May 2nd was - as predicted in this blog - a significant approval of Labour corruption by the morons who inhabit sh*thole Sandwell (and the now-annual Sandwell Scum Counter will be published soon). The Tories were - almost completely - routed. But there was one bright shining moment - the victory of Richard Jeffcoat, an Independent Candidate in Tipton Green. And his win creates a possible template for a future where there is a real opposition to bent Labour of good anti-corruption candidates since the Tories have proved they are not up to snuff and have blown their big chance.
Richard's entry into the Council Chamber on Tuesday will increase the brain cell count by a quantum leap. An Oxford grad, Richard is a professional musician in the classical tradition (and is involved in the organisation of an annual Mendelssohn Festival on the Scottish Island of Mull). He is often found fingering his organ - although not in the way made infamous by the notorious masturbator, Cllr John "W*nker" Tipper!
Living in Tipton, Richard has seen the horrors of Labour corruption up close including the satrapy of corrupt liar, Syeda Khatun, and the poisonous conduct of ex-Cllr Mohammed Yassen Hussain (aka "Billa", aka "The Tipton Tosser"). Tired of seeing Labour cream-off resources from Tipton, Richard stood as a Green candidate initially but decided to go it alone and provide a genuinely independent voice for his area - run into the ground by 50 years of Labour neglect.
Hitherto, Richard has polled well but Labour has thrown the kitchen sink at winning the Ward to keep him out. They do not want a spotlight shone on local corruption for obvious reasons. Each year community activist, Darryl Magher, and I have tried to persuade the Tories to stand down in this particular seat and let Richard have a clear run. This is unacceptable to Shaun Bailey MP & other Party figures and so they have put a spoiler candidate in each time to ensure Richard doesn't win. In one of the more disgraceful episodes of the recent election the Tories decided they had no chance of willing the seat and so Bailey and the team decided to gratuitously attack Richard with a malicious smear (and with a misspelling to boot):
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Image publicly posted on X/Twitter |
Shame on you, Shaun Bailey. Oh and next time you want to smear a friend of mine please don't breach copyright by using a photo I took!
Every year Richard has pounded the streets and has secured very impressive results although, until now, bent Labour has mobilised to stop him. Their candidate this time was the wooden Charn Singh Padda - seeking re-election. A Cabinet member no less.
I have written before how I admire the way some groups are politically savvy in corrupt Sandwell and work to win political influence. In bent Labour Sandwell the Sikh community is particularly well-organised and determined to see that their nominees are involved in running every aspect of Sandwell governance and policing. This is generally a good thing although, as we shall see below, not always so.
Charn Padda (not to be confused with the liar, former Cllr Iqbal Padda - see below again) was the joker who used a picture of himself in his campaign material for his first stint in Tipton appearing to be litter-picking. Such is Labour's contempt for locals the picture was actually taken on the other side of the Borough!
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Image: Labour campaign leaflet publicly distributed |
And here is another example of Labour's sense of entitlement - they can't even bother to put election signs on the lamp posts the right-way up!
This year Labour began to panic and Sandwell's Sikh political leader, the deceitful Gurinder Josan, stepped up the campaigning to get Charmless Charn across the line again. It is claimed he even brought members of the Sikh community up from London to knock on doors. But all to no avail.
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Image: public post on X/Twitter |
The electoral system in Sadders is in a state of flux. There will be no local election next year (2025) - although there will, of course, be a general election soon. The plan is that the system MAY change in 2026 to an election for the whole 72 Sandwell seats. Whether this happens remains to be seen but Richard has at least two years to start making a difference. As above, he is very intelligent but there is an awful lot to learn and a heavy burden is already being placed on his shoulders. (The Tories have shamefully done absolutely f all about corruption. One or two of the remaining rump of Councillors are whispering that there will now be a change of attitude but that remains to be seen - and see below). The Tories have - mostly - lost the trust of the people of Sadders, and will have to work hard in the next two years to try to regain it. Richard will be wrong to trust them until he has seen them finally rise off their grovelling knees, and put up a bit of a fight.
We must not bombard Richard with requests for help and he does, of course, have to concentrate on Tipton Green matters first and foremost. But all those who hate Labour corruption and want to make the benighted Borough a better place should try and HELP him in any way possible. And he has shown - at great expense in shoe leather - that Independents who actually care about where they live CAN win through. The other Sadders wards need to start looking for smart, local, Independent candidates who can commit to work hard in their communities for the next two years and start parking their tanks on the bent Labour lawn.
Whisper it softly but there are signs that the bent Blues at West Midlands/Sandwell Police are slowly getting their act together and actually doing the job WE pay them to do. Of course, this has not always been so, and the tarnished history of Sandwell's mayoralty is a snapshot of just some of the indulgence bent coppers have shown towards their corrupt "friends and partners" at the Council (Skidders passim ad nauseum).
The usual modus operandi of the cops when faced with Labour corruption is simply to do nothing. Although in the case of ex-Mayor, Linda Horton, the police actually went through the charade of visiting her home to confirm that her liar daughter, Lucy Cashmore, was living there (Cashers was ineligible as a Councillor and falsely claimed to be living Chez Horton). The bent cops decided that she was - when she wasn't (Skidders passim). Even Labour's Bob Piper thought this hilarious and joked about the cops inspecting "Linda's phantom bedroom". The fact that, with Horton's connivance, Cashers f*cked the people of Sadders over for four year's worth of allowances did not prevent Linda becoming Labour Mayor.
Syeda Khatun's constant companion, the thuggish ex-Mayor, Derek Rowley, was also outed by this blog in respect of the sale of council-owned property at Jubilee Park. This was allegedly reported to the Police by the Council itself, but the cops took no action against Rowley despite some of the items being advertised for sale on Facebook! WTF? Rowley was out of favour with bent Labour for a while but according to the excellent Sandwell Corruption (Facebook and X/Twitter) he is now back in a Party role:
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Image courtesy of Sandwell Corruption |
The current Mayor, until tomorrow, is the grotesque Gavan - whom the bent Blues also failed to investigate in respect of a £5,000 Party donation which he seemingly received back from the taxpayer via extra Council allowance payments. (Gavan has repeatedly refused to confirm that he is one and the same William Gavan who made the donation - Skidders passim and see legal notice below).
The Mayor is supposed to be the civic figurehead of the Borough and, laughably, we are supposed to RESPECT him/her. Ironically the Tories knew all about the foul-mouthed Gavan, "The Turd of Sandwell", not least because he defected from Labour and then joined the Conservatives via their online portal. Even the Tories did not want a **** like Gavan in their ranks, and duly kicked him out.
At the commencement of Council meetings the Councillors are supposed to stand when the Mayor enters the Chamber as a mark of respect. Last year I asked the Tories if they would stand for The Turd and the pathetic, pusillaninous, bunch under former leader [sic] and now ex-Cllr David "Keep the NHS White" Fisher, decided they would stand. But, as above, they have spent most of their tenure on their knees anyway, and now there are only five of them left.
Now they - and Richard Jeffcoat - face an even more egregious display of Labour corruption, and it will be interesting to see if they can grow a metaphorical pair. The new Mayor is to be the corrupt liar, Syeda Khatun and her Deputy, the criminal and liar, Steve Melia. This is Labour Leader, Kerrie "Dim Kez" Carmichael and her cronies putting two fingers up to fellow Councillors and, indeed, the whole of Sandwell. It is intolerable that any Councillor who genuinely wants to fight corruption in Sadders will stand for this pair. Someone has to say to Carmichael and Labour, "enough is enough". They are not showing disrespect by not standing (or standing with their backs turned) - it is Labour who are disrespecting the people of Sandwell and the office of Mayor by very deliberately saying the a corrupt liar and a criminal are fit and proper people for these positions. Will the Tories finally show the world, and the local media, that these grotesque appointments are beyond the civic pale?
Incredibly, the Hackett saga is STILL ongoing but the Tories are fully aware of what Khatun did - or should be noting that it has all been in the public domain for a very long time, and was the main reason the poisonous Khatun was kicked off the Cabinet. For newer readers - she was part of a conspiracy with Hackett, ex-Leader Steve "Squealing" Eling and now-disgraced former Chief Executive, Jan Britton, to subvert a standards investigation into Hackett and to falsify the evidence to exonerate him. This has cost the people of Sandwell huge sums - a massive pay-off to the former Assistant Chief Executive traduced by this bunch, and very large legal costs (which, unbelievably, have still not been finalised).
Her other lies led to a High Court action (brought by me). This person deserves no respect whatsoever, and should be shown none.
(The biggest rimmers of Khatun in Sandwell are arts charity Multistory (!) and they will, no doubt, be commemorating her Mayoralty in some way. WTF?)
Labour made much play on insisting that Councillors should have criminal record checks. Yet the one of their side who definitely does have one is Steve "Rocky" Melia! This POS was convicted after assaulting me. He had his Solicitor literally beg the Police and CPS not to send the matter to Court - such is the cowardice of the man. At a standards hearing he then openly lied - although even his Labour colleagues on the Committee did not believe him!
He was panned by the Standards Committee and they recommended that he be stripped of all special responsibility positions. Now Carmichael and her cronies have said "f*ck you" to the Committee and the Independent Person who serves on it, and that the Labour Dictatorship will do what the hell it likes.
The Mayor's position often entails interaction with schools and so safeguarding issues arise in letting this aggressive thug anywhere near kids. And what an example this pair will be to the young folk of the Borough - "if you lie and are corrupt little boy/girl, one day you can be Labour Mayor of Sandwell!"
Here's the short video of the criminal assault:
All Rise for The Crim Liar - I don't think so do you readers?
I have praised the political activity of the local Sikh community here and elsewhere in this blog but, alas, they have foisted some nasty and/or bent pieces of work on the local community, and Cllr Parbinder Kaur is one such. Let's just remember a few:
Preet Kaur Gill - a useless Councillor who, incredibly, has every chance of holding a junior post in Government ere long. Infamous for her anti-Muslim "love jihad" rants, which most folk would describe as "hate speech", but which the cops think is alright coming from her.
Gurinder Josan - I have bitter personal experience of this snake in the grass but he was Watson and Spellar's little rimmer in the plot to bring down Muslim councillor, Mahboob Hussain. Not much "hope" and plenty of "hate" in that particular episode. And still questions about his involvement with the skip company who used to occupy part of the Chance Glass site, but ended up making a donation to Watson.
Babu Singh Bawa - corrupt Councillor involved in a bent Compulsory Purchase scheme. Astonishingly this bent POS was awarded an OBE (presumably the Order of the Brown Envelope).
Kirat Singh - Labour Councillor who had to leave town in a hurry following very lurid allegations on Sikh websites.
Rajbir Singh - arrogant person who, inexplicably became Council Leader before having to resign this post and his seat for unexplained reasons. The Sikh community know the reason but won't say but, once again, there are lurid allegations (which I have put to him but which he has not responded to). He is said to be trying to make a comeback, but I think he is going to have to come clean first don't you readers? (All info very welcome as usual).
Iqbal Padda - another appalling liar and pathetic coward who pretended to live in Sandwell whilst living in Walsall. The strange thing is that the Tories knew he was/is a lying sh*t and yet took him on as a candidate for them when he defected from bent Labour! That says all you need to know about Bailey, Richards, Fisher, Chapman & the other Tories and put paid to any pretence that the local Tories are anti-corruption.
IAG - Josan and one of his handmaidens, Cllr Pam Randhawa infiltrated the Sandwell Police Independent Advisory Group, and tried to take control of it, and politicise it (although this was pushing on an open door with the partisan plod). The Police finally realised what was going on and Randhawa has been booted off. Josan's status is unclear, but it seems odd if the cops have sacked the puppet but left the puppet-master in situ!
It's not all doom and gloom and anyway, if the Sikh community thinks its interests are best served by promoting bent scum then I suppose that's democracy. I am also hearing good things about Cllr Tirath Singh Dhatt - although he is relatively new and will have to agree to local Labour corruption if he wants to continue with a political career.
And so we return to another of Josan's rimmers, Parbinder Kaur, who was found to be in breach of the Council's code of conduct for lying about her property interests. She gives out the impression of being as thick as two short planks, but seemingly thinks she is entitled to a senior committee position (despite not having made any sort of mark as a Cllr so far). Here she is giving her full attention at a Council meeting.
There is not much uglier than terrorism and shortly before the recent election the Daily Mail ran a piece concerning her alleged links with proscribed terrorist groups (something which doesn't stop Sandwell Police officers lining-up to have their pictures taken with her!) Here is the Mail article:
As this blog reported, she is also keen on another proscribed terrorist group, Hamas:
Despite her lack of achievements, her lying and dalliance with terrorist organisations she has just won a stonking majority in good old Smethwick Ward. Good luck with that guys and gals!
I am sure we will hear a lot more of this one over the next two years - and I suspect for all the wrong reasons. I am already hearing about some sort of dispute with Sikhs for Labour? Info welcome please! Oh, and some Smethwick folk are saying her election boards are still up in Smethwick - past the official date for their removal? Pictures welcome.
And yes, the question of whether she is actually a nurse or not rumbles on - and she refuses to deal with correspondence regarding that issue!
We live in interesting times ...
And finally,
The Tories were aware of the stories concerning Matt Huggins who has now left the bent Council. But are they going to bother to actually start asking questions about what the hell was going on and why he was allowed by senior management to carry on? If their past performance is anything to go by, don't hold your breath!
Coming soon ...
Strange bedfellows!!!
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