Sunday 21 March 2021

Drunken Urination in Rowley and More!

Delayed Day of Action & Other Snippets!

Due to Covid, the day of action to protest about Sandwell Labour sh*tting on the Borough is delayed! Planned for 3rd April - the current lockdown rules are still in place - although Labour brags that the Covid outbreak has been so bad in Sadders because there has been "no proper lockdown"! Watch out for a revised plan coming soon!

I am sorry to note that Lisa Done will not now be standing as an independent candidate in May for health reasons. Good luck Lisa and hope to see you fighting fit soon!

There is an absolutely incredible story about one on the potential Labour candidates but it is unconfirmed as yet. The Skidder team are monitoring the position carefully.

The Greens are still anonymous save that Brum Greens are now celebrating the destruction of Londonderry Fields for the paddling pool, which locals and local green campaigners fought AGAINST, because the organisers [sic] say they will "plant a forest somewhere else". Clearly a Green vote in Sandwell is a wasted vote in May (and I say that as a Green supporter!)

A big election story is on/off at the moment but news is expected this weekend. Watch this space!

From Monday, The Skidder will be back in Sadders covering the election campaign. Say hello if you see me, socially-distanced of course!

Nothing is certain with Covid but get a postal vote now and you won't have to worry about going out on the day. This is YOUR big chance to send Labour the message that YOU are not going to tolerate their shocking behaviour any more:

Where is he now?

Back in 2017, I used social media to highlight a classic example of "arslikhan" by a SMBC employee:

I wonder what happened to him ...

David Wilkes

Readers will know that I am not a Tory but that I want to see a healthy opposition to the hideous Labour dictatorship which has spent nearly 47 years destroying Sandwell. Thus it is very rare that I endorse one of their candidates but I have got to know Dave over the last three years or so.

Dave is the Conservative Candidate for Wednesbury South. A local man who, like many, had no real interest in politics until Brexit where he was firmly on the wrong side lol! [This is a joke if you don't get it as I was an avowed "Remainer"!] He is also shocked at Labour's consistent failure to improve the lot of local people. As far as I can tell, he is not a political animal - which is probably a good thing with Labour fighting a bitter civil war which they think is more important than the Covid crisis. I am sure he will be subjected to the usual smears from the comrades in due course.

What Dave lacks in political nous - and I am sure he will learn fast if he is elected - he makes up for with energy. Even reading his exploits on Facebook makes me feel tired. He is out and about reporting fly-tipping, potholes etc. Join his Facebook page  - David Wilkes Conservative Candidate - and see for yourselves (he is also on Twitter at @WilkesSouth).

And Dave has been an indefatigable volunteer for the NHS and others during the Covid crisis. He has been out there helping in all sorts of ways - recently volunteering at the Tipton Sports Academy vaccination centre. He has been there for local people - in May you can be there for him!

But ... Sorry, Scott!

I also have a lot of time for local Tory, Scott Chapman (who in pre-Covid times liked a pint now and again in the Rising Sun in Tipton so he can't be all bad lol!) He worked like stink at the 2019 general election which saw what was hopefully the beginning of the end of the horrific Labour dictatorship in Sadders.

Unfortunately there is only one seat up for grabs this year in Friar Park where he is standing and, as stated previously, I am backing the independent candidate, Wayne Trinder. If you live in Friar Park ward I just ask you to look at the hard work Wayne has done in the area in the last few years. He is able to work independently and as part of a team (as shown in the defeat of Labour's sick and devious plan to foist the concrete sleeper factory on local residents). Labour tried to shaft Friar Park - here's your chance to repay the compliment!

Wayne is also on Facebook - Wayne Trinder - and is supported by the excellent victors of the Battle of Bescot, who have their own Facebook Group: "The People of Wednesbury & Wednesbury Action Group". Here is their leaflet supporting Wayne:

Hogarthian Scenes in, er, Rowley Regis!

The comrades have approved a new gin bar in the land of the living dead aka Rowley Regis. There was strong opposition and a bizarre allegation made that drinkers there would be urinating in the streets???? (I would have thought as a beer drinker that gin would be quantitatively easier on the bladder!) Of course, one Labour Councillor has gained notoriety for a drunken p*ss in a bus shelter and surely the owners of the new gin palace have booked him for the grand opening? Step forward to wet [surely "cut" - Ed?] the ribbon, Cllr Simon "The Sandwell Slasher" Hackett!

And Finally ...

I knicked this from Facebook but have forgotten who put it up (please contact if you want a credit). I think it was on the excellent "I Live in West Bromwich" Group page. Not a day goes by on social media without damning evidence of the dismal state of local roads after nearly 47 years of Labour. This says it all lol:


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