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F*ck You, Birmingham and Sandwell! |
This post picks up on something I wrote the other day and shows how things "work" in Sadders! On 15th July, 2020 - thanks to information from outraged members of the Muslim "community" - I wrote about the event held at the Karahi King Village restaurant in Birmingham on the evening of Sunday 12th July. A number of persons who identify as "BAME" councillors flouted the Covid rules to gather for a meeting at the restaurant. At that time, I was unable to display photos on the blog as copyright was claimed for those in the public domain. The photos showed that there were councillors and others who travelled from different parts of the country to the pre-organised shindig including three of those from bent Labour Sandwell - Cllrs Bostan, Zahir Hussain and Rouf. If you want to plough through the original post click on this link:
On 15th July, 2020 I wrote to the three errant Sadders councillors sending them a link to the blog posts and asking, "Will you be offering an apology to the people of Sandwell in respect of your conduct?" As we shall see, Cllr Bostan, replied but no apology was forthcoming from Labour drones Zahir or Mo. How pathetic!
When these councillors are together they are usually accompanied by a non-yapping lapdog, Cllr Zahoor Ahmed, but I couldn't see "Mr Cellophane" on the original photos. It now transpires that he too was there.
On new photos I received I thought I could also see yet another of "Sandwell's community leaders", Cllr Mushtaq Hussain. On 20th July, 2020 I wrote to him asking him to confirm that he was also present but he has not had the good manners to reply. BUT YES, HE TOO WAS PRESENT!
FOUR of the Infamous Five live in Smethwick - a Covid hotspot...
The Wolvo Express and Star (wink) picked up the story and Jamie Brassington wrote it up. The full link is here:
If you don't want to read it now, Jamie put up a photo of BAME councillors standing outside the restaurant ignoring social distancing rules. Having been well and truly caught out the Sandwell bunch suddenly felt able to offer an apology after all! Meanwhile some pathetic masturbators took to Twitter to attack me and The Star saying that the councillors were being unfairly attacked for attending "a charity event."
The Infamous Five told The Star:
“We attended an event on Sunday, July 12, organised by the voluntary group OPWC to discuss urgent community issues in our personal capacities as members of the local Pakistani community."
The "OPWC" is the "Overseas Pakistani Welfare Council" which is NOT a charity. It is a "community organisation".
What of the "urgent community issues" discussed? This is true insofar as this lot can influence events in Kashmir since members of the Muslim community in Sandwell informed me before the meeting that it was specifically organised to discuss the grave situation there by another "community organisation", The "Pakistani Kashmiri Councillors Forum" (PKCF) - a body specifically set up for COUNCILLORS (who seemingly like bridge rolls):
Now the situation in Kashmir is undoubtedly an important issue. But so is complying with the Covid rules! And this "urgent" meeting on Kashmir was not some sort of spontaneous event but a pre-arranged meeting advertised by, er, the OPWC and PWFC, who proudly displayed their logos on the invitation which the Skidder now has:
If you are wondering why the address is blocked out this is because the invitation originally showed a different venue. "Abid Hussain" is inviting people from far and wide seemingly with flagrant contempt for the Covid Rules.
The 5 Sandwell Councillors are anxious to say that they attended "in a personal capacity" to avoid standards complaints being made to twisted Sandwell Council but the invitation is specifically to "councillors"!
You will see these jokers in the above photo outside the restaurant and the Infamous Five alleged to The Star that this was only part of the event and that "for the most part social distancing was observed" which flies in the face of the many copyrighted photos on the internet. Cllr Bostan - who is widely photographed addressing the meeting - did have the good grace to reply to me and claimed that as far as he was aware social distancing WAS complied with. Ahmad (hopefully a rising star in the Sandwell firmament) is blind and says he apologies IF social distancing was not adhered to "unbeknown to me at the time because of my visual impairment." He claims that he was simply unaware of the others packed into the restaurant all around him. Happily they were close enough to hear him when he spoke.
What of the restaurant owner? Most of the photos show no food being served but food was served later and at least one picture confirms this. You might think that a restauranteur who has flagrantly flouted vitally important public health rules would keep his head down but this t*sspot actually boasted about it and put a photo on Facebook himself!!! And so I am able to show you at least one of the pics from INSIDE the restaurant where you can see around 19 persons packed into a confined space (and other photos show more folk closely packed around this group. Cllr Bostan - apparently unaware of the presence of others - is seen side-on with the claret-coloured tie, bottom left.)
The owner has now been "spoken to" by an Environmental Health Officer of Birmingham City Council for what that is worth.....
The matter has also been reported to corrupt West Midlands Police who have not seen fit to even acknowledge the complaint. This is hardly surprising noting that Dave Thompson's bent blues have form for protecting Sandwell Labour and that at least one VERY senior officer pulled the plug on any investigation into the fraud involving the sale by Labour of the land at Florence Road where the 7 bedroom house occupied by the aforementioned Cllr Rouf now stands.
Interestingly, one person who took to Twitter to lambast the Express and Star was one Mohammad Shauib:
Now one "Mohammad Shauib" features heavily in this blog (posts passim and see legal notice below) as a son of, er, Cllr Mo Rouf! His name kept cropping up in respect of property connected to Rouf and also in the Florence Road plot sale! I asked "Shabba" last night if he is Rouf's son but he declined to reply. (Answers on a postcard please.)
Of course, another Sandwell Labour Councillor who purports to be a "leader" of the local Muslim community is "Condom Man" "Billa" aka Cllr Mohammed Yaseen Hussain. This joke - who claims to be wealthy and, er, unemployed - decided he could flout Covid lockdown rules as he suddenly and mysteriously became a "key worker". For whom? We have seen that the "Tipton Green Tosser" was, for example, cadging PPE from a nursing home and then photographing himself heroically donating it to Sandwell Hospital (who stated in writing that they didn't need it at that time as they had more than adequate stocks some of which they were distributing to, er, local nursing homes!) Billa, who is usually seen sweating profusely and sniffing heavily, has claimed to The Skidder and others on at least two occasions that he has a "heart problem" and so his bravery in running around Sandwell taking selfies is not to be, er, sneezed at...
To give him his due, Billa is seemingly a very good actor since, like many of his Labour Comrades at the failing Council, he projects the persona of one who is as thick as sh*t. The reality is obviously different since he has been commissioned by Liam Byrne to write a report on the effect of Covid on the BAME community!!!!!
Some of you are scratching your head thinking "Liam Byrne? Why do I know that name?" His is of course, Labour's answer to Chris Grayling. In another monumental error of judgement Byrne left an infamous note when Labour trashed the UK economy and was kicked out of power in 2010. He had been Chief Secretary of the Treasury and left his successor a message "there's no money left"!
What use a "report" from Billa mid-way through an ongoing pandemic is likely to be we shall see but why on earth has Byrne picked this moron? At least Condom Man can "interview" himself and the Infamous Five on why BAME Councillors flout the rules, I suppose!
Incredibly Byrne is the Labour Candidate for West Midlands "Mare" in 2021. Now that IS a joke!
And remember folks, if anyone of the above start lecturing you on the Covid rules in general and their effect on BAME folk in particular, tell them to go and f*ck themselves!
Zorro's Barmy Army
It is ironic that these jokers can attend meetings on Kashmir but not actually attend public meetings of bent Sandwell Council as these are still banned. But the "Microsoft Teams" era has brought us at least one bit of light relief!
No meeting of Sandwell Council is complete without the absurd posturing of Cllr "lol" Peter "Zorro" Hughes aka "Alberich". I have put an example of the Wednesbury Windbag's oeuvre on YouTube for posterity under the title "Death By Zorro!" I did wonder at the time whether Cllr Carmichael was ACTUALLY going to expire with boredom in this exchange with the intensely up-herself Shakkers. It's nearly five minutes long - apologies for poor sound quality so don the headphones - and only watch it if you want to be sick over yourself:
As we all know some truly hateful people in Sandwell Labour Group are trying to destroy any shred of credibility Labour has left in the rotten Borough and the rebel contingent have brought down Cllr "Red" Yvonne Davies with the help of London-based John Spellar MP [sic] and tyro NEC member, Gurinder Josan. Now they are out to destroy the temporary Leader, Maria Crompton.
During a recent meeting though, the hapless Alberich accidentally left an ongoing derogatory commentary from the plotters on screen for all to see:
Some of the usual suspects appear and I suppose the only surprise is that this blogs recent comments on Liam Preece being a pathetic groveller have borne fruit so quickly!
As above, Chief Constable Dave Thompson's bent blues helped to cover-up fraud at the Labour Council. His staff only conducted four interviews under caution and only one for any length of time. Whilst making no imputation of fraud against the following individuals they were certainly key witnesses whose behaviour did not appear to be up to the standard of normally competent local government officials, let alone very senior ones. Their defence appears to be that they were simply "unaware" of the fraud going on directly under their noses and which, in many cases, they were "signing-off" on. Thus this blog has campaigned - and continues to campaign - for, at least, Jan Britton, Neeraj Sharma, Nick Bubalo and Adrian Scarrott to be formally interviewed by the police under caution.
I speculated at the time whether the reticence of the bent blues to interview Scarrott had anything to do with his "relationship" with a serving senior police officer whom the Sp*nk Brothers, Cllrs Eling and Marshall, identified in the infamous Whats App feed as "a blonde police inspector".
Happily, the couple have now gone public with pics of WMP Inspector Keeley Bevington and Adrian enjoying the romantic environs of Venice. I am sure there are many readers who wish them well and salute Scarrott's good fortune following adversity.
But soft - what's this! Readers will know that questions still remain unanswered about the Compulsory Purchase Order on West Bromwich Street, Oldbury, many moons ago when Cllr Bawa and another appeared to do rather well out of the arrangement (and this blog has revealed an investigation into Bawa's OBE given his lack of candour in respect of all this.) By coincidence a huge new housing development came before the planning committee this month for that very street. Now these sh*tbag "socialists" on the bent Labour Council are always going on about nasty property developers and the need for "affordable homes" and so you would imagine that when a plan is submitted for an old foundry site close to the centre of Oldbury for 152 homes then at least some of them will be affordable. I haven't seen the result of the planning meeting yet but the developers employed an expert to attend and argue against the imposition of a quota for affordable houses on the basis of the cost of remediating the former industrial site. And who was this guy coining it on behalf of the developers - yes folks, our very own NICK BUBALO - recipient of a large pay-off of taxpayers' money due to his ill-health - and despite the Wragge Report and his overlordship of most of the bent deals listed in this blog. Now he is obviously recovered and back in business. Isn't that terrific?
You really couldn't make it up in this sh*thole Borough!
**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****
Email: thesandwellskidder@gmail.com
Facebook: Julian Saunders
Facebook Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!
Twitter: @SandwellSkidder
Post: Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG
LEGAL NOTICE (Version 2 from 15th February, 2020)
I cannot list every previous mention of individuals referred to in the entirety of this blog. Where I refer to a specific story please follow the supplied hyperlink since this forms legal justification for later comments. Similarly references to “posts passim” and to earlier posts mean any individuals concerned about purported defamatory material should read later posts in the context of earlier posts. Full information can also be supplied within a reasonable time upon application via email to thesandwellskidder@gmail.com
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