Sunday 21 May 2023

"Turd" is new Mayor of Sandwell!

Anyone who attended the packed meeting a few years ago at The Croswells Inn - when Phil Shakespeare and others ran a brilliant campaign to prevent the destruction of a wildlife corridor behind Asda, Oldbury - will know what a POS Cllr Bill Gavan is. In hilarious scenes, the foul-mouthed scumbag managed - within seconds of opening his gob - to offend the entire audience and almost caused a riot. He had to stand in silence for the rest of the meeting like a spare prick at a wedding whilst a very angry crowd glared at him.

Tuesday is the most sickening day in the municipal life of Sandwell (and that's saying something) when the "great and the good" of the fourth poorest area in the country pay homage to one of the most bent Labour Council's in Britain. Those who believe themselves to be Sadwell's elite (lol!) gather to celebrate 49 years of Labour corruption and the disastrous failings of the Borough. These greasers - who seemingly perceive personal advantage in keeping the disreputable dictatorship in power - will ignore that the Council is so bad it is still in Government "Special Measures" at a cost of locals of at least £2m. 

Not so long ago the Primark princes and princesses would publicly fellate the Labour leadership before adjourning to West Brom Town Hall for a slap-up meal at our expense. Happily this grotesque two-fingered salute to Sandwell's poor and hungry has been scaled-down since local community activist Darryl Magher (and others) started organising food bank collections as they waddled into Oldbury Council House.

It is customary to stand when the Mayor enters the Council chamber but some of us have boycotted this display of obsequiousness in protest at some of the scum who have donned the mayoral chain in recent times. Several ceremonial civic "leaders" of late have taken the mayoral robes and defecated upon them. 

Take Linda Horton. Her daughter - Lying Lucy Cashmore - f*cked Sandwell people over for four-year's- worth of allowances when she unlawfully stood as a candidate whilst living just down the road from me in South Brimingham. As ever, the Bent Blues at West Midlands Police (WMP) actually facilitated the cover-up. The cops set up a "pre-arranged" meeting to visit Horton's house in Smethwick and "lo", Cashers just happened to be there at the appointed time. In a rare glimpse of wit from Cllr Bob Piper (Abbey Ward - Corbyn Party) he joked for sometime about bent WMP inspecting Linda Horton's "phantom bedroom".

A year later it was the turn of the liar Cllr Syeda Khatun's constant companion, Derek Rowley, to soil the mayoral mantle. This blog exclusively disclosed that Rowley had keys to a Council yard where he stored business equipment, and that his pal was trying to sell some of the publicly-owned storage units from there via Facebook (Skidders passim and see legal notice below)! Once again this was all reported to the local bent cops who, of course, took no action against their corrupt pals.

It should be noted that a senior Sandwell Police officer attends the annual mayor-making ceremony and so, in the two cases above, WMP should have been interviewing Labour people under caution down at Oldbury lock-up rather than grovelling to them in the Council Chamber. This is the extent of the insiduous corruption in Sandwell - and see further below.

Recently Mushtaq Hussain was Mayor. He was not bent (save in the sense of supporting Labour's corruption for many years) but he proved to be wholly unfit for the position. Notably he completely lost control of a full Council meeting, and simply walked out of the Chamber. Even worse, this coward did not see fit to apologise for his appalling misconduct!

Curiously, the last Mayor, Cllr Rich Jones, was quite good and generally acquitted himself well. But malicious Leader [sic] "Dim Kez" and her corrupt cronies did not want a member of the Jones family left on the Council so that he was deselected by bent Labour for the last election! Success = Failure in Sadders!

All of the above pales into insignificance compared with the horrors Sadders faces with the new incumbent. Now the ceremonial trappings will actually be wrapped around - to use the words of ex-Cllr and super-troll Dave Hosell once called me - "a Turd on Stumps".

The Official Insignia of Mayor Gavan 2023

Gavan the Rimmer

How someone as vile as Gavan could have been selected as a Labour candidate - even in bent Labour Sandwell - should be a mystery. It isn't of course, because Billy-boy was an assiduous rimmer of "The King of West Bromwich, Tom "Twatson" Watson. When the Rutting Walrus was WBE's lazy and ineffectual MP Gavan was his local chauffeur and manservant, ready day and night to jump to his Master's commands. Like most mafias, bent Sandwell Labour look after their own and so this plank was duly rewarded with the Langley ward berth. Labour knew full well that local dross in that hideous ward would duly elect this particular turd. [Coming soon - the all-new 2023 Sandwell Scum Index!]

Billy thought so much of his ward he couldn't even spell it correctly on his Twitter account:

But hang on - is Gavan Bent?

I use the term "bent" here purely in the sense of meaning "corrupt". When Langley residents thought that electing a turd to represent them in 2014 was somehow a good idea, Bawdy Billy was immediately given three positions whereby he received "special responsibility payments" on top of his normal allowances. In other words, a totally inexperienced new Councillor "hit the jackpot" on day one. At the time Gavan described himself as being unemployed.

But this blog exclusively revealed (full story * below) that in April, 2015 someone called "William Gavan" made a £5,000 donation to West Brom East Labour Party. In May, 2015 (just a month later), Bill Gavan was made Chair of the important Asset Management and Land Disposal Committee with an annual additional payment of £5,256. Was this all part of yet another bent Sandwell Labour "deal"?

As a journalist without the resources of the mainstream press I only have limited investigatory powers. I have asked the unemployed Gavan more than once whether he is one and the same person as the "William Gavan" who made the "donation". He has refused to say.

Once again I asked the Bent Blues to investigate on the basis that there was a prima facie case of fraud here if the Party donor and the recipient of taxpayers' funds were one and the same person. But, as above, the corruption runs deep in the benighted Borough and bent cops would not investigate. Also, as above, if a top local cop turns up on Tuesday s/he will be able to revel in another job well done, and another of WMP's friends protected and promoted.

Gavan the would-be Tory

This blog also nicknamed Gavan "Hokey Cokey" after his tantrums when he flounced out of meetings saying he was going to leave bent Labour. Things took a dramatic turn for his voters in "Langle, sandwell" when he joined the Tory Party. He officially changed his status with the Council to show that he was now a Conservative Councillor:

Billy says he is a gay rights campaigner and praised the Tories as the Party of equality:

There was only one problem with all this. Blue-language Billy had joined the Tories online, but when the Party found out that this toxic ***t had tried to join they immediately booted him out! 

Gavan then told "Langle" morons that he was pleased to "rejoin" Labour. What an absolute tosser and what absolute morons in "Langle" to re-elect him!

The Tories have no respect for this poisonous prat and know that it is totally inappropriate for such a noxious person to be Mayor. Let's hope that they have the metaphorical cojones to remain seated whenever this jerk enters the Chamber. (In any event, there is none so bitter as an ex-would-be-Tory scorned, and they will soon be on the receiving end of this ****t's attempts to exert his non-existent "authority" at Council meetings.)

Gavan  - Mr Pissy-Pants

I was astonished when I was told that Bill is not a drinker since, on a NUMBER of occasions I have met him, he gives the outward appearance of being pissed. Apparently my perception is totally wrong and he is a SOBER ranting, incoherent, spittle-flecked tw*t.

Like most bullies, Billy is a coward. I have to be careful how I phrase this but Gavan seldom uses the main entrance at Council meetings so that he doesn't have to face questions from journalists and the public. Instead he usually sneaks in through another entrance. (It will be unprecedented for the Mayor to do this but then Sadders haven't had one so weak and craven before - despite the stiff competition!)

But the classic example was a few years ago when Billy-Boy said he would attend a public meeting against the proposed bent Labour deal to destroy Lion farm Fields  - which Gavan supports. When there were two to one in his favour Billy approached me outside the Lion Farm shops and started - literally - screaming in my face. Happily my companions appeared and broke up the ongoing confrontation since I was not going to retreat from this scumbag. Gavan was screeching how he would "see me" at the meeting and tell the people of "Langle" "the truth". But come the day of the meeting the coward pissed his pants and, er, failed to show up!

Bill "Alka Seltzer" Gavan

At Tuesday's mayor-making there will probably be some soi-disant representatives of Sandwell's dismal "business community" [what that? - Ed] metaphorically masturbating the new Mayor. This might be an opportune moment to remind these greasers that this blog also gave potty-mouthed Bill the nickname "Alka Seltzer" since no less that 13 of his companies had to be dissolved (full story - see ** below):

Birmingham Club Corporation Ltd

B & M B Ltd

Pride in the Park Ltd

Birmingham Gay Business Partnership Ltd

Birmingham Bloodstock Ltd

XS Maintenance Ltd

XS Entertainments Ltd

Subway City Ltd

The Office (Birmingham) Ltd

XS Beers Ltd

XS Beers (South) Ltd

Canalside Entertainments Ltd

Victoria Hotels & Leisure Ltd

If you or your company lost money doing business with Gavan please contact The Skidder - full details below.

The person then listed as owning the house where Gavan lives was involved in another FOUR kaput companies. 

It would be interesting to know how many creditors got shafted by Billy-Boy, but in corrupt Sandwell this astonishing record of business failures so impresssed the (then) "leader" of bent Labour, the wifebeater Darren Cooper, that he made Gavan a Sandwell Council "business ambassador". You couldn't make it up!!!

Tuesday's Demo

Don't forget that there will be protests against Labour corruption and their destruction of green spaces between 5pm and 6pm outside Oldbury Council House on Tuesday (23rd May). Please stick to the pavements and designated areas and do NOT attempt to disrupt the traffic (although do encourage drivers to "honk" their support for the protest).

Anyone who wants to be sick over themselves can attempt to get one of the very limited spaces available in the public gallery and, of course, remain seated when The Turd makes his absurd entrance.

ADDENDUM 09/06/23 - at the Turd-Making Ceremony on 23rd The Skidder asked Bent? (definition as above) Billy if he did make the £5k donation to Labour. Once again, answer came there none. Watch it here:



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Facebook Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!

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Post:  Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG


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