Wednesday 3 July 2024

Sandwell Labour: Planning - not a good look ... (+ addenda)

ADDENDUM 4th July, 2024 - following the publication of this post Cllr Millar has responded to my email, and her reply is set out below. Cllr Uppal has not chosen to reply as yet.

ADDENDUM 9th July, 2024 - this story becomes ever more odd. The witness utterly refutes the response of Cllr Millar. Accordingly I wrote to Millar and Uppal again but there has been no response. The full email is shown at the end of this post.

Addendun 19th July, 2024 - I have written to the property developer and its agent asking for the identities of the three individuals who attended the pub following the planning meeting. The correspondence is set out at the end of this post and followers of this story will not be surprised to note that both Sarwan Singh Suthi and Daljit Singh Barya have both failed to respond.

Last Wednesday was a good night for Sarwan Singh Suthi and family. This seemingly respectable businessman won planning permission for the demolition of the Wagon and Horses pub in Lewisham Road, Smethwick (St Pauls ward) via one of his companies, Sir Harry's Properties Limited. In its place he will build 11 flats.

Sir Harry's Properties is now based in Nottingham but its registered office address is in Birmingham and Mr Suthi has strong Edgbaston connections. He employed a Birmingham agent, Daljit Singh Bharya of Bharya DBC Limited, in respect of the planning application. It is very important to note that there is not the slightest hint of impropriety by any of these individuals or companies and none is suggested or to be inferred in this post.

At the Planning Committee last Wednesday three individuals turned up to see the application go through. Of course there is nothing wrong with that, but it's what happened next which causes concern.

A witness contacted The Skidder to say that after the meeting the three individuals joined two Labour members of the Planning Committee for a drink in Wetherspoons, Oldbury. I duly wrote to the two Councillors - Chair of the Planning Committee, Kay Millar, and Wednesbury South Councillor, Kulwant Singh Uppal. Here is the email:

"Dear Cllrs,


I am informed that you were both on the Planning Committee last night which granted application DC/24/69093.

It is reported that, afterwards, you were seen drinking in Wetherspoons with the three gentlemen who had attended the Committee in support of the application. Is this true? Did either of you know any of the three gentlemen prior to the Planning Committee meeting? Do you wish to comment on the appropriateness of drinking with successful applicants after planning meetings?"

Once again, there is no suggestion of impropriety by these two in respect of the actual application, but is it a good look for Labour Councillors to whoop it up after planning meetings with successful applicants? I don't think so - but do you?

Needless to say - this spineless pair have not had the courtesy to respond to the email ... Why?

Email response from Cllr Millar, 4th July, 2024:

Good Morning,

I refer to your email last week and thank you for your enquiry.

In my capacity as Chair of Sandwell Council’s Planning Committee, I presided over the meeting which determined application DC/24/69093. As both a Councillor and member of the Planning Committee I am fully aware of my obligations under the Code of Conduct for Councillors and all relevant additional requirements which apply in relation to the operation of the Planning Committee. I have not been lobbied or received any form of representation on this or any other development applications. I am not acquainted with and have had no form of contact with the applicants or agents for this development or any others included on the agenda for this meeting and therefore am not required to make any declaration under the Code.

In relation to the circumstances you describe, at the conclusion of the meeting I visited a local public house in my private personal capacity with a fellow councillor having concluded official duties for the day. When approached by 3 individuals whom I recognised from the earlier Planning Committee, I did not converse with or engage them in any form of discussions either professionally or personally – as indicated I do not know the individuals concerned and have had no prior contact or communication from them. The individuals left promptly. I in turn left the public house shortly thereafter.

In accordance with the requirements of the Code, I do not speak to or engage with applicants, agents, developers, or objectors in the interests of maintaining the highest standards of integrity and impartiality in the conduct of decision-making by the Planning Committee and the wider council. 


Kay Millar

Email to Cllrs Millar and Uppal - 5th July, 2024:

"Wetherspoons allegations

Dear Cllrs,


Further to Cllr Millar's lengthy and formally-worded response to the recent allegations, the witness has contacted me again and stated, in writing, that Cllr Uppal greeted the three successful planning applicants by name, sat them at a table with Cllr Millar, bought a round of drinks and that both Councillors were still sitting with the three men some 30 minutes later.

This does not accord with Cllr Millar's version of events and it is only fair that I give you the opportunity to clarify your respective positions.

Please respond by 5 pm Sunday 7th July."

Correspondence with developer and agent:

Email to Daljit Singh Barya of Dharya DBC Limited - 8th July, 2024

Dear Mr Bharya,


I note that your company was involved in the above planning application on behalf of Sir Harry's Properties.

The application - to demolish a pub and build 11 flats was passed at Sandwell's last Planning Committee meeting when three males attended on behalf of the applicant. The three males were later seen drinking with Counciilors Millar and Uppal in the Court of Requests pub, Oldbury. Cllr Uppal, at least, appeared to know at least one of the three males.

Can you please confirm, if this was within your knowledge, who the three males were who attended the Court of Requests and whether any or all of them knew Cllrs Millar or Uppal prior to the Planning Committee meeting?

Letter to Sarwan Singh Suthi at Sir Harry's Properties Limited - 11th July, 2024

Dear Sir,

Sandwell Planning Application - DC/24/69093


I have written about the meeting of three supporters of the above planning application with two Labour councillors on the Planning Committee following the last Sandwell planning meeting:

I enclose herewith a copy of an email I sent to your agents, Bharya DBC, on 8th July but I have not received the courtesy of a reply.

Accordingly, I am giving you the opportunity to explain what happened here, and to say whether your Company/your agents had prior acquaintance with either of the two councillors.

Please reply by 5pm Tuesday, 16th July, 2024.


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