Friday 31 May 2024

Smethwick - Rimmer replaces Greaser! (And more ...)

The Labour Party is full of grovellers and Sandwell is a prime example of the phenomenon. It has been sickening throughout the history of this blog to see the rampant arse-licking of Watson, Spellar, Cooper, Eling, and now Carmichael - but the particularly egregious rimmers all seem to have benefited from their faecal attraction e.g. Gavan, Moore, Khatun, and many more.

The most assiduous rimmer of Watson and Spellar has been their willing manservant, Gurinder Singh Josan (Skidders passim). Now he is set to be the MP for the new-look Smethwick Constituency in place of the pathetic bookies runner, Spellar (Warley).

Regular readers will know that I have personal experience of the duplicity of Josan. He asked to meet me, via an intermediary, to pursue the campaign by Watson, Spellar and Eling to screw their fellow Party member, (then) Cllr Mahboob Hussain. We met on three occasions at a cafe in Birmingham where he handed me piles of copy documents which he and the others wanted me to use to help destroy Hussain.

I was charmed by Gurinder. Our first meeting was slightly inauspicious. I am paranoid about time-keeping and have an obsession with arriving in good time for appointments etc. I almost never oversleep, but did so prior to our first meeting. I rushed into Brum and arrived in the caff about one minute before Gurinder and the third-party arrived. He put me at my ease with a rather good joke. I explained that, very unusually, I had overslept and had not had time to shave before rushing to our meet. He joked, "you never have to apologise to a Sikh man for excess facial hair"!

He is a clever guy, and, unlike most Labour spongers, has amassed wealth through business and property interests. Unlike most in Sandwell Labour, he is always immaculately turned-out. I liked him and made the mistake of thinking that he was becoming a friend. 

A strange episode followed in that he asked me to meet him in Smethwick at his sister's accountancy office, and to then go the the Chance Glass site with him to meet the Sikh folk who ran a skip hire etc, business there. They were being bullied by bent Labour Sandwell Council who wanted to clear the patently industrial site so that a (wholly unsuitable) property development could go ahead next to the railway, motorway and, now, the giant new incinerator. This was all dressed-up as a "heritage" scheme (lol) and was a pet project of (then) Labour Leader, Steve "Squealing" Eling, the now-disgraced tyrant, but now eagerly encouraged by Eling-rimmer and current Leader [sic], Kerrie "Dim Kez" Carmichael. Even more, bizarrely, the anti-capitalist, Corbynista - but money-grubber - Cllr Bob "Seig Heil" Piper, has indicated his support for this absurd project! WTF?

On arrival in Smethwick with a third party Gurinder was hyper and asked us to wait as he had some urgent phone calls to make. He was phoning round every influential Labour Sikh he knew in a bid to prevent the (then) useless Labour Councillor, Preet Kaur Gill, from being selected as an MP. (He failed.)

I have never been able to establish why this pair were at kirpans-drawn although there were rumours (as ever) of trouble at t'Gurdwara. These tweets seem to indicate that earthly matters were disrupting the spiritual calm of the GNG Smethwick (Gill was not an MP as at the date of the tweets):

Assuming that this pair are both MP's by 5th July it will be interesting to see how they "work together" at Westminster! Will their feud affect the best interests of their constituents and the local area?

We went down to the skip company. Now the story becomes even murkier. They were not averse to moving to another site provided that the bent Labour Council provided the right inducements. Curiously they did later quit the site and then made a £2,000 donation to Josan's lord and master, Tom Watson MP (as he then was). Obviously this was a pure coincidence and nothing to do with the negotiations. Nevertheless, no-one has been able to explain what actually went on. (The position is still uncertain in that the skip company held two long leases to parts of the site which Eling, Labour and the would-be developers were very anxious they should relinquish ... Watch this space ...)

Throughout all this, Gurinder purported to be on friendly terms. Here's a message to a third party which was forwarded to me:

When Watson was then involved in (yet another) plot - this time to screw me - I turned to Gurinder for help. It was as if the guy never knew who who I was. The "friendship" was simply a pretence to get what he wanted to satisfy his masters, and having got the mine he gave me the shaft! Many people - including many in the Sandwell Sikh community - have since told me that he is a duplicitous b*stard - and so wholly qualified to be an MP in our motherf*cker of Parliaments!

Only today, some Sikh folks have been publicly complaining about him on social media concerning - they say - his alleged intervention in "blocking" a peerage for a well-known Sikh activist. Any more on this anyone?

Gurinder has his own little harem of rimmers, notably Pam Randhawa and Parbinder Kaur. I wonder if Randhawa will benefit when he's elected? (I will write about other candidates when the full details are known on 7th June, but he is surely a shoo-in for this seat?)

Incidentally, a couple of people in the Sikh community are telling me the liar, Parbinder Kaur (Skidders passim), has been applying for a Parliamentary seat - but I am treating this as a leg-pull! Also many Sikh folk have been dropping me hints at Josan's machinations politically and at the Smethwick Gurdwara - if you want to spill the beans, now would be a VERY good time! His direct involvement in the Rajbir Singh affair also remains a mystery.

I have also written about the poisonous activities of Gurinder and Pam Randhawa in their successful takeover (until recently) of the Sandwell Police Independent Advisory Group (IAG). Happily, the two women who have run the local force recently have seen through this pair. Randhawa was removed from the IAG (apparently) but the position with Josan remains opaque. Surely the Police and/or Josan need to make the position clear?

Gurinder sees himself as the ultimate "fixer" (and see above) but this has allowed him to fly under the radar in respect of his personal finances and conduct - something those standing against him may wish to take a close look at. He says himself he has numerous business and property interests.

One class of business that did very well in the pandemic was hardware/building supplies as the nation embraced DIY (not the Tipper sort) during lockdown. Yet Warley Hardware was first in the queue for Covid grants. What about his other businesses? Did Josan businesses receive grants or loans when he is personally wealthy? ( have written to Gurinder about this but he has declined to respond. ) At least when he is elected he will have to complete the Parliamentary Register of Interests which should make interesting reading! Spellar was a pathetic MP who did absolutely f*ck all for Warley from his South London lair, but at least we could see that he was greedy little prick with all his foreign trips (including to open a branch of an English public school in Egypt) and his acceptance of hospitality from the gambling industry! And, like Watson, Johnny boy will soon be ripping off us taxpayers again from the House of Lords.


Not just Tory contempt for Sadders ...

Sandwell Labour has always been known for "cadre development" - a polite term meaning jobs for the boys and girls, both as Councillors and employees. On the political side this has meant a succession of tribal retards being provided with a taxpayer-filled trough in which to bury their snouts.

Since Keir "Sir Woodenarse" Starmer claimed he would "sort-out" Sandwell the corruption has, in fact, continued apace, but one tangible feature of his failed interventions has been candidates being shipped-in to "represent" Sandwell people as a short-term staging post to standing for Parliament (Skidders passim). Thus a pair suddenly appeared from Nottingham only a year ago, Jennifer Hemingway (Abbey) and Luke John Davies (Smethwick) who works for an organisation based in local, er, Edinburgh - although to be fair to them, they have bought a house in Sadders. One year later, Davies is standing for Aldridge-Brownhills! 

And Chipilro Kalebe-Nyanongo was only elected for Old Warley last May, but wants away. She is standing in Droitwich & Evesham (although it really will be an earthquake if she wins that one).

Poor Sadders - stuck with absolute Labour dross like the Giles's and Melia on the one hand, and careerists who simply want to use the sh*thole Borough as a rung up the greasy ladder. 

West Bromwich BID

Rebellion is underway amongst small traders in West Brom who are forced to pay extra tax locally to the hated "Business Improvement District" (BID). They are forced to pay extra for services they are already paying the bent Labour Council and the Police for, via business rates.

I will be writing further about this in detail in due course, but there is a petition circulating amongst the small traders to stop the mad and bad scheme when it comes up for the next vote. It is great to see some folk getting off their knees for once in Sadders - although big national chains like Tesco, Sports Direct and their ilk may well combine to crush the "little people". Watch this space again ...

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