Wednesday 6 January 2021

Sandwell Council's Frontline "Heroes"!

Now here's yet another oddity at bent Labour Sandwell Council! In their usual boastful, bullsh*tting, way the comrades put it about in the first Covid lockdown that the staff were doing a fantastic job with all hands to the pump. This seemed unlikely given that levels of sickness absence within local government are usually much higher than within the private sector anyway and, indeed, moles within the Oldbury Kremlin told The Skidder that there had, in fact, been mass panic at SMBC and in its schools at the start of the Covid crisis. Far from the stoical workforce sticking to their public service remit large numbers simply did a runner! I am not saying they started working from home - they simply "threw a sickie".

The Skidder has now obtained figures for the first 12 weeks of the Covid crisis (lockdown 1) from 16th March, 2020. In week one 596 went off sick. In week 2 this increased to an astonishing 822 "public servants" off work and in week 3, 745 were still absent before the numbers started to drop. These are astonishing numbers - and prove what the moles were saying - especially as the total number of positive Covid cases for those three weeks was, mercifully, just 2 (yes - two!).

For the 12 week period the total of sickness absences was a stonking 5,592. Despite the unions screaming about lack of PPE, trying to get schools closed down etc. the total number of this five and a half thousand who actually tested positive was 106 (and, of course, there is no indication those poor souls caught the illness at work).

Incidentally, the (then) Leader Cllr "Red" Yvonne Davies told the press that in week one there were 400 absentees whereas the actual number was 596. Maybe Labour were trying to play down the enormous scale of this embarrassing sh*tshow? ("Red" herself was able to escape to her nearly half a million pound dacha in rural Herefordshire.)

The unions are now demanding pay increases for these "frontline heroes"! Why not join "The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth to Power!" Facebook Group and let me know what you think? (Please note that I will not approve members who have no "about info" on their profiles as I am aware that malicious actors are trying to join the Group. If you have no profile for good reason and wish to join please contact me first to avoid being automatically "declined".)

Sandwell Council are now using the £300,000 legal fund referred to elsewhere to attempt to censor this blog post. As I have no money nor legal representation at present I am voluntarily and temporarily removing the matters complained of pending resolution. This is done STRICTLY WITHOUT ANY ADMISSION OF LIABILITY whatsoever. Indeed, I am defending the oppressive claim against me.


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx been ubiquitous in the media xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx major media rimmers like virulently pro-Labour "journalists" George Makin and Jane "SH" Haynes. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx include the usual idiots live Cllrs Costigan and Edwards although even the sensible end of the market like Leader Maria Crompton have joined in.

Such was the hubris of these Labour Councillors they boasted last August that they had Covid licked!




xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx started arguing xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx- that teachers (who have done their utmost not to teach in schools duing Covid) should get priority for vaccination. 

The roll-out of the vaccines has been agreed by very high-level scientists and real medical specialists via the Joint Committee on Vaccines and Immunology (JCVI). Ok it's at least supposed to be a free country and a xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on teachers getting priority vaccinations and even circulated a petition supporting it! 

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx but this is what Chief Medical Officer Chris "Next Slide Please" Whitty said in last night's Downing Street briefing:

"In terms of vaccine priority I think from a clinical point of view the real priority is to make sure that we, you know, we know who the people are who are most likely to die are or by far the most likely to end up in hospital and it's that ordering which the JCVI has put in place and which everyone who has looked at this has agreed this is the correct ordering - lots of academics and others have looked at it and they all agree so I think it's very important that that ordering which takes us down not just the first four tiers ... but all the way down to people in their 50's - which includes some teachers obviously - and people who have got underlying health conditions - is followed through because those are the people most likely to come at risk... The key thing is to prioritise those who are most likely to come to clinical harm."

At present Sandwell Council have declined to say whether they share the view xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and, if so, when they agreed with xxx [the]  recommendation that teachers should be prioritised over other groups (eg Labour have forced the construction workers building the multi-million pound paddling pool for the ludicorous Commonwealth Games to work throughout ALL the lockdowns so that Labour are not embarrassed by the job not being finished on time).

I have also asked Leader Maria Crompton for her view on all this. She has an elderly relative and I asked if she should be bounced down the pricking order so that teachers can jump the queue. Alas she has not responded to date but I will keep you posted...

Of course, Labour have been desperate to increase income from its burial and cremation service (one of the most expensive locally) and failing to protect the elderly from dying might be a nice earner. You may inhale deeply at this but don't forget the same comrades were looking at dissolving cadavers in acid and pouring the contents into public sewers not long ago!

Lest we forget, the Sandwell Council for Voluntary Organistions (SCVO) - which is heavily funded by us taxpayers - tactfully circulated a blog recently where a "legacy consortium" - whatever the f*ck one of them is - reminded charities that those likely to succumb to "coronavirus" should be encouraged to "update their funeral support" [sic]. Lovely SCVO were happy to remind local "third sector" organisations via the blog of the loot potentially available if the pandemic sycthes through Sadders again:

"Could this be a new means of income for your charity to explore and seek to attract into the organisation moving forward?"

Alas, during Covid there are some ill people and some sick bastards! 


**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****


Facebook: Julian Saunders  

Facebook Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!

Twitter: @SandwellSkidder            

Post:  Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG


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