Saturday 15 February 2020

Chaotic Sandwell Labour Council + The Rebel Army!

Lock-outs, missed meetings and more. Just another week in bent Labour Sandwell Council! This blog has highlighted many times the weaknesses in the structure of the failing organisation. We have seen that so many of the Labour Councillors are unthinking morons who turn up occasionally to massage their egos and pick-up their allowances. And under Cooper and Eling many decent staff were booted out if they failed to toe the Dictatorship's line leaving a rump of yesmen/yeswomen, appointments of people who have failed elsewhere and the downright thick. To be fair to staff, many are frightened of the management as they know what will happen if they ask questions - and that, for the most part, the supine unions will abandon them or simply arrange their swift departure with a pay-off and gagging clause to satisfy their political allies.

Home Loan Equipment Centre, Smethwick

Yesterday I received a message that staff at the above centre, which provides vital personal aids for the elderly and less-abled, couldn't get into the building as the Landlord had changed the locks! Later in the day, Chief Executive David Stevens, confirmed (to his credit) that bent Labour had been in negotiation with the Landlord to extend the lease but had been unable to reach an agreement.

The Council employs a number of property "professionals" and the Law Society website says there are no less than18 solicitors working for the chaotic comrades plus other legal staff (although, like Cooper and Eling before her, Yvonne Davies is forking out mammoth sums for outside solicitors and London barristers.) And yet this lot were so useless they got to a position where a landlord had to take direct action against a local authority!

Mr Stevens - time to kick ass after this total shambles!

David Hosell - Closed Down by Twitter Again!

How on earth did a national political Party - Labour - ever select the thick moron Hosell as a candidate? (Below is the link to the infamous YouTube film if you want to check that my description of this laughable thug is accurate*!)

Labour eventually saw the light and de-selected the Eling/Watson rimmer and he has been lashing out ever since. It was only on 27th January, 2020 that I vouchsafed to you dear readers that Twitter had suspended his @26buster account for, inter alia, abusive conduct**. Astonishingly Twitter simply let him set up a new account in his own name:

But Dave couldn't control himself and, almost immediately, started his nastiness so that, in record time, Twitter have also suspended his new account - again for abusive conduct! Great stuff Dave!

Alas, the corollary to this is that the troll accounts this groveller was following and promoting have gone into overdrive.......

Linda Harper-Hocknull 

This resident of West Brom started having a go at me not so long ago - she is one of just nine followers of one of the aforemention troll accounts - and it is very obviously a troll so this is no mistake and, indeed, she has also been actively promoting tweets from the troll (all screenshotted.)

She started picking at me to reveal my sources for stories. Where politicians trying to use me are concerned they know that if they try to shaft me their information will be put into the public domain. But I guarantee anonymity to informants, SMBC employees and anyone who asks for it before divulging information. And so, like any journalist I cannot reveal those sources. But that was not good enough for this woman (whom I have never met.)

Things came to a head when I put up a leaflet from George Galloway:

Dear Linda complained to ME (not George Galloway) in writing that there was no venue of the leaflet. I replied that there was and made the comment "specsavers?" This weirdo continued to nitpick about my sources and (wrongly) complained that because I would not disclose my sources I had no proof for an ongoing story!

She then made this extraordinary comment:

"Oh and just to go back to the specsaver comment just because I have a sight disability does not give you the right to discriminate with rude comments."

How the f*ck was I supposed to know of this woman's "sight disability" having never met her and noting that she purports to be a, er, professional photographer with her own business!!!! Perhaps she thinks I have "second sight" since she was recently advertisng "a night of paranormal investigation" at The Manor House. "Oh spirit, please knock twice if you think Linda's a nutjob!"

Gav's Not a Tory?

Talking of weirdos, Bill "Alka Selzter" Gavan (so called because he has been involved in so many dissolved companies) was doing the hokey cokey over New Year - in, out, shake it all about! Last year, Tom Watson's bagman flounced out of a meeting saying that he was leaving the Labour Party before changing his mind and staying in. But at Christmas he used the online site to join the Tories (now breaking down the red wall in Sadders.) Being so grand he hadn't bothered to contact the local Party and was seemingly unaware that he had to undergo a vetting interview given his past record. But this arrogant buffoon ordered Surjit Tour of Sandwell Council to amend his profile on the Council's website and this was done. But "Yellow" (the man who bottled out of a Lion Farm public meeting) had jumped the gun and had to have the website changed to show himself as an "independent". Unbelievably he was quoted during this period by the Skwawkbox website speaking for himself and the vile Tom Watson despite claiming to have "gone blue" "lol"!

Alka had his meeting with the Tories some time ago. Sources tell the Skidder that they didn't want to touch this character with a bargepole (although they have decided not to make a public statement.) And why would a Party on the up and up in bent Labour Sandwell want to take on a joke like Billy - a man so indifferent to local people he can't even spell the name of his ward correctly on his Twitter account!

The people of "Langle" are truly blessed but deserve what they get for voting Yellow in.

Incidentally, the header photo above is interesting. When I put this same photo up a long time ago mocking that Labour couldn't even get the placards the right way up, I was harried by Cooper and Co on the basis that ex-Cllr Prestridge has what Mrs Heil-Hitler would call a "sight disability." But I responded asking whether, ahem, the photographer had? Perhaps it was someone we know......

Basharat Khan

Anyone on Twitter lately could not miss the Tweets of Bash who has assumed the role of campaign manager for Cllr Mohammed Yaseen aka "Billa". He put dozens of tweets up about some land behind his shop in Tividale which is covered in rubbish and brought in Cllr Inane Elaine Costigan even though the issue is nothing to do with her ward. Incredibly Bash said that he had been trying to get the name of the owner for "two years" and claims someone else has been complaining about the rubbish for "five years." It took me five minutes to find the owner via a Land Registry Search and I sent the details to Bash (although he claimed yesterday again that he still didn't know who owned the land!) How Costigan could not have found out this information is a mystery.

Anyway an approach was made to SMBC who have served a s215 Notice on the Landlord to clear the site. But that doesn't fit with Bash's agenda to show that he and certain local councillors have sorted it all out. Thus yesterday he was trying to organise a mass trespass onto the private site to clear it in connection with a litter pick in the area organised - as an election looms - by Cllr Mushtaq Hussain! 

Although (now) a Labour Party member Bash has consisently slagged off Labour Councillors (this is my job but he has been calling himself, incredibly, "The P*ki Skidder!) He has very publicly slagged off the local Labour Leader, Yvonne Davies. I wonder why?

The word on the street is that Billa is the stalking horse to bring Yvonne down. Councillors and Labour folk say he is angling to become "Deputy Leader" as stage one of the process. Hence why Costigan is supporting Bash's "campaign" since she yearns for "power" which she will never get under Yvonne (who is possessed of a brain despite her constant stream of anti-capitalist claptrap.) Others are desperate to gain the vacant seats up for grabs in May - notably WBE CLP of course - and there has not been universal mourning of the untimely death of Cllr Lloyd since the rebels feel this gives them the possibility to get an anti-Yvonne crony into his seat (assuming the blue Tory tide doesn't finally clear some of these venal sh*tbags out all together.)

Readers of this blog will know that Bash made a cynical pitch to that strange bearded Labour chap who stood and lost WBW at the General Election in an attempt to get Sandwell Council to transfer certain land to Tividale Mosque. 

Bash - like the trolls - is now defaming me with false allegations that I am being funded by unspecified councillors and ex-councillors. I've said it before and will say it again - I am not being funded by anyone. Small donations to this blog are most welcome. If you do have serious money for my court case I shall be only too pleased to hear from you!!!

Billa is full of confidence and Bash told The Skidder that "Mahboob Hussain has lost influence in Tividale/Tipton and that WE control the local Muslim vote there now." Crikey! No doubt this power will only be used for the public good!


I attended the West Midlands Combined Authority yesterday (with local activist Darryl Magher.) This is all part of the extra level of scrutiny I am now involved with concerning the bent Labour Council thanks to the GMB Union. And what did we find amongst the mass of delegates to this talkshop - no representation from Sandwell! Neither Cllrs Yvonne Davies nor Syeda Khatun turned up and, even worse, neither sent substitutes (as many other councils did.) I have said before that Sandwell are in WMCA to get all the handouts they can but don't want to participate in the greater project. These Labour councillors represent an absolute sh*thole but are desperate not to cede any of their dictatorial powers to anyone else! What a bloody shower....

Brandhall Golf Club

Yvonne Davies and colleagues are desperate to destroy what remains of green space in Sandwell. They have alreadt destroyed Londonderry Fields for the multi-million pound paddling pool and Yvonne told me she is keen to destroy Lion Farm Fields claiming that it is a "good deal". Now she and Labour are planning to also destroy Brandhall Golf Club. There is a protest meeting about this as follows:

You can join the campaign on Twitter via @SaveBrandhall - unless you are
 the hate-filled scumbag from Hamstead "lol"!


Many of us are horrified that the monster Tom Watson has been proposed by serial loser, Jeremy Corbyn, for a peerage. There is even talk that Keir Starmer will give him a job - something "Sir" has declined to deny. Can you please consider signing my petition to stop this absolute outrage? Go to 

I thank you!


**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****


Facebook: Julian Saunders  

Facebook Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!

Twitter: @SandwellSkidder            

Post:  Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG


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