There has been outrage that bent Labour Sandwell Council are trying to give a contract worth over £22m to Azeem Hafeez who featured so heavily in the (useless) Wragge Report into Labour corruption. But what of others who featured in that same Report whose only sanction, if any, was to be kicked out - eventually?
I have to provide a very short bit of background for newer readers but Sandwell Labour enjoy a corrupt relationship with the local Bent Blues, West Midlands Police. The Bents started a fraud investigation into Labour corruption but then a very high-ranking officer - believed to be at Assistand Chief Constable level at least - pulled the team off in favour of, wait for it, an "independent" solicitor, with no investigatory powers, writing a report just on some of the fraud allegations (what became the farcical "Wragge Report"). The Bents deliberately did not investigate the Lion Farm deal, the Rouf house scandal and a number of other matters which was very "handy" for their pals!
The now disgraced former Sadwell "Chief Executive", Jan Britton, rigged the selection of the person writing the Report and paid way over the odds for it. He got to decide what what was "investigated" and what was not. Of course, Britton did not feature in the Report himself (he who pays the piper calls the tune) even though he was in charge when the frauds and other wrongdoing were going on, right under his nose. His risible "Defence" was that even though he was the top man he didn't know what was going on - a major indictment in itself.
Even though the Wragge Repport cost £181,000 of taxpayers' money (and much, much, more in legal and other costs since) it was useless, not least because the likes of Azeem Hafeez simply refused to be interviewed. Even so, a number of individuals were identified and censured and this blog has campaigned tirelessly for AT LEAST the following to be interviewed in a police station under formal caution as to what, if anything, they knew:
Nick Bubalo, Neeraj Sharma, Adrian Scarrott, Pardip Sharma, David Willetts and, of course, the disgraced Britton.
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Casanova's Home Town |
An aside, did you know that this man has authorised his officers to spend several hours more time interviewing ME under caution in police stations for writing this blog than Azeem Hafeez for alleged fraud (which he strongly denies):
All of the above were eventually, and often belatedly, forced out by Sandwell Labour - some, like Neeraj Sharma, with huge payouts of OUR money. (Bubalo ostensibly left due to ill-health but was "on the way". He recently had a nice earner representing private developers at Sandwell Planning meetings to get the quota of affordable homes on a development REDUCED - which the scumbag Labour Councillors agreed!!!)
It is necessary to provide another brief explanatory note at this stage. Labour are trying to secure various pots of taxpayers' dosh to spend on the six sh*thole towns of Sadders. But, as ever, there is no democratic input into how funds are spent - it is not for you plebs to say how your squalid heaps should be improved. Instead there is an overarching "Super Board" made up mostly of Labour nominees (although the three local Conservative MP's can now provide some proper scrutiny). I will save you the bother of looking at the SMBC webpage relating to the Super Board if you are curious to see who is on it since it doesn't say. Of course, it is the usual Sandwell Labour rimmers who are appointed plus the meetings are then held in, er, secret!
Returning to Mr Adrian Scarrott, when everything was going on - particularly widespread allegations of corruption in respect of council house allocation - he was mysteriously referred to by very many individuals INCLUDING Labour Councillors as being a particular Councillor's "bag man" or similar descriptions. Whatever could they have meant? Whilst I am not suggesting that Scarrott was directly involved in the Labour corruption he was a Director in the bent paid service and should have known what was going on. Like many others at bent Sandwell he was seemingly content to just do what he was told (at best).
Scarrott should, of course, been interviewed under caution by the Bent Blues - at least as a witness to what he knew or didn't know. Even the wretched Wragge Report provided a prima facie case for WMP to interview him. But as I have written on numerous occasions, and as far back as my post, "Scarrott Axed - And Names Named" of 6th October, 2016, our Ade had friends in WMP (blogs passim as nauseum and see legal notice below).
This blog exclusively revealed the boasts of the local police chief at the time, Supt Paul Betts, that he enjoyed "golf and spa" sessions with his "partners" at the deeply corrupt Labour Council and I named Scarrott as one of those he was consorting with. I never named her, but also disclosed that Scarrott was in a "close relationship" with a WMP female Inspector and that they were often seen canoodling in a Sutton Coldfield boozer (my prose on this subject was a little more florid at the time).
It was a touch and go decision whether to name the Inspector at the time since they both had a reasonable expectation of privacy even though Scarrott should have been facing police interview. There was a definite public interest in making public that Scarrott was in a close relationship with a Cop but there was no pressing need to name her. So what has changed?
Bent Labour Sandwell (and WMP for that matter) don't just want to sh*t on you, they want to rub your faces in the ordure. So when Scarrott's cop "girlfriend" moved from Walsall to Sandwell these sick scum made her a member of the Super Board!!!! Both SMBC and WMP let Ade off the hook but, to take the p*ss, now let his "companion" decide how Government money should be allocated to your towns. This is sick beyond belief and something has to be done about this. She must be removed from the Super Board forthwith. Over to you, Chief Constable Dave Thompson.
Inspector Keeley Bevington, CI Sandwell CPU, for it is she, is an operational officer and so I have blanked her from the picture above when the happy couple enjoyed a romantic break in Venice. No wonder Scarrott is smiling - it seems that the ONLY bit of him Keeley hasn't felt is his collar!
(In preparing this post I should say that in the past I have written to Scarrott on a number of occasions and he has always failed to respond. I have also advised WMP Press Office that I would be naming the Officer involved in this sick arrangement).
Tividale By Election - Tomorrow - Is the Labour fix in?
At the 2019 General Election, The Tipton and Tividale Mosque wrote an infamous letter to its worshippers saying that if the Labour candidate did not promise to transfer a piece of the green space next door to the Mosque in Gate Street to it, then they shouldn't vote for him (he subsequently lost). Labour are panic-stricken after losing 9 seats in May so have they now made the offer?
We know Labour are desperate to destroy most of the green space in Sadders (including Lion Farm Fields just down the road from Tivi) so don't be surprised if another bit disappears soon ...
The Labour candidate, Rob Hevican, lives on the other side of the Borough where he made a complaint about a local man using an industrial unit not so long ago. How very bourgeois. Further, and more importantly, he used to WORK for the bent Labour Sandwell Council where he was a massive rimmer of the now disgraced Britton. Like so many of the worms working at Oldbury Council House there is no public record of him ever speaking out about the fraud, corruption and incompetence going on all around him. If you want another grovelling "yes-man" - Rob's the fella.
The nine Tories elected in May are all working like stink and have Labour on the run over the bent taxi deal, the sacking of David Stevens and the Labour cover-up of racism. They have an excellent local candidate in Emma Henlan and she would be a great help as the others continue trying to drain the stinking swamp if you let her.
It will be rather odd if Muslim folk in Tivi vote Labour given that, for many months, the comrades have been trying to prevent local folk from knowing about more anti-Muslim statements made during the preparation of the Wragge Report. Cllrs Rajbir Singh, Paul Moore and others have been preventing the publication of the Stevens (RIP) Review. Local adherents to Islam should be asking bent Labour today why they should trust them, when they are covering up racist statements against their own community!
All right-thinking people are against the racism which the mainstream media have finally clocked still exists in this country, but Tivi folk should look a little closer to home for evidence of this evil.
**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****
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Facebook Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!
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Post: Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG
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