Friday 8 February 2019


Here we go yet again! How many times has this blog flagged up the spread of Labour's virulent cancer throughout Sandwell (aka Sadwell) in over four decades of Dictatorship? Whilst the sh*thole Borough languishes at or near the bottom of virtually every published index of deprivation the sleazy "socialists" have wheedled their way - Pyongyang-style - into every aspect of local life.

Most small local charities or voluntary organisations have held out the begging bowl to the "comrades" and in return for some moolah have prostituted themselves to "the Party". Many have been forced to take Councillors or other Labour cronies onto their boards. Ones that step out of line are immediately threatened with withdrawal of support and invariably return to the fold.

When the late Smethwick Scumbag, Darren Cooper, and his Cabinet members vindictively decided to destroy the arts in Sandwell they enjoyed considerable success. But a couple of organisations bravely hung on and continued to do good work, one of whom was Multistory. During his brief sojourn as arts supremo bankrupt fibber Richard Marshall had two meetings with my wife at OCH to see how the damage could be undone. Linda recommended that funding should be increased to Multistory and another local arts organisations as they have been beacons of good practice. It was better to let proven organisations lead Sadders out of the wilderness than dissipate funds on unproven organisations or projects.

Multistory are a registered charity and should, therefore, stay out of the political cut and thrust. But recent events seem to show that they are straying worryingly close to a "red line".

Despite Labour p*ssing on the populace since April Fools' Day 1974 they do keep trumpeting their perceived "successes" and this delusion is made flesh by numerous self-congratulatory "awards ceremonies" wherein there is a public display of back-slapping by Labour and its grovelling cronies. Surely no self-respecting arts organisation would become involved in this sickening charade would they?

It was with great trepidation therefore that I looked into the fact that Multistory, a registered charity, was promoting yet another Sandwell "award". though this time a gender specific one - "The Women's Honour Award" (no men need apply....) They stated:

"In 2018, the six towns of Sandwell were invited to nominate women who THEY thought deserved to be honoured and celebrated. The nominated women had many things in common: they went above and beyond; they often worked behind the scenes; they were strong supporters of families and communities; and were volunteers or carers, who deserve to be honoured and celebrated."

Who "they"????

But when The Skidder team noticed that one of the judges was none other the Syeda Khatun, the Deputy Leader of the bent Council and constant companion of Derek Rowley, we detected a definite smell of rodent.....

Happily one recipient of Sandwell super-woman status in my old friend Mrs Sarah James. For new readers, Mrs James is suing me for things written about her in this blog. Through her lawyers she has stated that she will seek to throw myself and my wife (a woman) out of our home of 35 years if I don't pay her £50,000 plus costs. Needless to say I am taking an active interest in her doings (and information welcome please - particularly at present with regard to her connections with the Nightingale family).

Mrs James is the latest (non-sexual) project of London-based Tom Watson MP. He and the GMB Union are trying to push her forward for a parliamentary seat (she has not hitherto held elected office outside her trade union). Last week the gobsh*te Brummie MP Jess Phillips used social media to also sing her praises.

Somehow in this obscure process Multistory, Syeda and others managed to "select" 54 "winners" of which Mrs James was one. There names were emblazoned on a wooden plaque no less which will tour the Borough bringing joy to you all:

Given that Watson and his cronies in the Labour hierarchy in Sandwell have been assiduously promoting Mrs James for high office I enquired of Multistory who had nominated her and what the citation was ie what they were told she had actually done that merits this award. The incredible answer from this registered charity is that they can't tell me for "data protection reasons". If this process was not utterly meaningless already it is now and this shocking secrecy and cover-up is a disgrace from an organisation that is based in West Bromwich Town Hall (Council property) and now scores £111,917 from Sandwell Council ie OUR MONEY.

Seemingly this all constitutes "arts" spending?

Cronies of the World Unite! You have nothing to lose....


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