Monday 18 November 2019

Bogus Dogus Photo Mystery!

The Londoner Remainer parachuted in by UK Labour, Ibrahim "Bogus" Dogus, has already sent out a grossly misleading election leaflet (see last post) but he is also incapable of answering the most simple of questions! He put up on social media a photo of himself and the absurd local councillor Jackie Taylor in front of the highly controversial "Three Degrees" statue. But he has then refused, for reasons best known to himself, to refuse to tell people when the picture was taken. Why? And as for Taylor - see below!

(Taylor's recent infamy was voting against the multi-million pound fiasco that is the new paddling pool at the Planning Meeting and then voting for it at the full Council meeting shortly afterwards!!!!)

The reticence seems to be because a  taxpayer-funded  junior Sandwell Council employee was at the photo shoot when the public/taxpayers/opposition parties might have expected him/her to be, er, at work. Although not in a politically-restricted post many taxpayers/opposition parties will be horrified about the bent Labour Council allowing employees to be directly involved in political campaigning (as has happened before) and it now seems that Leader Yvonne Davies and Interim Chief Executive  David Stevens (who is also the Returning Officer at the forthcoming election) are condoning this - surely a rapid return to the recent horrific past! There may have been a simple explanation eg the junior employee was on a day off etc but that has not been forthcoming and there appears to have been the usual attempt at a cover-up....

Let's look at the history of this absurdity. On 11th November, 2019 Bogus Dogus and Cllr Jackie Taylor put up a photo of hinself and Taylor on social media and Taylor put up her own version (which Bogus retweeted) together with this:

"Great to meet up with our Labour Parliamentary Candidate for WBE supported by [named Sandwell Council junior employee]....."

As the picture was clearly taken in broad daylight I asked Bogus and Taylor the simple question - at what time was the picture taken and was the named employee actually there? One might have thought that was a simple enough request but neither of these two would answer.

(I should say that Cllr Taylor has done this weird thing with me over the years. Even though I have doorstepped countless Labour Group and Council meetings she does this act when she sees me and pretends she is somehow mentally retarded - if I am allowed to use that expression. She feigns total incomprehension at any question I put to her and asks me who I am? What palaver that is all about I cannot say....)

In the absence of a response I wrote to Cllr Taylor who, inexplicably, is actually now a cabinet member. I asked her again whether the junior employee had been present. Answer came there none despite the alleged new policy of openness and transparency that we have been promised from Sandwell Labour Councillors.

This same employee has been the subject of recent correspondence between myself and David Stevens concerning another matter and so I wrote to him (copying in Yvonne Davies) asking the straight question whether the employee was rostered to be at work on 11th November. The Interim Chief Executive (and Returning Officer for the election) responded:

"I will be unable to respond further on this matter but please be assured that I take all such concerns very seriously."

Previous similar enquiries have been blocked on "data protection" grounds and this comment is, of course, utterly meaningless.

Seemingly Taylor was asked about this since she then emailed me but instead of simply answering the question she said she would reply "under seperate cover". WTF?

Anyway a response came but  Taylor AGAIN refused to answer my question saying this:

"With regard to your question about [the employee] I would suggest you direct your queries to the Constiuancy [sic] Labour Party."

She also said that a member of the public had taken the above photo using Taylor's own phone (security note to readers - if you hand your phone to strangers in West Brom centre for them to take your photo you may never see it again....)

You might seem to think that Taylor was trying to hide something here but I couldn't possibly comment!
And so I contacted WBE Labour and asked whether the named employee was at the photoshoot on 11th November. They responded:

"There was no photoshoot on 11th November. Some people did meet with and have photographs with Ibrahim, as published on both our social media and Ibrahim's."

Leaving aside what constitutes a "photoshoot" - "lol" - this reply did not answer the question.

I persevered and wrote again to the evasive Cabinet member. After starting the email: "you have accessed my tweeter [sic] account" as if this was some sort of crome, she continued:

"[The named junior employee] I had added to my tweeter [sic] message as I was pleased she was able to support him by introducing him to me in the coffee shop where I had agreed with Mr Dogus to meet him for the first time."

Whilst writing this blog I have had a number of meetings in Costa Coffee in New Square with strangers without the need for a chaperone but, as above, since Taylor claims not to know who I am despite numerous meetings, perhaps she does genuinely have "issues" and requires extra help from Council employees?

What we now know from this that a Labour Candidate and a Council Cabinet member used a junior Council employee to facilitate a meeting in normal working hours. (If the employee was not due to be at work at the material time this has not been alleged and the dancing around the subject set out above is certainly suggestive that Bogus and Taylor have been caught out!) Perhaps other candidates in WBE will take this up with Mr Stevens?


And finally.... George Galloway (who is a leftie supporting Brexit against Bogus's "fanatical Remain" view) has had open public meetings but Labour are so scared of the public reaction to their Londoner candidate they held their "launch" event for him (and it is a "him"  - despite Labour claiming they wanted a female candidate there is not one in the four Sadders seats) behind closed doors. At least the local party heirarchy look suitably inspired by their new chum - particularly "The Godfather" "lol":


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