Wednesday 8 March 2023

Corbyn Mega-Rimmer, Piper, Shafts "The Poor" - and more ...

I have said it before, but I will say it again. Since becoming involved in Sandwell Council I have met some of the vilest people I have ever met in my 64 years. Cooper, Eling, Moore, Gavan, Hackett, and Billa immediately spring to mind to name just a few plus, of course, Cllr Bob "Seig Heil" Piper (the soubriquet arising from the time when he was Chair of the Licensing Committee but walked into a crowded pub and shouted "Seig Heil" whilst giving a "Nazi" salute).

What is particularly nasty about the wealthy Piper is his snide way of going about things. He cannot walk past me, for example, without making a dig about my weight (except he has never tried it when he has bumped into me in pubs - I wonder why not?) Like most cowards he is a stab-in-the-back merchant.

This moron sees himself as some sort of intellectual and a fully paid-up member of the Brahmin Left, like many of the other pathetic Bullsh*tting, Bourgeois, Berghaus Bolshies in Harborne North (aka Bearwood). The fact is that he is incapable of critical thinking as he is a slavish adherent of every crackpot leftist/Marxist/socialist ideology or concept going. Small wonder then that he was one of the biggest local rimmers of the imbecilic, Jerry "Jeremy" Corbyn. Every utterance of the dimwitted Islington Gammon had Piper ejaculating with, er, delight! This, I'm afraid, shows the "smallness" of the man.

Sh*thole Sandwell is the fourth poorest area in the Country after FORTY-NINE years of Labour dictatorship. This Smear has been a Councillor since 1999 (WTF? - Ed) - going on for 24 years of shocking Sandwell decay and decline. In that period bent Sandwell Labour has become synonymous with corruption, cronyism and incompetence - such that the benighted Borough (including ghastly Bearwood) has been placed into Government Special Measures - at a cost to us taxpayers of at least £2 million. Did Piper speak out at any time about what was going on. No Bearwood, he did not.

If this is not all worrying enough, it is said that Piper, as Deputy Leader, is effectively running the Council as "Leader" Kerrie "Dim Kez" Carmichael is so thick (and, as we have seen in this blog, a liar to boot - Skidders passim and see legal notice below).

Time and time again this blog and the likes of local community activist, Darryl Magher, have warned Sandwell that local Labour Councillors are too venal and vacuous to even read Council papers, let alone to understand them. I am indebted to Darryl - who was at the actual meeting - and to "Sandwell Corruption" (Twitter: @CorruptSandwell and on Facebook, YouTube etc.) for bringing this to my attention.

On the agenda at the February Cabinet meeting was an item about the 2023-24 Local Welfare Provision (LWP). As Labour have spent nearly half a century grinding Sandwell into the ground so the need to grab money from workers to pay for those forced into grinding poverty. The LWP is a scheme to tax money from workers and to provide "vulnerable residents" with subsistence and financial support. As these discretionary payments are not made by Labour Councillors themselves the Sandwell scheme offered LWP payments even where applicants had savings of £16,000.

I am afraid you simply have to see the video placed on YouTube by Sandwell Corruption where it is plain for all to see that the idiotic Piper thought he was INCREASING the savings threshold but, alas, neither he nor Dim Kez had bothered to read the Council's own reports on this. The incompetent Bearwood buffoon thought that there was a mistake in the papers and sought help from the Head of Finance, Simone Hines. In fact, to the astonishment of Bob and Dim Kez THEY were reducing the savings threshold to £3,000 and thus shafting anyone with savings between £3 - £16k. They did not know THEIR own policy lol! On one hand this is comedy gold, but on the other hand it is sickening that Labour are shafting the very people they "claim" to care about. Here's the Link:

If he was capable of articulating a comprehensible statement I wonder what "Jeremy" would say!

Again, we have warned you not just about corruption but the sheer incompetence of these venomous halfwits!

Death and Taxes

As I have pointed out previously, Sandwell folk may live in a sh*thole Labour poverty ghetto but at least they have the consolation (!? - Ed) that their life expectancy is poorer than most places and so they are statistically likelier to depart the hellhole sooner than people living outside it.

Male life expectancy (from bent Sandwell's own figures) is 76.9 years against 78.9 years for the West Mids and a stonking 79.8 years nationally.

Women's life expectancy is 81.1 in the sh*thole compared with 82.7 years regionally and 83.2 years nationally.

The downside of this good (!? - Ed) news is that the statistics also show that residents of the Black Country's Socialist Paradise will suffer additional years of poor health before they die than elsewhere. Still, it's what people seem to want after 49 years of the same. Or perhaps not as Sadders has a higher suicide rate that regionally and nationally.

As Labour ramp up all local taxes, screw the poor (see above), raise parking and other charges, and introduce a new green bin tax to extract even more money from you, Carmichael has stated - wait for it - an "ambition" that:

"Sandwell is a place where we live healthy lives and live them for longer".

Why the f**k wasn't this an ambition for this Scum over the last 49 years????

John Spellar - he's a xxxx ain't he?

Regular readers will know that I have been highlighting some of the bizarre questions the greedy little Gnome of Bromley has been asking in Parliament to make it look as if he is actually doing SOMETHING for his dosh and foreign jaunts. Spellar lives in Sarf London, but purports to represent Sandwell's Warley constituency. The only Labour MP left in Sandwell - the fourth poorest area in the Country - Spellar has been asking loads of ridiculous questions lately - most of which have f*** all to do with Sadders.

Presumably he is claiming expenses for staff and researchers but, whoever these jokers are, they are apparently incapable of doing Google searches. This is one of his latest efforts lol:

Has The Gnome been nibbling at the magic Toadstools?

Right-winger Spellar masquerades as some sort of "socialist" and, like many of that ilk, he is an economic imbecile (except, of course, when it comes to personally enriching himself). Thus The Gnome is constantly banging on about various form of "protectionism" - the simplistic, and long-discredited, economic theory that domestic industry will thrive if international free trade is stopped or diminished by tariffs and other legal barriers (a policy also much favoured by Donald J Trump). It was a crap idea, as Ricardo pointed out two hundred years ago, and remains one now.

But this greaser has been banging the populist drum in Parliament in favour of protectionism although, curiously, he appears to have been silent on the proposed move by gambling behemoth, Flutter, to set-up a secondary listing on the New York Stock Exchange, with the choice of abandoning its London listing altogether and moving its primary listing to the Big Apple in due course.

Two people have done more harm to sh*thole Sandwell in recent years than most - former fatman and MP, Tom Watson (now back on the gravy train thanks to Keir Starmer, Lord Twatson), and Spellar himself. Will they be demanding that Flutter remains listed in London? If the bookies move Stateside will they clamour for legal barriers harming Flutter's businesses here. It seems unlikely as Twatson is a paid "Adviser" to "Flutter UK and Ireland", and one of three recent luxury jollies enjoyed by The Gnome - a trip to an England International at Wembley worth an astonishing £1,961 - was paid for by "Power Leisure Bookmakers Limited" (better known as Paddy Power), a subsidiary of,er, Flutter.

Careless Liberals

Many of you are probably unaware that the Liberal Democrats claim to have a presence in Sandwell. To date they have been studiously indifferent to the shocking conduct of the bent Labour Council and, to an outsider, seem content to allow the failed Dictatorship to continue their dismal record of failure beyond their 49th anniversary.

There sole reason for existence seems to be to attack the Tories despite the fact that it is Labour which has been in total control of the sh*thole Borough - the 4th poorest in the Country - for half a century! But recently, they turned their attentions to myself and local community activist, Darryl Magher.

A tweet from Sandwell Lib Dems appeared to seriously defame the two of us by suggesting that we had been involved in criminal and wrongful activity in Oldbury. We could not allow this damaging and inaccurate smear to be left uncorrected, and consulted m'learned friends.

Happily the matter has, with the assistance of the national Party, been resolved. We have been assured by Mark Smith, the local Lib Dem supremo and the author of the offending Tweet, that the unfortunate wording was accidental and that the intention was to convey a different meaning.

Accordingly, Darryl and I have accepted this signed apology from Sandwell Lib Dems:


If you are still going to soil yourself and vote Labour in Sandwell at the May elections, I still have a quantity of badges if you want one. Email or message me!


**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****


Facebook: Julian Saunders  

Facebook Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!

Twitter: Publisher: @CrowMultimedia; Julian Saunders: @SandwellSkidder            

Post:  Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG


LEGAL NOTICE (Version 3 from 14th February, 2021)

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