Tuesday 26 July 2022

The Dim Kez Interview, Demo's & Cllr Rizwan Jalil

I know that many of you have now seen my interview with Kerrie "Dim Kez" Carmichael on social media but the sound is quite poor (I can't get as close to her as the so-called mainstream media  - MSM - and it was windy). Below is a transcript but it is worth commenting on the whole affair.

Dim Kez is "leader" of bent Labour Sandwell Council despite the fact that she was a major rimmer of former "leader", the disgraced Steve "Squealing" Eling. Indeed one correspondent always refers to her as "Kerrie Eling" lol! Carmichael was a member of probably the most corrupt Cabinet in Sandwell history (and that's saying something) - as were the likes of Cllrs Moore and Hackett. All three are now back in control. It is said that Sir Woodenarse (aka Keir Starmer), the anonymous Labour Party leader, personally approved Dim Kez for the top job despite her record.

Labour have spent multi-millions of taxpayers' money on the ludicrous Commonwealth [sic] Games and yesterday was the baton relay. The local MSM decided not to send any journalists to cover the event but sent some PR (public relations) people instead. The Wolvo C***suckers (aka The Express and Star) sent someone called James Vukmirovic to apply his tongue around Kez's arse. I sh*t ye not but at one point he breathlessly asked The Haranguing Hamster is she was "excited"!!!! He asked searingly penetrating questions such as whether Kez was "worried" that anything might "go wrong" with the relay. WTF? I stepped in and attempted some proper journalism until Dim Kez's taxpayer-funded media advisor ushered her quickly away. It is worth watching the video just to see Carmichael's pitiful, smirking, performance and then you can read the transcript if you couldn't hear everything:

Here is the transcript - you will note that this arrogant person doesn't think ordinary people need to know the amount of the multimillions blown by Labour on this fiasco but that you just need to know that everything is allegedly "in budget" and, even more incredibly, that there is seemingly not a budget at all, since everything will be "worked out" after labour have p*ssed your money up the wall!

The Dim Kez interview:

Skidder: Can you day how much Sandwell Council have spent on the Games so far? Do you have figures?

Dim Kez: I haven’t got that figure off the top of my head at the moment.

Skidder: Well you’re the Leader. You must have some idea of how much its cost?

Dim Kez: It’ll all be worked out, after. 

Skidder: Well just tell us on the Aquatics Centre. How much has that cost?

Dim Kez: We’re within budget. That’s all you need to know.

Skidder: Well you originally said £15 million was going to be the cost in a meeting in there [i.e. the Council Chamber]. So that went up to £73 million. So what is that now?

Dim Kez: I said £15million?

Skidder: Well, the Council said in the Council Chamber.

Dim Kez: All I know is that we’re in budget.

Skidder: Whose budget though? The people….

Dim Kez: Our budget. The budget that we originally set.

Skidder: So when you’re saying that people in Sandwell are dirt poor and poverty is rife in Sandwell,  and you’ve been in charge - Labour - for 48 years, you think this is a good way of spending the money rather than relief of poverty?

Dim Kez: I think it is good spend, yeah, I do. I think its good for the Borough.

Skidder: So its better than people having houses and food and things like that? So to come to an event like this?

Dim Kez: Honestly people who need houses will be allocated houses when we have them available but we haven’t got the land to build that many houses on (laughing)

Skidder: A few months ago you said that there were 1700 empty council houses in Sandwell a year ago. How many are there empty at the moment?

Dim Kez: [Walks away.]

This was just some of the reaction on social media to her arrogance:

"What a moron!"

"Brilliant attempt to get her to answer anything. Most politicians duck the issues but she takes it to a new level due to having no clue whatsoever."

"Not a very eloquent or informative reply. In fact, she gives the impression she has no idea what is going on at all. This is both annoying and scary."

"So that's the leader ... what's the other b*ggers like!!

"Not very professional".

"Thick as a brick".

"This woman shouldn't even be flipping burgers never mind running our council".

There were dozens more comments like these, and many references to her "smirking" a Dim Kez speciality!

Let Them Eat Bacon!

There was outrage on social media yesterday as the bent Labour Council even managed to f*ck up the baton travel arrangements. One outraged resident wrote on social media that Sandwell Council is a complete "shower of s***". A bunch of people were banging on residents' doors at 7.30am in McKean Road telling them to move their cars or they would be towed away! This was just 30 minutes before the relay started (after months of hype) just a short distance away in Simpson Street! Barriers were put up on the wrong streets. It is said that traffic wardens were also issuing tickets, and I hope if this is true that bent Labour will investigate this and cancel them forthwith (please contact The Skidder if you got a ticket).

The incensed resident added, "good job they aren't organising something in a brewery"!

We know that bent Sandwell Council spend taxpayers' money like drunken sailors (no offence intended to inebriated matelots) but at the relay event yesterday (which was sparsely attended in Oldbury when you ignore the gaggle of councillors, cops and council employees present) the "socialists" hired a catering van to attend and the MC, kept announcing "FREE bacon butties"? I am not sure how this went down with Muslim folk attending, but why the f*ck were Labour using your money to pay for a small number of people to be fed at taxpayers' expense? This is just sick (and I use that word in its traditional sense). I hope the Covid recovery money Labour "nicked" from the wicked Tory Government wasn't being used on this absurdity?

The MC constantly exhorted the small gathering to cheer and applaud those paying him i.e. bent Labour Sandwell Council. WTF again?

Addendum: 29.07.22 - In my original post I named the MC as Dicky Dodd. This information was supplied to me by a member of staff at Sandwell Council for whatever reason. In any event the information was incorrect and I apologise unreservedly wholeheartedly to Mr Dodd. My error caused him distress and I am exceedingly sorry for that.

The Scrotum

Who was the marketing genius who has made Sandwell a laughing stock yet again? Surely "SAC" [Sandwell Aquatics Centre] is the worst acronym possible for the paddling pool? Who the f dreamt that one up (and, more to the point, how much money did Labour give them of your money to do so?) The "eyes of the world" will indeed be on Sadders again ...

At least West Midlands Railways have expressed their view on the Black Country's most notorious sh*thole"!

Bob "Seig Heil" Piper

As above, recently Dim Kez announced that the paddling pool was "on budget" at, er, £73m. Yesterday the vile Piper was again attacking those local residents whom he perceives to be bourgeois scum (i.e. most of them) but also posted that £32m equates to "about" 40% of the cost of the paddling pool. If piper is right, which he seldom is, that means that the £73m has already gone up to £80m! (And that excludes the millions paid to "market" the z-list Games. BTW, I know that some funding comes from other sources but I expect the Leader of the bent Council to know the real figures - and so do you given social media comments!)

Is this true about the "Legacy"?

Deeply corrupt Sandwell Labour have consistently bragged that Sadders will have the "legacy" of an "international sports venue" (in the wrong place, at colossal cost, and with two other pools being closed down). But is this even true? The Skidder received this yesterday:

"After the Games some 4,500 seats will be removed for badminton courts and gyms. This leaves about 1,200 seats. The highest ranking competition allowed in [The Scrotum] thereafter is Regionals, which is one step up from County competition. [The Scrotum] will never be able to host a swimming National event as the capacity is not big enough. The world class facility becomes a very large training pool. This is where the White Elephant comes in. The Council [i.e. bent Labour] had the option of keeping the seats and potentially having world-ranking events at the place, but opted to have them all removed. Diving is not a high spectator sport, nor is water polo, so they may get away with National events for those disciplines as only 10 people will watch. [The correspondent then wrote about a facility in Sheffield which retains 2,500 seats for National swimming events.]"

It seems that the Pool will not be hosting national and international swimming events in sh*thole Smethwick after all? What say you, Dim Kez?

Demo - Saturday

This afternoon there is a walking protest by the local taxi drivers from Wesr Brom to Oldbury to arrive at the Council House before tonight's full Council meeting. The Save Brandhall Green Space protesters will also be there. We are also promised an appearance by Sandwell's famous Gooseman in respect of the pollution of Sandwell's "other" pools:

Many people claim on social media that they cannot get to these demos at OCH due to other commitments and have asked for weekend rallies. Yet there has been a poor response to my call out for a demo on Saturday at West Smethwick Park.

The swimming programme starts at 10.30 on Saturday and so protesters are welcome to join us between 9 and 10.30 at West Smethwick Park opposite Holly Lane. Please come along (remembering that travel and parking may be difficult) to protest against Labour's destruction of green spaces (note above that Dim Kez has her eyes on even more green spaces for building), Labour's corruption, pollution and other environmental issues, the taxi problems and anything else where these jokers are shafting the Borough. Further details will be on here on Friday and also on The Sandwell Skidder Facebook page (all contact details below).

Info Please - Cllrs Rizwan Jalil and Aqeela Choudhry

This pair of Councillors (husband and wife) have connived with Surjit Tour, Sandwell's highly controversial Monitoring Officer (Skidders passim and see legal notice below), to hide details of their property and business interests from the people of Sandwell. It is a legal requirement for them to do so but, in league with Tour, they are claiming that they fear "violence and intimidation" if they do so! Yesterday, I also took the opportunity to ask the male half of the duo who was supposed to be threatening him and his wife. You can see his arrogant reaction yourselves. (I should say that this guy is such a nonentity I mistakenly referred to him on social media yesterday as Jalil Uddin.)

I am now investigating this pair to find out what it is they are trying to hide from voters and local people. Any info welcome!


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Post:  Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG


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