November 2019
West Bromwich Candidate Dogus - Further Scandal!
I am always sceptical about self-declared "millionaires" supporting the Labour Party - remember Robert Maxwell, "the bouncing Czech"? Until recently the grotesque Watson was creaming huge sums from actual millionaires and the trade unions but when he ran away the economic imbecile Jeremy Corbyn is said to have personally intervened to force a London "businessman" on the moronic locals, Mr Ibrahim Dogus aka "Bogus Dogus" (or, accordinging to local "Brain of Britain" Labour Councillor Jackie Taylor, "Ibrihim Docus".) It is interesting that rich public-school boys like Corbyn and his cronies want to destroy capitalism and bring us all under the totalitarian yoke of communism but then toady to obscure business folk like Bogus!
Notwithstanding daft Jackie's inability to spell either the candidate's given or surname correctly, Dogus's campaign started badly when he sent out a grossly misleading and deceitful campaign leaftlet showing local trade unionist and Labour official Sarah James as a "local resident" (see recent post) and deliberately not explaining her true position. But then local people seemingly like being p*ssed on by Labour so there we are.
The mainstream media picked up that, as with Sandwell's very own turncoat Cllr "Inane" Elaine Costigan, Bogus used to prefer the Tories and even made at least one generous CASH donation to them in London:
This weekend The Times did an excellent piece of work exposing that in 2011 a judge ordered seizure of £11.500 from him after his aunt tried to take that amount in CASH to Turkey for him. His "defence" was found to be "unbelievable". It was noted in the proceedings that he paid himself "a large salary" from his restaurant businesses and that he "could not account for thousands of posunds of CASH withdrawals from his businesses" (quote via Sunday Times). The money was confiscated under the Proceeds of Crime Act on the grounds of tax evasion! That's Bogus trying to keep money which should be used for YOUR public services.
Anywhere but Sandwell this would surely be a knock-out blow but, of course, a substantial percentage of the population of West Bromwich East are pathetic, thick, scum who sheepishly vote Labour or are too moronic and/or lazy to vote at all. A larger percentage of them than normal voted for Brexit in the referendum but are probably too witless to realise that Bogus is a "fanatical remainer" and will ignore their wishes.
It is difficult to get a real handle on this guy's finances. Even though he runs three restaurants just across the Thames from Parliament he only has to supply limited information to Companies House. He has been connected to some companies that have been dissolved but there can be a number of reasons for that state of affairs. You might like to ask him if you see him out canvassing.
The main business seems to be Rimad Limited. It was through that company that he was paying a junior employee £3.87p per hour in Central London - a far cry from the idiotic Corbyn's demand that burger flippers at Big Macs get £15 per hour!!!! (Don't forget that Corbyn and Co want to bring back secondary picketting so that in his ideal world power workers, say, could hold the country to ransom until McDonalds pays up. This and other such horrors await if you vote to impose Marxism upon yourselves.)
Casual dining restaurants have been taking an absolute hammering lately (eg Jamie Oliver) and even though Bogus's restaurants are seemingly in a good location near the London Eye he must still be facing tough trading conditions. He boasts about employing people he calls "immigrants" but surely this "socialist" is paying them full whack?
The interesting thing here is that even though Rimad seems to be his main company he terminated his directorship in May, 2017 when Mrs Raife Aytek became sole director. I am assuming that is his wife as she also features in a number of other companies with which he is connected plus many photos. But if you think a man handing over his business to a woman was an enlightened "woke" move think again since as recently as October Bogus confirmed with Companies House that HE was still the person "with significant control" of the business......
The accounts for December, 2018 are in "micro" form and so very sparse but show fixed assets of over £2 million and current assets of over £1 million with plenty of coverage of current liabilities. On the face of it he is sitting pretty.
He may not be a director but says he controls the company. He has large charges via a Turkish Bank on two North London properties which are not restauarants. Here is one of them (it would appear that Ramid only have the lease for the upstairs flat):
This looks like the sort of sh*thole you would find somewhere in Sandwell and it is to be hoped he hasn't got tenants stuck in there. Or has he? I spoke to the taxi company downstairs last week who claimed not to know who the owner of the flat is but assured me it is currently tenanted. I wrote to West Midlands Labour Office to ask for contact with Bogus but answer came there none.
I sent this tweet to Mrs Raife Aytek but, again, received no response:
Corbyn's Trot friends have talked of destroying the private-rented housing sector altogether and so it would be odd if his mate was profiting therefrom. I think we should be told about Bogus's business and property interests don't you readers?
Bogus also runs the national Kebab awards where (vegetarian!) Corbyn has attended at least once along with other "socialists". In the West Midlands I have written about similar events which are a scam. The organisers create hundreds of bizarre categories - "best lavatory", "best nodding-dog in the window" etc - and then themselves "nominate", say, ,six restaurants in each category. The nominees are then persuaded to pay £90 a head for a table at "the awards ceremony" and the stupid and vain keep on falling for it. I cannot say if Dogus operates this type of operation - it may be absolutely legit - although it is seemingly held out as a "business" rather than an altruistic exercise. Perhaps Bogus will inform us how the money from this event is all accounted for?
This candidate has put many photos of himself on social media with Commie Corbyn and also the likes of Len McCluskey. He is a large scale peddler of alcohol and, in his restaurant, his new champagne socialist friends who rant about foodbanks can enjoy a bottle of fizz at a very reasonable £55.95 (if he is still paying minimum wage to his under 18's they would have to work nearly 13 hours for a bottle!) (It looks like he has got Jackie writing his menus too "lol")
Sylish and elegant indeed.....
For local morons here are Bogus's PLUS points so far:
**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****
Email: thesandwellskidder@gmail.com
Facebook: Julian Saunders Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!
Twitter: @SandwellSkidder Telegram: The Sandwell Skidder
Post: Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG
LEGAL NOTICE (Version 1 from 23rd January, 2019)
Every now and again we make a genuine honest error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com and we shall
use our best endeavours to make appropriate corrections forthwith.
If you consider that anything written is libellous please email thesandwellskid
der@gmail.com or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.
Notwithstanding daft Jackie's inability to spell either the candidate's given or surname correctly, Dogus's campaign started badly when he sent out a grossly misleading and deceitful campaign leaftlet showing local trade unionist and Labour official Sarah James as a "local resident" (see recent post) and deliberately not explaining her true position. But then local people seemingly like being p*ssed on by Labour so there we are.
![]() |
Bogus campaigning with "a local resident" lol? |
The mainstream media picked up that, as with Sandwell's very own turncoat Cllr "Inane" Elaine Costigan, Bogus used to prefer the Tories and even made at least one generous CASH donation to them in London:
This weekend The Times did an excellent piece of work exposing that in 2011 a judge ordered seizure of £11.500 from him after his aunt tried to take that amount in CASH to Turkey for him. His "defence" was found to be "unbelievable". It was noted in the proceedings that he paid himself "a large salary" from his restaurant businesses and that he "could not account for thousands of posunds of CASH withdrawals from his businesses" (quote via Sunday Times). The money was confiscated under the Proceeds of Crime Act on the grounds of tax evasion! That's Bogus trying to keep money which should be used for YOUR public services.
Anywhere but Sandwell this would surely be a knock-out blow but, of course, a substantial percentage of the population of West Bromwich East are pathetic, thick, scum who sheepishly vote Labour or are too moronic and/or lazy to vote at all. A larger percentage of them than normal voted for Brexit in the referendum but are probably too witless to realise that Bogus is a "fanatical remainer" and will ignore their wishes.
It is difficult to get a real handle on this guy's finances. Even though he runs three restaurants just across the Thames from Parliament he only has to supply limited information to Companies House. He has been connected to some companies that have been dissolved but there can be a number of reasons for that state of affairs. You might like to ask him if you see him out canvassing.
The main business seems to be Rimad Limited. It was through that company that he was paying a junior employee £3.87p per hour in Central London - a far cry from the idiotic Corbyn's demand that burger flippers at Big Macs get £15 per hour!!!! (Don't forget that Corbyn and Co want to bring back secondary picketting so that in his ideal world power workers, say, could hold the country to ransom until McDonalds pays up. This and other such horrors await if you vote to impose Marxism upon yourselves.)
Casual dining restaurants have been taking an absolute hammering lately (eg Jamie Oliver) and even though Bogus's restaurants are seemingly in a good location near the London Eye he must still be facing tough trading conditions. He boasts about employing people he calls "immigrants" but surely this "socialist" is paying them full whack?
The interesting thing here is that even though Rimad seems to be his main company he terminated his directorship in May, 2017 when Mrs Raife Aytek became sole director. I am assuming that is his wife as she also features in a number of other companies with which he is connected plus many photos. But if you think a man handing over his business to a woman was an enlightened "woke" move think again since as recently as October Bogus confirmed with Companies House that HE was still the person "with significant control" of the business......
The accounts for December, 2018 are in "micro" form and so very sparse but show fixed assets of over £2 million and current assets of over £1 million with plenty of coverage of current liabilities. On the face of it he is sitting pretty.
He may not be a director but says he controls the company. He has large charges via a Turkish Bank on two North London properties which are not restauarants. Here is one of them (it would appear that Ramid only have the lease for the upstairs flat):
This looks like the sort of sh*thole you would find somewhere in Sandwell and it is to be hoped he hasn't got tenants stuck in there. Or has he? I spoke to the taxi company downstairs last week who claimed not to know who the owner of the flat is but assured me it is currently tenanted. I wrote to West Midlands Labour Office to ask for contact with Bogus but answer came there none.
I sent this tweet to Mrs Raife Aytek but, again, received no response:
Corbyn's Trot friends have talked of destroying the private-rented housing sector altogether and so it would be odd if his mate was profiting therefrom. I think we should be told about Bogus's business and property interests don't you readers?
Bogus also runs the national Kebab awards where (vegetarian!) Corbyn has attended at least once along with other "socialists". In the West Midlands I have written about similar events which are a scam. The organisers create hundreds of bizarre categories - "best lavatory", "best nodding-dog in the window" etc - and then themselves "nominate", say, ,six restaurants in each category. The nominees are then persuaded to pay £90 a head for a table at "the awards ceremony" and the stupid and vain keep on falling for it. I cannot say if Dogus operates this type of operation - it may be absolutely legit - although it is seemingly held out as a "business" rather than an altruistic exercise. Perhaps Bogus will inform us how the money from this event is all accounted for?
This candidate has put many photos of himself on social media with Commie Corbyn and also the likes of Len McCluskey. He is a large scale peddler of alcohol and, in his restaurant, his new champagne socialist friends who rant about foodbanks can enjoy a bottle of fizz at a very reasonable £55.95 (if he is still paying minimum wage to his under 18's they would have to work nearly 13 hours for a bottle!) (It looks like he has got Jackie writing his menus too "lol")
Sylish and elegant indeed.....
For local morons here are Bogus's PLUS points so far:
- Londoner;
- Fanatical Remainer in a Brexit-voting area;
- Runs multiple business in London so will have loads of time to help local folk if elected;
- Had £11,500 which he attempted to send out of the country in a sock confiscated for tax evasion;
- Put out a misleading and deceitful campaign leaflet;
- Former friend of and cash donor to the Tories;
- Friend of the terrorist-lover Corbyn;
- Possibly a private Landlord via his companies;
- Has history of taking "unexplained amounts of cash" from his companies;
- Has highly controversial Cllr Simon Hackett campaigning with him;
- Has a history of paying hard-pressed restaurant workers a, er, pittance.
On top of that Labour have had over 40 years in total control of Sadders and have f*cked things up royal!
But Sandwell has a choice this time if you consider yourself a person of the left and support Brexit - George Galloway. Internal Labour workers are said to be sh*tting themselves - and that was BEFORE the latest Bogus Dogus scandal!!!
Come on West Brom East - sock-it-to-me!
**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****
Email: thesandwellskidder@gmail.com
Facebook: Julian Saunders Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!
Twitter: @SandwellSkidder Telegram: The Sandwell Skidder
Post: Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG
LEGAL NOTICE (Version 1 from 23rd January, 2019)
Every now and again we make a genuine honest error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com and we shall
use our best endeavours to make appropriate corrections forthwith.
If you consider that anything written is libellous please email thesandwellskid
der@gmail.com or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.
Monday, 18 November 2019
Sandwell Labour Lights Event "Dangerous"!
Complaints galore about the Christmas Lights event at Blackheath/Rowley Regis as irate locals described the hole in the corner affair as "dangerous".
I don't know what it is about Sandwell but since I have been writing this mighty work - "The Anals of Sandwell Labour" - even people I like and respect start foaming at the mouth at the mere mention of Christmas lights. It seems that many are quite content to live in an absolute sh*thole for 364 days if some Z-list "celebrity" turns up once a year to switch on a few lightbulbs.
But at Blackheath/Rowley the other night the whole event was "kettled" into a section of the High Street and crowds intermingled with moving traffic. RC wrote on Facebook:
LE agreed:
The display may have been sh*te but social media certainly lit-up with complaints...
JE said "A huge crowd but no toilets, unless the pubs were generous".
SF described the event as "horrendous".
CW said it was "pure luck no one was injured".
CS stated: "We left before the lights were switched on as it was dangerous and I was getting seperated from the kids...."
JG said: "Nearly pushed over as crowds rushed to try to get to the bottom of the street to see the tree lights switched on. Very dangerous situation..."
One local opined that the officials responsible should be "publicly flogged" (for Skidderati who read this whole piece this was an unfortunate choice of phrase) and one wag - SR - quickly responded:
"Let's hope the public flogging is better organised".
Abuse was hurled at Sandwell Labour Council and in another unfortunate choice of phrase in the particular circumstances they were referred to as "w*nkers".
But soft ye denizens of Blackheath and Rowley. Sandwell Council had, in fact, farmed out the event to a company called "Walk Works CIC". Now we all know that Sandwell Labour have a history of corruption, cronyism and incompetence but surely if giving such an important public event out to a third party they picked a proper public events firm with extensive experience of the health and safety issues surrounding such an event? Surely they performed extensive "due diligence" to ensure the safety of local people and their children? Surely they would not have simply passed the contract to members of "the Labour family"? Er........
Walk Works are a non-profit company and they have received extensive funding from an "unknown" third party. There are three directors, Frances Mary Wilde is one whom I know nothing about. I am told that the second is Vicki Smith who is a fully-paid-up Labour "family member" (I do not wish to defame the woman and if this is wrong I will be happy to publish a correction forthwith). But the third Director is most definitely "one of the boys and girls" - our old friend John Tipper, hitherto unknown (and unqualified?) for his prowess in organising street events of this or, indeed, any other type.
Many of you will know Mr Tipper better as former Labour Councillor, John Tipper - rimmer extraordinaire of Spellar and Watson and still very active in "the Party".
Tipper was involved in an infamous incident whilst a Councillor which has been covered up ever since. You might want to ask him about that if you see him out campaigning....
Clearly Leader Yvonne Davies needs to arrange (yet another) investigation into how this contract was awarded and to learn lessons from what numerous local people have stated to be a dangerous event.
Remember folk this is not an isolated foul-up. Labour have f*cked up Sandwell for over 40 years and you have YOUR chance to send them a loud and clear message on December 12th!
Returning to the event itself at least Tipper and Co did get one thing right. They booked a band to perform called, wait for it, THE SHAMBOLICS! Boom, boom!
ADDENDUM 18/11/19
Firstly if has been confirmed that Vicki Smith signed the nomination papers for GMB Union heavy, Ian Cooper, to be the Labour Candidate in H & RR. He is the President of the Union's notorious S85 branch. This confirms that Smith is indeed one of the chosen ones... On the same partial list shown in the photo below is Tipper's big mate and sometime protector Cllr Ann "Shakkers" Shackleton. Keep it in the family bent Labour!
It has also been brought to my attention that Walk Works ie Tipper and Co also have the contract for the Cradley Heath lights event on 30th November. Nice! A bent Labour double!
Given the public safety issues surrounding the Rowley fiasco I have written the following email to David Stevens, the Interim Chief Exec of SMBC:
Dear Mr Stevens,
I have written a blog today concerning the Xmas Lights event at Blackheath/Rowley - where very many locals have described the event as badly organised and actually dangerous.
SMBC have given the contract to a Company in which former Labour Cllr John Tipper is a director. Another Labour figure is also a Director. I will be putting in a FOIA request on this later today as there is no obvious connection with this company putting on public events of this type and this smacks of cronyism at best.
More urgently, however, is that I understand Tipper and Co are also organising the Cradley Heath event on 30th November. Can you please advise the public what steps SMBC are taking to ensure that this event is thoroughly safe for residents and their children. Please also advise how the extra costs to SMBC of doing this will be met?
Julian Saunders
**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****
Email: thesandwellskidder@gmail.com
Facebook: Julian Saunders Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!
Twitter: @SandwellSkidder Telegram: The Sandwell Skidder
Post: Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG
LEGAL NOTICE (Version 1 from 23rd January, 2019)
Every now and again we make a genuine honest error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com and we shall
use our best endeavours to make appropriate corrections forthwith.
If you consider that anything written is libellous please email thesandwellskid
der@gmail.com or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.
I don't know what it is about Sandwell but since I have been writing this mighty work - "The Anals of Sandwell Labour" - even people I like and respect start foaming at the mouth at the mere mention of Christmas lights. It seems that many are quite content to live in an absolute sh*thole for 364 days if some Z-list "celebrity" turns up once a year to switch on a few lightbulbs.
But at Blackheath/Rowley the other night the whole event was "kettled" into a section of the High Street and crowds intermingled with moving traffic. RC wrote on Facebook:
LE agreed:
The display may have been sh*te but social media certainly lit-up with complaints...
JE said "A huge crowd but no toilets, unless the pubs were generous".
SF described the event as "horrendous".
CW said it was "pure luck no one was injured".
CS stated: "We left before the lights were switched on as it was dangerous and I was getting seperated from the kids...."
JG said: "Nearly pushed over as crowds rushed to try to get to the bottom of the street to see the tree lights switched on. Very dangerous situation..."
One local opined that the officials responsible should be "publicly flogged" (for Skidderati who read this whole piece this was an unfortunate choice of phrase) and one wag - SR - quickly responded:
"Let's hope the public flogging is better organised".
Abuse was hurled at Sandwell Labour Council and in another unfortunate choice of phrase in the particular circumstances they were referred to as "w*nkers".
But soft ye denizens of Blackheath and Rowley. Sandwell Council had, in fact, farmed out the event to a company called "Walk Works CIC". Now we all know that Sandwell Labour have a history of corruption, cronyism and incompetence but surely if giving such an important public event out to a third party they picked a proper public events firm with extensive experience of the health and safety issues surrounding such an event? Surely they performed extensive "due diligence" to ensure the safety of local people and their children? Surely they would not have simply passed the contract to members of "the Labour family"? Er........
Walk Works are a non-profit company and they have received extensive funding from an "unknown" third party. There are three directors, Frances Mary Wilde is one whom I know nothing about. I am told that the second is Vicki Smith who is a fully-paid-up Labour "family member" (I do not wish to defame the woman and if this is wrong I will be happy to publish a correction forthwith). But the third Director is most definitely "one of the boys and girls" - our old friend John Tipper, hitherto unknown (and unqualified?) for his prowess in organising street events of this or, indeed, any other type.
Many of you will know Mr Tipper better as former Labour Councillor, John Tipper - rimmer extraordinaire of Spellar and Watson and still very active in "the Party".
Tipper was involved in an infamous incident whilst a Councillor which has been covered up ever since. You might want to ask him about that if you see him out campaigning....
Clearly Leader Yvonne Davies needs to arrange (yet another) investigation into how this contract was awarded and to learn lessons from what numerous local people have stated to be a dangerous event.
Remember folk this is not an isolated foul-up. Labour have f*cked up Sandwell for over 40 years and you have YOUR chance to send them a loud and clear message on December 12th!
Returning to the event itself at least Tipper and Co did get one thing right. They booked a band to perform called, wait for it, THE SHAMBOLICS! Boom, boom!
ADDENDUM 18/11/19
Firstly if has been confirmed that Vicki Smith signed the nomination papers for GMB Union heavy, Ian Cooper, to be the Labour Candidate in H & RR. He is the President of the Union's notorious S85 branch. This confirms that Smith is indeed one of the chosen ones... On the same partial list shown in the photo below is Tipper's big mate and sometime protector Cllr Ann "Shakkers" Shackleton. Keep it in the family bent Labour!
It has also been brought to my attention that Walk Works ie Tipper and Co also have the contract for the Cradley Heath lights event on 30th November. Nice! A bent Labour double!
Given the public safety issues surrounding the Rowley fiasco I have written the following email to David Stevens, the Interim Chief Exec of SMBC:
Dear Mr Stevens,
I have written a blog today concerning the Xmas Lights event at Blackheath/Rowley - where very many locals have described the event as badly organised and actually dangerous.
SMBC have given the contract to a Company in which former Labour Cllr John Tipper is a director. Another Labour figure is also a Director. I will be putting in a FOIA request on this later today as there is no obvious connection with this company putting on public events of this type and this smacks of cronyism at best.
More urgently, however, is that I understand Tipper and Co are also organising the Cradley Heath event on 30th November. Can you please advise the public what steps SMBC are taking to ensure that this event is thoroughly safe for residents and their children. Please also advise how the extra costs to SMBC of doing this will be met?
Julian Saunders
**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****
Email: thesandwellskidder@gmail.com
Facebook: Julian Saunders Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!
Twitter: @SandwellSkidder Telegram: The Sandwell Skidder
Post: Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG
LEGAL NOTICE (Version 1 from 23rd January, 2019)
Every now and again we make a genuine honest error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com and we shall
use our best endeavours to make appropriate corrections forthwith.
If you consider that anything written is libellous please email thesandwellskid
der@gmail.com or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.
Bogus Dogus Photo Mystery!
The Londoner Remainer parachuted in by UK Labour, Ibrahim "Bogus" Dogus, has already sent out a grossly misleading election leaflet (see last post) but he is also incapable of answering the most simple of questions! He put up on social media a photo of himself and the absurd local councillor Jackie Taylor in front of the highly controversial "Three Degrees" statue. But he has then refused, for reasons best known to himself, to refuse to tell people when the picture was taken. Why? And as for Taylor - see below!
(Taylor's recent infamy was voting against the multi-million pound fiasco that is the new paddling pool at the Planning Meeting and then voting for it at the full Council meeting shortly afterwards!!!!)
The reticence seems to be because a taxpayer-funded junior Sandwell Council employee was at the photo shoot when the public/taxpayers/opposition parties might have expected him/her to be, er, at work. Although not in a politically-restricted post many taxpayers/opposition parties will be horrified about the bent Labour Council allowing employees to be directly involved in political campaigning (as has happened before) and it now seems that Leader Yvonne Davies and Interim Chief Executive David Stevens (who is also the Returning Officer at the forthcoming election) are condoning this - surely a rapid return to the recent horrific past! There may have been a simple explanation eg the junior employee was on a day off etc but that has not been forthcoming and there appears to have been the usual attempt at a cover-up....
Let's look at the history of this absurdity. On 11th November, 2019 Bogus Dogus and Cllr Jackie Taylor put up a photo of hinself and Taylor on social media and Taylor put up her own version (which Bogus retweeted) together with this:
"Great to meet up with our Labour Parliamentary Candidate for WBE supported by [named Sandwell Council junior employee]....."
As the picture was clearly taken in broad daylight I asked Bogus and Taylor the simple question - at what time was the picture taken and was the named employee actually there? One might have thought that was a simple enough request but neither of these two would answer.
(I should say that Cllr Taylor has done this weird thing with me over the years. Even though I have doorstepped countless Labour Group and Council meetings she does this act when she sees me and pretends she is somehow mentally retarded - if I am allowed to use that expression. She feigns total incomprehension at any question I put to her and asks me who I am? What palaver that is all about I cannot say....)
In the absence of a response I wrote to Cllr Taylor who, inexplicably, is actually now a cabinet member. I asked her again whether the junior employee had been present. Answer came there none despite the alleged new policy of openness and transparency that we have been promised from Sandwell Labour Councillors.
This same employee has been the subject of recent correspondence between myself and David Stevens concerning another matter and so I wrote to him (copying in Yvonne Davies) asking the straight question whether the employee was rostered to be at work on 11th November. The Interim Chief Executive (and Returning Officer for the election) responded:
"I will be unable to respond further on this matter but please be assured that I take all such concerns very seriously."
Previous similar enquiries have been blocked on "data protection" grounds and this comment is, of course, utterly meaningless.
Seemingly Taylor was asked about this since she then emailed me but instead of simply answering the question she said she would reply "under seperate cover". WTF?
Anyway a response came but Taylor AGAIN refused to answer my question saying this:
"With regard to your question about [the employee] I would suggest you direct your queries to the Constiuancy [sic] Labour Party."
She also said that a member of the public had taken the above photo using Taylor's own phone (security note to readers - if you hand your phone to strangers in West Brom centre for them to take your photo you may never see it again....)
You might seem to think that Taylor was trying to hide something here but I couldn't possibly comment!
And so I contacted WBE Labour and asked whether the named employee was at the photoshoot on 11th November. They responded:
"There was no photoshoot on 11th November. Some people did meet with and have photographs with Ibrahim, as published on both our social media and Ibrahim's."
Leaving aside what constitutes a "photoshoot" - "lol" - this reply did not answer the question.
I persevered and wrote again to the evasive Cabinet member. After starting the email: "you have accessed my tweeter [sic] account" as if this was some sort of crome, she continued:
"[The named junior employee] I had added to my tweeter [sic] message as I was pleased she was able to support him by introducing him to me in the coffee shop where I had agreed with Mr Dogus to meet him for the first time."
Whilst writing this blog I have had a number of meetings in Costa Coffee in New Square with strangers without the need for a chaperone but, as above, since Taylor claims not to know who I am despite numerous meetings, perhaps she does genuinely have "issues" and requires extra help from Council employees?
What we now know from this that a Labour Candidate and a Council Cabinet member used a junior Council employee to facilitate a meeting in normal working hours. (If the employee was not due to be at work at the material time this has not been alleged and the dancing around the subject set out above is certainly suggestive that Bogus and Taylor have been caught out!) Perhaps other candidates in WBE will take this up with Mr Stevens?
And finally.... George Galloway (who is a leftie supporting Brexit against Bogus's "fanatical Remain" view) has had open public meetings but Labour are so scared of the public reaction to their Londoner candidate they held their "launch" event for him (and it is a "him" - despite Labour claiming they wanted a female candidate there is not one in the four Sadders seats) behind closed doors. At least the local party heirarchy look suitably inspired by their new chum - particularly "The Godfather" "lol":
**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****
Email: thesandwellskidder@gmail.com
Facebook: Julian Saunders Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!
Twitter: @SandwellSkidder Telegram: The Sandwell Skidder
Post: Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG
LEGAL NOTICE (Version 1 from 23rd January, 2019)
Every now and again we make a genuine honest error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com and we shall
use our best endeavours to make appropriate corrections forthwith.
If you consider that anything written is libellous please email thesandwellskid
der@gmail.com or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.
(Taylor's recent infamy was voting against the multi-million pound fiasco that is the new paddling pool at the Planning Meeting and then voting for it at the full Council meeting shortly afterwards!!!!)
The reticence seems to be because a taxpayer-funded junior Sandwell Council employee was at the photo shoot when the public/taxpayers/opposition parties might have expected him/her to be, er, at work. Although not in a politically-restricted post many taxpayers/opposition parties will be horrified about the bent Labour Council allowing employees to be directly involved in political campaigning (as has happened before) and it now seems that Leader Yvonne Davies and Interim Chief Executive David Stevens (who is also the Returning Officer at the forthcoming election) are condoning this - surely a rapid return to the recent horrific past! There may have been a simple explanation eg the junior employee was on a day off etc but that has not been forthcoming and there appears to have been the usual attempt at a cover-up....
Let's look at the history of this absurdity. On 11th November, 2019 Bogus Dogus and Cllr Jackie Taylor put up a photo of hinself and Taylor on social media and Taylor put up her own version (which Bogus retweeted) together with this:
"Great to meet up with our Labour Parliamentary Candidate for WBE supported by [named Sandwell Council junior employee]....."
As the picture was clearly taken in broad daylight I asked Bogus and Taylor the simple question - at what time was the picture taken and was the named employee actually there? One might have thought that was a simple enough request but neither of these two would answer.
(I should say that Cllr Taylor has done this weird thing with me over the years. Even though I have doorstepped countless Labour Group and Council meetings she does this act when she sees me and pretends she is somehow mentally retarded - if I am allowed to use that expression. She feigns total incomprehension at any question I put to her and asks me who I am? What palaver that is all about I cannot say....)
In the absence of a response I wrote to Cllr Taylor who, inexplicably, is actually now a cabinet member. I asked her again whether the junior employee had been present. Answer came there none despite the alleged new policy of openness and transparency that we have been promised from Sandwell Labour Councillors.
This same employee has been the subject of recent correspondence between myself and David Stevens concerning another matter and so I wrote to him (copying in Yvonne Davies) asking the straight question whether the employee was rostered to be at work on 11th November. The Interim Chief Executive (and Returning Officer for the election) responded:
"I will be unable to respond further on this matter but please be assured that I take all such concerns very seriously."
Previous similar enquiries have been blocked on "data protection" grounds and this comment is, of course, utterly meaningless.
Seemingly Taylor was asked about this since she then emailed me but instead of simply answering the question she said she would reply "under seperate cover". WTF?
Anyway a response came but Taylor AGAIN refused to answer my question saying this:
"With regard to your question about [the employee] I would suggest you direct your queries to the Constiuancy [sic] Labour Party."
She also said that a member of the public had taken the above photo using Taylor's own phone (security note to readers - if you hand your phone to strangers in West Brom centre for them to take your photo you may never see it again....)
You might seem to think that Taylor was trying to hide something here but I couldn't possibly comment!
And so I contacted WBE Labour and asked whether the named employee was at the photoshoot on 11th November. They responded:
"There was no photoshoot on 11th November. Some people did meet with and have photographs with Ibrahim, as published on both our social media and Ibrahim's."
Leaving aside what constitutes a "photoshoot" - "lol" - this reply did not answer the question.
I persevered and wrote again to the evasive Cabinet member. After starting the email: "you have accessed my tweeter [sic] account" as if this was some sort of crome, she continued:
"[The named junior employee] I had added to my tweeter [sic] message as I was pleased she was able to support him by introducing him to me in the coffee shop where I had agreed with Mr Dogus to meet him for the first time."
Whilst writing this blog I have had a number of meetings in Costa Coffee in New Square with strangers without the need for a chaperone but, as above, since Taylor claims not to know who I am despite numerous meetings, perhaps she does genuinely have "issues" and requires extra help from Council employees?
What we now know from this that a Labour Candidate and a Council Cabinet member used a junior Council employee to facilitate a meeting in normal working hours. (If the employee was not due to be at work at the material time this has not been alleged and the dancing around the subject set out above is certainly suggestive that Bogus and Taylor have been caught out!) Perhaps other candidates in WBE will take this up with Mr Stevens?
And finally.... George Galloway (who is a leftie supporting Brexit against Bogus's "fanatical Remain" view) has had open public meetings but Labour are so scared of the public reaction to their Londoner candidate they held their "launch" event for him (and it is a "him" - despite Labour claiming they wanted a female candidate there is not one in the four Sadders seats) behind closed doors. At least the local party heirarchy look suitably inspired by their new chum - particularly "The Godfather" "lol":
**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****
Email: thesandwellskidder@gmail.com
Facebook: Julian Saunders Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!
Twitter: @SandwellSkidder Telegram: The Sandwell Skidder
Post: Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG
LEGAL NOTICE (Version 1 from 23rd January, 2019)
Every now and again we make a genuine honest error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com and we shall
use our best endeavours to make appropriate corrections forthwith.
If you consider that anything written is libellous please email thesandwellskid
der@gmail.com or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.
Saturday, 16 November 2019
Utter Humiliation of WBE Labour!
Once again Sadders is full of noises and strange sounds. It is the wailing (once infamously spelt "whaling" by the late Dickhead Daz) and gnashing of teeth in West Bromwich East (WBE) Labour Party following the sudden departure of the grotesque Tom Watson. The pathetic bunch of rimmers who had kowtowed to the great man for all those years - "yes Tom, OK Tom, straight away Tom" - were left high and dry when he simply upped and moved on "for personal reasons" (which remain a mystery.)
Lazy Tom was assiduous in collected donations from his millionaire pals for his "office as deputy leader" rather than the constituency party and so the money has gone too. Where? And is this the reason a self-proclaimed millionaire from London, Bogus Dogus (more anon), has been drafted in to help fill empty coffers?
The funniest thing was the grovellers imagining any of them had the wherewithal to be an MP. For years they have done nothing politically save for those in Council seats who have cocked things up royal! They subverted their own (admittedly feeble) prospects on the hope of rising on the coat tails of Twatson but he simply shat all over them. Even though he has had a close (non-sexual) relationship with the Vice Chair of the West Brom East Party he seemingly told no-one of his intentions beforehand. The Chair, John "The Godfather" Giles (Head of the large Giles clan of Tommy's arse-lickers), moaned that he had not known of Watson's decampment until the general public did!
It is rumoured that Sandwell disasters like Costigan and Hackett initially fancied their chances (and plenty on Hackett coming here real soon folk...) There was even a bizarre rumour (which could have been a joke) that Clan Giles were going to push one of their own, Lachrymose Luke, forward!
Liam Preece threw his hat in the ring. Now he has some admirable qualities and maybe his time will come but he has shown weakly a willingness to ally himself with one side of the still-raging civil war in Sandwell Labour. He was quite prepared at the behest of The Squealer to chair the absolutely outrageous Audit Committee attempting to polish the turd that is the bent Lion Farm deal which will be a black mark on his CV for a long time to come. (Incidentally, I am quite sure that Liam was genuinely not involved in the switching off the recording of the Lion Farm part of the meeting although he has never vouchsafed the indentity of the real culprit.)
This blog has said time and again that Watson, Spellar and others deliberately ensured that morons, grovellers and the utterly talentless would fill the council seats and party sinecures to do their bidding (posts passim ad nauseum.) If there ever was a talent "pool" it had shrunk to a miniscule droplet by the time the Nonce-Finder General flounced off. Liam Preece bemoaned the lack of a local choice but he and his pusillanimous comrades only have themselves to blame.
I heard the names of some "big-hitter" potential candidates being mentioned (including one whom I have met and who is very impressive) but they were passed over for London businessman and "fanatical Remainer" Ibrahim Dogus. "Bogus" has hit some turbulence already with allegations that he was formerly a supporter of and donor to the Tories (see pic above and Guido Fawkes website) but he is often pictured now with the Communist Leader of the Party, Corbyn, who is said to have personally selected him and foisted him on the lucky residents of WBE.
Cllr Laura Rollins was outraged and hammered her own Party for their handling of the "selection" process:
...and went distinctly off-message too:
This, of course, ignores the fact that she very well knows ie that Twatson has also been living in London for years. This blog alleged on countless occasions that he was mixing with the metroplotan crowd and didn't give a sh*t about Sandwell - the manner of his sudden departure seems to confirm this in spades!
Behind the scenes there has been real anger but the comrades are now trying to rally around the man none of them wanted......
Outsider candidate Dogus boasts of employing lots of "immigrants" in his London restaurants (which he will have to look after whilst "serving the people of WBE if he gets elected "lol") which may explain his "fanatical" Remainer views - particularly as photos in the media show he has paid at least one worker in Central London the then minimum wage of, er, £3.87p per hour!!!! He is in a solid Brexit seat and so I hope voters will ask him his views when he actually starts campaigning. (There was a "launch" meeting last night. Whereas candidate George Galloway has been having open meetings the comrades are so scared of what local will say that the "launch" was for "party members" only! Dogus invited Labour people to Gayton Community Centre which was stated to be in "Birmingham"! Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...)
George Galloway is an unapologetic Man United man. Bogus (Enfield Town?) has no connections or interest in The Baggies but was quick to be photographed outside our beloved Club. This has already outraged many fans. Butt out Bogus!
And so the game is on. This blog and others pleaded with minor parties to stay out of any contest with Watson to help bring him down given the damage he and Labour have done to Sandwell. Alas the smaller parties have been emboldened by his departure so that Messrs Graham, Lucas, Rankine and Redding are standing against "the big Three".
WBE has a clear choice:
George Galloway - left-wing + Brexit
Nichole Richards - Tory + Brexit
Ibrahim Dogus - ? politically + Remain.
At least the pathetic scum in WBE who claimed they didn't vote "because Tom Watson will get in anyway" can't use that excuse this time (and Twatson got in on low turnouts anyway!)
We can't mention Watson's grovellers without mentioning someone who had his tongue permanently in Tommy's bottom even though he is not WBE - step forward Cllr Bill "Coward of the County" Gavan. "Yellow" Bill was Watson's gofer and dogsbody when his lordship deigned to set foot in Sadders - driving him around and running his errands. The "sad" news "lol" is that "Yellow" has now flounced out of the Party altogether! (Applies onion to eye and "does a Luke".)
(Incidentally George Makin was at it again this week. Who he? A local journalist who is ultimately funded by the BBC and so is meant to be impartial but who is actually a fully paid-up "leftie". Makin said this week that Gavan was a successful nightclub owner. But as this blog showed, Billy has had so many dissolved companies he earned the soubriquet "Alka Seltzer"!!!!)
Bogus Dogus Election Leaflet
For 5 years this blog has shown time and time again how Sandwell Labour p*ss all over the moronic local population - who duly get what they deserve. Constant lies are told in the sure knowledge that a small clique of hangers-on, cronies and the retarded will "always" vote Labour whilst the vast majority of local folk are too thick, lazy and/or obese to waddle to a polling station.
Thus Ibrahim has hit the ground running with this election leaflet featuring our old friend, Sarah James:
Of course, Sarah is a resident of Friar Park but this leaflet is meant to mislead and decieve as it completely fails to mention that she is also a full-time official of the GMB Union which is backing Bogus AND is Vice-Chair of West Bromwich East Labour Party!!!
At least WBE Labour recognise that they can again make fools of the local dross as they have done so often in the past!
And just in case you think our Londoner friend might not have known who Sarah was before the leaflet went out - well here they are together last weekend
Spent Convictions
Generally speaking I support the legislation giving criminals a second chance and the opportunity to rebuild their lives. But surely it is a matter of public interest and intense concern that candidates for elections are able to hide their past from the electorate?
Recently Cllrs Caroline "Caz" White and "Inane" Elaine Costigan started saying they wanted all council candidates to undergo criminal record ckecks. They had seemingly become aware of private information.
And yes, it has come to pass this week that a SECOND Sandwell Labour Councillor has a spent criminal conviction. Once again this is fraud-related. I am not able by law to identify either individual but surely it is in the public interest to know if decision makers and persons dealing with multi-million pound budgets have had fraud convictions? I shall be campaigning for the law to be clarified on this. In the meantime I am being threatened by SMBC for receiving confidential information even though I am a citizen journalist and this is patently a, er, matter of considerable public interest!
Cllr John Edwards, aka "Jedward", may be two hoses short of the full fire tender and he has been a fully-paid-up memeber of the Watson fan club in days of old but he turned against the vicious thug in recent times. (By the way Jedders, are you still refusing to hand over the password for the Whips email account?) At least HE was happy, if rather uncomradely, when Twatson scarpered!
**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****
Email: thesandwellskidder@gmail.com
Facebook: Julian Saunders Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!
Twitter: @SandwellSkidder Telegram: The Sandwell Skidder
Post: Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG
LEGAL NOTICE (Version 1 from 23rd January, 2019)
Every now and again we make a genuine honest error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com and we shall
use our best endeavours to make appropriate corrections forthwith.
If you consider that anything written is libellous please email thesandwellskid
der@gmail.com or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.
Lazy Tom was assiduous in collected donations from his millionaire pals for his "office as deputy leader" rather than the constituency party and so the money has gone too. Where? And is this the reason a self-proclaimed millionaire from London, Bogus Dogus (more anon), has been drafted in to help fill empty coffers?
The funniest thing was the grovellers imagining any of them had the wherewithal to be an MP. For years they have done nothing politically save for those in Council seats who have cocked things up royal! They subverted their own (admittedly feeble) prospects on the hope of rising on the coat tails of Twatson but he simply shat all over them. Even though he has had a close (non-sexual) relationship with the Vice Chair of the West Brom East Party he seemingly told no-one of his intentions beforehand. The Chair, John "The Godfather" Giles (Head of the large Giles clan of Tommy's arse-lickers), moaned that he had not known of Watson's decampment until the general public did!
It is rumoured that Sandwell disasters like Costigan and Hackett initially fancied their chances (and plenty on Hackett coming here real soon folk...) There was even a bizarre rumour (which could have been a joke) that Clan Giles were going to push one of their own, Lachrymose Luke, forward!
Liam Preece threw his hat in the ring. Now he has some admirable qualities and maybe his time will come but he has shown weakly a willingness to ally himself with one side of the still-raging civil war in Sandwell Labour. He was quite prepared at the behest of The Squealer to chair the absolutely outrageous Audit Committee attempting to polish the turd that is the bent Lion Farm deal which will be a black mark on his CV for a long time to come. (Incidentally, I am quite sure that Liam was genuinely not involved in the switching off the recording of the Lion Farm part of the meeting although he has never vouchsafed the indentity of the real culprit.)
This blog has said time and again that Watson, Spellar and others deliberately ensured that morons, grovellers and the utterly talentless would fill the council seats and party sinecures to do their bidding (posts passim ad nauseum.) If there ever was a talent "pool" it had shrunk to a miniscule droplet by the time the Nonce-Finder General flounced off. Liam Preece bemoaned the lack of a local choice but he and his pusillanimous comrades only have themselves to blame.
I heard the names of some "big-hitter" potential candidates being mentioned (including one whom I have met and who is very impressive) but they were passed over for London businessman and "fanatical Remainer" Ibrahim Dogus. "Bogus" has hit some turbulence already with allegations that he was formerly a supporter of and donor to the Tories (see pic above and Guido Fawkes website) but he is often pictured now with the Communist Leader of the Party, Corbyn, who is said to have personally selected him and foisted him on the lucky residents of WBE.
Cllr Laura Rollins was outraged and hammered her own Party for their handling of the "selection" process:
...and went distinctly off-message too:
This, of course, ignores the fact that she very well knows ie that Twatson has also been living in London for years. This blog alleged on countless occasions that he was mixing with the metroplotan crowd and didn't give a sh*t about Sandwell - the manner of his sudden departure seems to confirm this in spades!
Behind the scenes there has been real anger but the comrades are now trying to rally around the man none of them wanted......
Outsider candidate Dogus boasts of employing lots of "immigrants" in his London restaurants (which he will have to look after whilst "serving the people of WBE if he gets elected "lol") which may explain his "fanatical" Remainer views - particularly as photos in the media show he has paid at least one worker in Central London the then minimum wage of, er, £3.87p per hour!!!! He is in a solid Brexit seat and so I hope voters will ask him his views when he actually starts campaigning. (There was a "launch" meeting last night. Whereas candidate George Galloway has been having open meetings the comrades are so scared of what local will say that the "launch" was for "party members" only! Dogus invited Labour people to Gayton Community Centre which was stated to be in "Birmingham"! Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...)
George Galloway is an unapologetic Man United man. Bogus (Enfield Town?) has no connections or interest in The Baggies but was quick to be photographed outside our beloved Club. This has already outraged many fans. Butt out Bogus!
And so the game is on. This blog and others pleaded with minor parties to stay out of any contest with Watson to help bring him down given the damage he and Labour have done to Sandwell. Alas the smaller parties have been emboldened by his departure so that Messrs Graham, Lucas, Rankine and Redding are standing against "the big Three".
WBE has a clear choice:
George Galloway - left-wing + Brexit
Nichole Richards - Tory + Brexit
Ibrahim Dogus - ? politically + Remain.
At least the pathetic scum in WBE who claimed they didn't vote "because Tom Watson will get in anyway" can't use that excuse this time (and Twatson got in on low turnouts anyway!)
We can't mention Watson's grovellers without mentioning someone who had his tongue permanently in Tommy's bottom even though he is not WBE - step forward Cllr Bill "Coward of the County" Gavan. "Yellow" Bill was Watson's gofer and dogsbody when his lordship deigned to set foot in Sadders - driving him around and running his errands. The "sad" news "lol" is that "Yellow" has now flounced out of the Party altogether! (Applies onion to eye and "does a Luke".)
(Incidentally George Makin was at it again this week. Who he? A local journalist who is ultimately funded by the BBC and so is meant to be impartial but who is actually a fully paid-up "leftie". Makin said this week that Gavan was a successful nightclub owner. But as this blog showed, Billy has had so many dissolved companies he earned the soubriquet "Alka Seltzer"!!!!)
Bogus Dogus Election Leaflet
For 5 years this blog has shown time and time again how Sandwell Labour p*ss all over the moronic local population - who duly get what they deserve. Constant lies are told in the sure knowledge that a small clique of hangers-on, cronies and the retarded will "always" vote Labour whilst the vast majority of local folk are too thick, lazy and/or obese to waddle to a polling station.
Thus Ibrahim has hit the ground running with this election leaflet featuring our old friend, Sarah James:
Of course, Sarah is a resident of Friar Park but this leaflet is meant to mislead and decieve as it completely fails to mention that she is also a full-time official of the GMB Union which is backing Bogus AND is Vice-Chair of West Bromwich East Labour Party!!!
At least WBE Labour recognise that they can again make fools of the local dross as they have done so often in the past!
And just in case you think our Londoner friend might not have known who Sarah was before the leaflet went out - well here they are together last weekend
Spent Convictions
Generally speaking I support the legislation giving criminals a second chance and the opportunity to rebuild their lives. But surely it is a matter of public interest and intense concern that candidates for elections are able to hide their past from the electorate?
Recently Cllrs Caroline "Caz" White and "Inane" Elaine Costigan started saying they wanted all council candidates to undergo criminal record ckecks. They had seemingly become aware of private information.
And yes, it has come to pass this week that a SECOND Sandwell Labour Councillor has a spent criminal conviction. Once again this is fraud-related. I am not able by law to identify either individual but surely it is in the public interest to know if decision makers and persons dealing with multi-million pound budgets have had fraud convictions? I shall be campaigning for the law to be clarified on this. In the meantime I am being threatened by SMBC for receiving confidential information even though I am a citizen journalist and this is patently a, er, matter of considerable public interest!
Cllr John Edwards, aka "Jedward", may be two hoses short of the full fire tender and he has been a fully-paid-up memeber of the Watson fan club in days of old but he turned against the vicious thug in recent times. (By the way Jedders, are you still refusing to hand over the password for the Whips email account?) At least HE was happy, if rather uncomradely, when Twatson scarpered!
**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****
Email: thesandwellskidder@gmail.com
Facebook: Julian Saunders Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!
Twitter: @SandwellSkidder Telegram: The Sandwell Skidder
Post: Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG
LEGAL NOTICE (Version 1 from 23rd January, 2019)
Every now and again we make a genuine honest error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com and we shall
use our best endeavours to make appropriate corrections forthwith.
If you consider that anything written is libellous please email thesandwellskid
der@gmail.com or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Bent Labour Deal With Sh*tty College AGAIN!!!
How did I miss this? The crumby Sandwell College is paying rent again direct to the Labour Party! Our taxpayers' cash is going to support Corbyn and Co whether you like it or not.
This all stems from the bent deal to give The Public building to the College - a deal which possibly involved Tom Watson (see last post) but certainly involved Jan Britton, the former head of Sandwell's bent paid service. We have seen that he was arranging secret meetings with Val Bailey of the College which he didn't want other Governors to know about.
For the benefit of people arriving in Sandwell for the first time lwith no local knowledge like, er, London businessman Ibrahim Dogus, the man parachuted in to contest West Bromwich East for Labour in place of Twatson, a short lesson of this major corruption.
The College were given a brand new £70m building - the ludicrous "ski-slope" on Spon Lane. But Watson and local Councillors like the late wife-beater Darren Cooper wanted an even bigger building. This was rejected by the Government and so the comrades hatched the plan to GIVE The Public arts centre to the College. This was despite the bent Council having a mega-expensive report from property consultants Jones Lang LaSalle saying the building was NOT suitable for a school of college. The rapacious Bailey and Co pressed on with their empire-building and were pushing at an open door as Dickhead Daz, Squealing Eling and Co wanted to destroy the New Street architectural gem.
Sandwell Labour lied throughout the process and claimed that other parties were interested in The Public building when they were not. The College could not borrow money to trash the interior of the building and so Labour Sandwell borrowed nearly £6m from the Public Works Loan Board and gave a contract to Interserve to do the damage without putting that out to tender. The College agreed to pay this £6m back but in an astonishing deal were otherwise given the huge building RENT FREE. And on top of that the Labour Council said it would pay for the maintenance of the building throughout the 25 year lease - an almost unheard of provision in a long lease and possibly the crappest deal EVER negotiated.
If you ever walk into The Public it is startingly empty (and the scumbag College did not keep up its promises on arts provision and other events in the building.) And so there cannot be any need for the College to rent other space in the town can there?
Well this blog exclusively disclosed that from 2013 the College con artists had started renting rooms at Terry Duffy House which is owned directly by Labour Party Properties Limited as a big thank you to corrupt Labour for gifting them a huge new building! The Governors - including top local cops - refused to provide details via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) until they were forced to do so. They finally admitted they were paying £36,000 a year to Labour and had even replaced the carpets for the "Socialists".
Following this they claimed they had moved out and they took their sign down from the gateway. Whether these shysters actually moved out is not clear (info please folks) but I was recently told they were occupying a large part of the building and I went and checked for myself on Tuesday. I was just about to do a new FOIA when I noticed that "Sam Forsyth" and done one and, lo and behold, the College are still paying Labour £36,000 a year (Payable £9,000 per quarter) plus extra for utilities and despite acres of (free) empty space at The Public.
As soon as the election is over I will be writing to the appropriate Minister, my MP etc to get this fraud stopped once and for all!
This is a screenshot of some of the current Governors causing and/or permitting ordinary folk to be pissed over by the College:
Noteworthy are:
Simon Hackett - the Sandwell Slasher himself. He was a senior Councillor when the original bent deal went through. A puppet of Tom Watson - he even let Twatson use his address so he could pretend to local morons he didn't really live in London - he was a Cabinet Member when the original bent deal went through. He has been thrown off the Cabinet recently and it is understood that various allegations against him are now being reinvestigated (though none, bar one, relate to financial matters.) Watch this space....
John Tew - he was very much involved in the deal that so spectaculalry screwed the taxpayer and is now believed to be the same "John Tew" who is one of the Sandwell Council "Independent Members" who are a statutory part of enforcing the standards process. You couldn't make it up!
Ch Supt Rich Youds - this blog has shown time and again the "unnatural" relationship between Sandwell Police and Sandwell Labour ranging from a senior director shagging an Inspector to the wilful refusal to investigate the fraud and corruption at SMBC. The copper on the Governors at the time the bent Public deal went through was Bas Javid (brother of the Chancellor of the Exchequer lol). He was only at some of the meetings and it is unclear whether he really knew what was going on (a rather sad indictment in iteself.) It would appear that this bent deal with Labour Party Properties via the back door was done on his watch or that of, then, top local cop Rich Baker but Mr Youds is now in the hot seat and presumably condones this sort of sh*tbaggery? Any comment sir? (Some locals might say, of course, that there is no place for the top Sadders cop on the College Board and that his time would be better spent clamping down on the, er, Sandwell College students running amok in West Brom and making it an even more unpleasant place to visit than usual. What say you readers?)
Jan Britton - booted out of the Council without compo after years as head of an incredibly bent Sandwell Council paid service he clings on like sh*t to a blanket at the College! Also a person with major connections with local cops. More on this piece of work in this blog real soon folks......
Labour are currently banging the drum in the election campaign bout education cuts whilst locally f*cking over the taxpayer for £36k per annum. GIVE IT ALL BACK YOU THIEVING CON ARTISTS. NOW!!!!
**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****
Email: thesandwellskidder@gmail.com
Facebook: Julian Saunders Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!
Twitter: @SandwellSkidder Telegram: The Sandwell Skidder
Post: Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG
LEGAL NOTICE (Version 1 from 23rd January, 2019)
Every now and again we make a genuine honest error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email thesandwellskidder@gmail.com and we shall
use our best endeavours to make appropriate corrections forthwith.
If you consider that anything written is libellous please email thesandwellskid
der@gmail.com or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.
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