Friday 15 February 2019

Turd Still In Pool?

Mystery surrounds the so-called "resignation" of Steve "Squealing" Eling (aka "The Milkman") as Leader [sic] of corrupt Labour Sandwell Council. Like most local media The Skidder reported that Squealing had finally been forced to step down. Here is the memo to councillors from Jan Britton, the head of Sandwell's bent paid service, but note especially the final paragraph:

The greedy Milkman was not only the joke "Leader" but also Cabinet "Member" for Finance. A Labour Councillor queried whether the final paragraph meant that this greaser was hanging on to his cabinet role and money and, more to the point, whether the metaphorical eunuchs in the Labour Group are still so scared of him that they are keeping an "independent" Councillor on in charge of the Council's annual budget as no-one in Labour is apparently able to do this job! This cannot be in the spirit of his NATIONAL Labour suspension and shows how pusillanimous most of the comrades are.

The other day I mentioned that "Luvvie" Trow, the puppet "leader" in waiting, is perceived as weak and vacillating and if he (and others) have agreed this nonsense then I rest my case m'lud!

Yesterday I sent this email to the head of the bent paid service with copies to the feeble "Luvvie" and the new acting leader Syeda Khatun:

"I have seen Jan Britton's email to Councillors stating that Cllr Eling has finally been forced to step down as Leader.

Mr Britton says "the roles of existing cabinet members and their portfolios remain unaffected."

Mr Eling is also the cabinet member for finance. Does that mean he is trying to hang on to that portfolio and the money that goes with it? If not, who is the cabinet member for finance?"

And answer came there none for local residents and voters!

I also asked two of The Squealer's "rimmers-in-chief" in the Cabinet, "Inane" Elaine Costigan and Dave Hosell, this important question via social media but they too have determinedly failed to let the people of Sandwell know what is actually going down here. Democracy in action/inaction!

There is a worrying sign that this money-grasping Turd is STILL floating in the Sandwell cesspit. I am indebted to "PP" for pointing this out from the Council's website:

You will note that on 13th February, 2019 Britton's bent paid service deliberately removed his name from one committee but that he is still clearly shown as being a cabinet member! This suggests that the astonishing rumours are true!

There is a Cabinet next Wednesday and I will be live reporting on this ludicrous charade. There should be a motion to remove him from the Cabinet if that fits within the rules (alternatively his pathetically yellow colleagues should refuse to convene on Wednesday so that the meeting in not quorate and cannot proceed with him there).

There was also a motion before full Council on 5th March to remove Squealing as Leader but this now needs urgent amendment to remove his Cabinet portfolio if he is going to desperately and embarrassingly hang on. We saw last Monday night that grovellers like Costigan and laughing-stock Peter Hughes did vote rather than abstain in the new leadership contest despite their profession of undying love for Milko. The people of Sandwell (especially Labour voters and supporters) need to see this lot humiliate themselves by publicly voting to keep a suspended member in a crucial cabinet position (and to fill his poisonous mouth with taxpayers money at the same time)!


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