Sunday 9 April 2023

Skidder Victory in Starmer Crony, Imogen Walker, Payments Saga!

Hurrah! A rare win via the Information Commissioner for The Skidder! Regular readers will know that for some months I have been trying to flush out details of Kim Bromley Derry's bent appointment of Imogen Walker as "Head of the Leader's Office". (The full story is set out in the posts linked below*.)

The story so far ...

Corrupt Sandwell Labour Council decided that (then) Leader [sic] Rajbir Singh was not up to snuff and needed a crony of Labour Leader, Keir "Sir Woodenarse" Starmer, to wipe his arse when required. Kim Bromley Derry ("KBD" - then Interim Chief Executive) rigged the appointment of Imogen Walker to the post despite the fact that she publicly states that she lives hundreds of miles from the Labour sh*thole in Lanarkshire, Scotland (posts passim and see legal notice below). KBD kept NO records whatsoever of the appointment and did not even record the purported use of his "delegated authority" to create the new non-job for a Labour Party crony.

Of course, the nursemaid was not much use to Singh - aka "The Boy Blunder" - as he duly soiled himself anyway, and did an infamous "moonlight flit" from the Council. Incredibly Labour then selected Kerrie "Dim Kez" Carmichael as the new "leader". It was rapidly appreciated that Kez is too thick for the job and that she too needed a taxpayer-funded helper. Thus Walker is still raking the dosh in for this sh*tshow (unless she has left very recently).

KBD kindly arranged for Walker to be paid as an independent contractor rather than as an employee - which usually means that darling Imo will pay less tax than PAYE oiks. As he kept no records no-one knows why! Socialism in action folks! I duly made a Freedom of Information (FOIA) Request to find out what the f*** was going on.

From a legal point of view SMBC has to disclose all payments to contractors over £500 in a monthly list (although Sandwell employees are so crap this is always published tardily. At the time of writing they have not yet produced the February 2023 list, let alone the March one!) But, incredibly, Surjit Tour's Legal Department did not include the payments to Walker on the monthly list and claimed - via the FOIA request - that SMBC didn't need to do so as the payments constituted Walker's "personal data"! WTF?

I have a small legal fighting fund in place and so I departed from the FOIA process and wrote a legal "protocol" letter to the bent Labour Council threatening a judicial review. Tour caved-in and supplied the figures for pay but then refused to submit details of Walker's expenses! Again these payments were said to be confidential personal data and, further, that some of the expenses claims were "under £500".

This I referred to the Information Commissioner (IC) pointing out the public interest in taxpayers knowing how much they were paying for someone in Scotland to provide alleged "services" to Dim Kez in the English Midlands. Further - many other Councils disclose such payments either automatically or when the cumulative total exceeded £500. I also pointed out that Labour Sandwell is mired in corruption and that it must not be give the green light to rig contracts e.g., by making "expenses" payments of £499 a month to their associates so as to hide these sums from public view.

For once the IC sided with me and not their bent pals, and ordered bent Labour to supply details of all expenses paid to Walker INCLUDING those under £500.

The Payments

In a blog last December I pointed out that Walker had been paid invoices in the sum of £72,268.90 over 12 months for this "interim" position. She has been paid at least £6,200 since (as above, Sandwell staff are incapable of publishing the lists in a timely manner so there may be more).

In addition to the agreed rate, KBD also agreed that the Scottish resident could claim expenses and SMBC have coughed up the figures in accordance with IC order:

What is interesting is that Walker does not feel it necessary to visit sh*thole Sandwell very often. When she does the taxpayer has to pay for her accommodation because she lives so far away!

The Tories silent on Walker

Obviously bent Labour have screwed the taxpayer for over £80k - so far  - for a Labour Party crony, but the strange thing has been the total silence from the Conservative councillors on this heap of excrement. I duly wrote to the Tory leader, Cllr Dave Fisher, for the Group's take on this:


It is unfortunate that this is close to the election but I need a quote from you on the following as the final piece of the jigsaw in the Imogen Walker saga fell into place last night and I will be writing about it on Sunday.

For the record the Conservative Group have not TO MY KNOWLEDGE done a single thing about any of the following issues:

1 Kim Bromley Derry was appointed as Interim Chief Executive (ICE) following a rigged process;

2 Kim Bromley Derry as ICE rigged the appointment of Keir Starmer crony, Imogen Walker, as Head of the Leader's Office. He kept no records whatsoever of the rigged process and failed to even record the purported use of his delegated authority in creating the new sinecure;

3 Unless the situation has changed recently, Walker is STILL employed by SMBC on an "interim basis" at considerable cost to taxpayers.

In respect of items one and two above, not only have you/The Conservative Group totally failed to protest these matters and ensured that appropriate action be taken against KBD but, instead, you personally publicly lauded KBD's supposed achievements as ICE in a public Council meeting. Why, when the only thing he most certainly can be said to have done is run rings around The Conservative Group?

In respect of item three may I take it from the total silence of you/The Group that (a) you approve of the way in which the appointment of Starmer's crony was rigged, (b) you agree that the newly-created position (done on an interim basis to avoid proper process) is necessary and a sensible use of taxpayers' money, and (c) that Sandwell Conservatives are happy to see the post continue as an "interim" one into the future and that Ms Walker should continue to hold the expensive position (as an independent contractor rather than as an employee)?

Please respond - if you wish to do so - by noon on Sunday."

Alas, no response has been forthcoming ...

Please help to enrich the Carmichael Family

Kez may be dim but the family is already doing well out of the corrupt Council. In addition to her leadership allowance she declares, in the true incestuous Sandwell way, that her husband works for SMBC. His job can't be too onerous as she reports that he also does "private work on private properties" to rake in some extra lolly. 

Now YOU can help enrich this family further if you live in Langley Ward (and if you want - like Dim Kez - to see the destruction of Lion Farm Fields) by voting for her mother, Labour candidate, Jill Tromans. PLEASE HELP THIS NEEDY FAMILY "LOL"!

(Incidentally, it is said that the notorious masturbator John Tipper - incredibly the Labour candidate for Cradley Heath & Old Hill - is a close friend of the family.)


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