I don't think Bob Woods is the only gay in The Lyng but I will hazard a guess that he is the cleverest, wittiest and most honest.
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Leftie with a conscience. |
If you are new to this blog there are links at the bottom of this page to Bob's two guest blogs. Bob is Labour and Trade Union through and through (though of the thinking variety rather than the blind, ignorant, "follower" type). I have had many debates with him over a glass or three when he has tried to convince me of the dubious merits of millionaire, North London posh boy, "Red" Ed Miliband and, even more improbably, of ex-public schoolboy and one-man economic disaster-zone, Ed Balls-Up.
Besides being "Labour" Bob has been an industrious trade union official. He still turns up at trade union conferences assisting Workstress:
If you like leftie stuff you should follow his erudite Twitter account @brummytaff where he is particularly strong on linking to some really interesting articles/writings.
When he moved to Sandwell he naturally joined the local Labour Party. Little did he realise then that the party "brand" had been well and truly poisoned locally and that years of one-party rule had transformed what is supposed to be a caring, humane, party into a vile North Korean-style dictatorship.
But Bob was a regular user of The Public and saw at close quarters the utterly cynical way Mahboob Hussain and his sidekick, Kim Jong-Cooper, went about destroying it because they "didn't like it". He witnessed the bent College deal where, when things were not being deliberately kept secret from the people, huge lies were being told (including in official Council records); where the College was gifted a second £70m public building at no rent with the Council still paying to maintain the building; where a huge petition against closure was openly mocked and derided by the moronic Labour "leader"; where the laughable Tom Watson said he was going to "get involved" and his Labour comrades put two fingers up and announced closure just six HOURS later; where a ruse was used to gift a multi-million contract to a favoured contractor without tender etc etc etc. And so Bob had the intelligence to start asking questions about this bent deal, via his Twitter account....
Of course, the xxxxx-xxxxxxxx xxxx [factually accurate description temporarily redacted] Cooper, and his Labour cronies, will not tolerate opposition nor dissent so that Bob was immediately ostracised and then intimidated. He started to be attacked on Twitter and, in a particularly infamous example, Labour Councillors Cooper, weirdo Cllr Sandars and the cipher Cllr Moore ganged up to attack and abuse him - a fellow Party member - for having the temerity to attend a public Cabinet meeting!
Things quickly took a more sinister turn when he was accosted in the Kebub Restaurant, West Bromwich, and threatened about his use of Twitter against the activities of the local party. The Police were informed (for what use that is in Sandwell).
Nothing could be proven to link the following with the local Party but Bob then suffered some small acts of vandalism at his home culminating in a burglary.
The vile Cooper and his big Unite the Union pal, Regional Organiser Brian Rickers, together with numerous troll accounts, then launched a sustained social media attack against him, christening him "Booby" or variations thereof - yet more demeaning and offensive conduct against a Party member. Talking of members, the odious "leader" even lied in a twitter "conversation" with one of the trolls that he had spoken to one of Bob's ex-boyfriends about the size of Bob's penis. Can you believe that from the person who is supposed to be the lead representative of a troubled Borough desperately in need of inward investment, vitally-needed jobs etc and who advertises his babyish babblings on the Council website and on his taxpayer-funded business card. Is it any wonder that Sandwell sinks ever lower, business people ignore these buffoons and look elsewhere, the Council is being taken to the cleaners by the Courts and the Borough is becoming a laughing-stock?
I cannot resist putting this screenshot up again. Not only does it show the "clever" leader [sic] himself using the insulting epithet "Booby" but the dimwitted bully actually manages to also spell a word incorrectly TWICE in one short Tweet (and so no surprise then that Cooper easily won the national competition to find "Britain's Thickest Council Leader????)
Incidentally, although the above tweet was addressed to the Unite scumbag the almost immediate response was from the troll account @brumskidder. It was about "Boooby" and was sent to both of these bullies. Cooper himself then responded to the troll and to Unite's thug calling Bob "a despicable little creature"!
Darren Cooper has tried to silence me for a considerable time and in a concerted campaign he and the trolls managed to get my Twitter accounts suspended. The trolls crowed about the planned and jointly-executed enterprise and made it quite plain that Bob would face the same treatment (in their usual illiterate fashion):
Like many of the other troll accounts associated with this local authority "leader" and the Unite "Organiser" [sic], Twitter eventually suspended this account and then, as with the others, allowed it to continue (before final suspension). No sooner had this account come live again than this threat was immediately made to Bob:
(For full details of the suspended troll accounts in the current campaign please see:
http://thesandwellskidder.blogspot.co.uk/2015/04/miliband-favourite-keeps-on-trolling.html )
And then came perhaps the most sinister episode of all. Cooper and Rickers were associated with numerous troll accounts including one mentioned above, named @brumskidder. Bob was having some medical treatment and went along to The Lyng NHS Surgery. He was seen and asked to come back again the following day. He visited the post office and returned home. Absolutely no-one bar Bob and the staff at the Surgery knew about the booking of a further appointment the following day.
That night this appeared from the troll @brumskidder:
"Interesting call Today regarding Booby. How the trip to Lyng Centre and post office booby".
OK, someone may have been spying on him but how does one explain what happened next? The same troll posted another tweet - copying in Cooper and Rickers (and also the mysterious "Paul Reeves" who is another "person" actively engaging with that pair and many of the troll accounts):
"BooBy tomorrow Lyng Centre again!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx @sandwellleader @brianrickers1 @paulsgardens1"
So what is that all about? (Incidentally, Bob made an official complaint to the NHS who allegedly investigated and pronounced that they were mystified about the whole affair).
Sandwell Police have also dismissed the harassment of Bob by the trolls on the unbelievable ground - I kid you not - that by calling him Booby they may be referring to someone else! Doesn't give you much confidence in their detection skills, eh readers? Try this little test to see if you are cleverer than those Sandwell Council-loving guys'n'gals in blue - do you think these two tweets might indicate a possible link between "Boooby" and "Bob Woods"?:
(Incidentally the information in these two tweets is false! Bob and I were not at what the trolls call a meeting but which everyone else would call two - other - guys having a pint!))
So local Labour and their Union backers have joined with trolls to relentlessly attack one of their own. Think on in Sandwell if this is the sort of foul regime you want to vote for locally in May!
But how fantastic that Bob is an independent spirit who will expose wrong-doing when he sees it unlike so many of the grovellers in Sandwell who keep their heads down just so that they get a few quid here and there from the squalid "socialists". Mind you, Bob has been equally scathing about my good self (although usually in private). It is fair to say that he likes the substance of my blog but not the "style" (if it can be called that!) I will greatly miss his early morning harangues about my "purple prose" where I listen politely and then totally ignore him (sorry Bob!) I am sure when he reads my comments about superhero Ed above he will be choking on his muesli. We have been odd companions over the last few months but, even if I do ignore him - more than - occasionally, I do respect him enormously. What a shame there aren't more around like him to help clean up the rotten Borough.
So farewell old boy. You WILL be missed. Linda and I are looking forward to coming down to South Wales to see you soon. Indeed I have been regularly placing a coathanger (as opposed to the usual foot) in my mouth to practice the Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaar - diff accent!
Be Happy!
Here are Bob's two guest posts on this blog:
E-mail: thesandwellskidder@gmail.com Twitter: @bcrover (Vernon Grant)
Confidential phone no: 07599 983737
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