The political arm of Sandwell Sikhism is having a bad time lately. Flushed with success after they helped to defenestrate a number of "dodgy" Muslim Councillors in the bent Labour Council they have not exactly used their growing political power base for the benefit of local residents. The head honcho - and bitter enemy of crazed MP, Preet Kaur Gill - is Gurinder Josan (pictured below with The Gnome of Bromley) who now sits on The Labour Party's National Executive Committee (NEC).
First there was the Rajbir Singh (who he?) saga. Readers will recall that this buffoon was inexplicably made the Labour Leader of the bent Council where he lurched from one crisis to the next. He sacked the Chief Executive but bungled it and cost Sandwell people thousands of pounds - possibly hundreds of thousands - the figure is still being withheld by corrupt Labour. There are persistent rumours of the real reason The Boy Blunder did a moonlight flit, giving up not only the Leadership but also his Council seat. But the local Sikhs are saying nowt and can console themselves that the morons in Old Warley re-elected his wife, despite her pathetic track record on the Council. (Old Warley Ward scum count: 7,835*)
Secondly, Gurinder Josan groupie Cllr Pam Randhawa has tried to conceal her political ties and property/business interests from the public (Skidder passim and this is an ongoing matter). She obviously has business interests she wants to hide (which is unlawful) since here she is the other day cavorting with the so-called "Sandwell Business Ambassadors" - yet another Sandwell Labour front organisation (and full of white folks):
Thirdly, the liar Cllr Parbinder Kaur has ALREADY been found to have broken the Councillors' Code of Conduct by concealing her own property interests.
As if this shower of sh*t behaviour is not bad enough we come to Cllr Kirat Singh. I should say ex-Councillor as he resigned his seat yesterday. Before we get to the main course, there are some rumours surrounding this guy which The Skidder has been unable to substantiate (information is still welcome even though he has gone).
Rumour One - Singh had relocated to London but was somehow "brought back" to become a Labour Candidate in Sandwell by Tom Watson and the most corrupt man in Sadders, Simon Hackett (Skidders passim ad nauseum and see legal notice below). The morons of Wednesbury South duly elected him in 2021. (Wednesbury South Ward scum count - 9,285*.)
Rumour Two - Singh has been doing some work with Juniper Training.
Rumour Three - This weirdo was suspended by the Labour Party recently but then reinstated.
It is not known whether Singh actually achieved anything as a Labour Councillor and he certainly missed meetings whilst picking up his allowances. (It should be remembered in passing that thick Wednesbury South folk seem to actually like lazy, useless, people as their elected representatives since this year they re-elected Tory traitor and debtor, Ian Chambers (pictured), as a Labour Councillor despite a very poor record in his first year. Perhaps as so many of these people are failures themselves they empathise with such deadbeats?)
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Cllr Ian Chambers |
But by far the most serious issue about Singh came from the Sikh Community itself. Lurid allegations were circulated on Sikh websites and social media of a serious nature. AS LONG AGO AS 9TH APRIL, 2021 I wrote to Josan regarding the allegations:
You will note that this was sent before the election but Josan did not reply and seemingly did nothing to appraise the people of Wednesbury South of the allegations. The thick locals duly elected Singh and he has creamed off his expenses until yesterday when he suddenly resigned. As above, he did diddly squat for the local scum which is precisely what they deserve.
I am indebted to Ms X for her quick thinking when she screenshotted this charming exchange on Facebook (which was quickly deleted) and then sent it to me. The name of the second account is redacted as it is a term for a part of the female anatomy. Ms X states that the second account belongs to "a friend" of Cllr Rizwan Jalil (which he denies):
I wrote to Cllr Singh asking him to explain his apparent criticism of Cllr Jalil but answer came there none. Now he has gone. Good riddance weirdo!
More Scum
I am no saint but was brought up in a law-abiding working class family to tell the truth. It hasn't got me very far and even when I defeated McNally's absurd and illegally-funded Court case against me last year I was left with a substantial loss. Being a lying sh*t does pay in Sandwell, and brings honours with it. Maybe that should be what kids are taught - especially in Sandwell where their life chances are already stunted? Grim.
Another Sikh Councillor (now former Councillor) Babu Singh Bawa was widely accused of being involved in corrupt dealings surrounding a Compulsory Purchase Order. Years after the event, even bent Labour said they were referring the issue to West Midlands Police but, as per usual, it seems the Bent Blues did nothing. (I approached Bawa for comment on a number of occasions about his actions but he preferred not to comment).
Incredibly, this scumbag was awarded the OBE (Order of the Brown Envelope?) in 2002 and I tried to get him stripped of this due to the CPO business (so far without success).
But when scum rises to the top it stays there, and I was gobsmacked to see this joker walking into this year's Sandwell Council Mayor-Making Ceremony as an honoured guest. How sick is that and who the f*ck invited him?
Then we come to another liar, Cllr Syeda Khatun. This piece of work and family members have amassed personal wealth by being very successful in securing huge grants for various charities they run. Yes, there was the unpleasantness at Exeter Crown Court involving family members but Khatun too was honoured by our grotesque system and holds the MBE. But as we have seen (Skidder's passim and see legal notice below) Khatun and Eling [the former leader] lied in the Hackett standards case months after the event to save Snivelling Simon's skin. Her p*sspoor conduct has, with that of others, cost taxpayers literally hundreds of thousands of pounds. She was eventually booted out of the Cabinet as a result of her misconduct but now the bent Eling regime is re-forming under Dim Kez don't rule out a comeback. (Khatun has been asked to comment on a number of occasions why she subverted the standards process but refuses to say.)
She was also heavily involved in the Eling plot to have me unlawfully excluded from a Council meeting which ended up in the High Court!
I simply could not believe it when I was walking through New Street Station the other day and found that Network Rail had lauded this liar by putting up a picture of her on the main concourse (shown below with the liar highlighted)! Once again, what message does this send to kids - cheat the system as she did with Hackett and you will still be presented to the public as some sort of paragon of virtue. It's beyond belief ghastly!
Not a Councillor this time but disgraced a*se-licking employee Darren Carter (who left for a new job at Reading Council after a lengthy suspension) was at The Scrotum (Sandwell Aquatic Centre - SAC) the other night boasting about his part in Sandwell Council's decision to destroy green space and waste millions in building the white elephant. I hope he didn't get free tickets!
Back to the Future
I have pointed out that bent Labour Sandwell Council is returning big-style to the corruption of the Eling era and with some of the same players who were in the Cabinet during that awful time e.g. Carmichael and Hackett, with Moore as the "lead" scrutineer. What could possibly go wrong?
Back in the corrupt days of Cooper/Eling/Britton there were as many as 8 (yes, eight) full-time union reps being paid their Council salary by us taxpayers via Facility Time. This blog has shown that on many occasions the unions were utterly craven and frequently sold their members down the Swannee if it suited the Labour Dictatorship. Remember Jez Hall and many others? Remember all those forced by the unions to sign confidentiality agreements?
In return for this kowtowing, Labour occasionally held pathetic "ceremonies" with the unions within public Council meetings where meaningless "charters" are agreed - allegedly to support the workforce (many of whom are, apparently, still "working" [sic] from home!) Unions reps grandstand in front of the awestruck "members" with some new political stunt and sign a board - paid for by taxpayers - with this drivel on it.
At the last Council meeting Carmichael reinstated what my friend in Bearwood would call this "muppetry". Incredibly, it seems that there is now a massive betting problem within the pathetic Sandwell Council workforce (on top of their other failings) so that the unions and the Dictatorship promised to "support" the large number of employees who are suffering from the consequences of their "harmful gambling". Three union reps and Comrade Piper duly signed some garbage on a big board about this new "policy".
I watched this grotesque showboating with horror and my mind turned to the antics of Labour's sole remaining Sandwell MP, John Spellar, the aforementioned "Gnome of Bromley". In recent posts (and see legal notice below) I pointed out that this South London spiv has been taking high value "hospitality" from gambling firms/representatives. As we saw in a recent post, this greaser was quick to "thank" his new pals by standing up in the House of Commons and spouting a pro-gambling comment!
And he's been at it again! Whilst again referring to his Register of Interests and his gifts from the bookies he once again championed the put-upon punters of the UK:
"Can I urge [the Minister], in preparing the White Paper, to take a balanced view of the economic and social benefits, the considerable pleasure for millions who bet quite responsibly and the great contribution to the Exchequer, and balance that against the very vocal lobbying, particularly in some of the media, by those who basically, with gambling, are prohibitionists?"
Surely at the next Council meeting the MP's views should be noted and the "Harmful Gambling Charter" amended so that Labour will also support those employees who take "considerable pleasure" in spending their generous wages on a flutter? It's like the lottery - a load of balls!
* The Skidder Scum Counter 2022:
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