Tuesday 12 February 2019

Sandwell Showdown - Luvvie -v- Squealer!

Last night The Skidder was the only journalist on the ground covering the highly controversial "leadership" election at Oldbury Council house as bent Sandwell MBC became a laughing stock yet again. Most readers now know that Steve "Luvvie" Trow, the right-wing Spellar/Watson candidate, triumphed but the pathetic Council remains in disarray as the snivelling little squatter, Steve "Squealing" Eling, refuses to give up his position and the money that goes with it.

Perhaps we should review how this has all come to pass. The Squealer has made a concerted effort to split the Labour Group and evict anyone who refuses to bend to his maniacal and paranoid will. His nefarious activities have led to his suspension by the NEC of the Labour Party. But, in purely technical terms, the Leadership of the Council is separate from leadership of the Labour Group and this cowardly sh*t (no doubt egged on by his Labour-activist wife) has refused to do the decent thing and to step down to clear his name. He is also very fond of money and will drop £27k per annum during any interregnum (although he has his other job in Rotherham to fall back on).

But Labour rules meant that there was an election last night for an interim leader of the Labour Group and so it came to pass. It has to be said that a large number of the comrades were remarkably pleasant to me last night before the meeting and many seem buoyed up by the prospect of the tyrant's demise. A couple reflected that the highly expensive security arrangements put in force by the crazed Eling were absent and that this was already a positive step forward.

[I was sorry that Rog Horton was absent last night due to illness. I have "issues" with the Horton's over the Cashers affair but wish Rog a speedy recovery and I hope we will be sparring together again soon].

The Skidder was on the doorstep as the comrades came out and "live reported" the result via social media. They were tight-lipped after the event. Many said "no comment" in response to questions. The mood was far from upbeat although the defeated Yvonne Davies accepted defeat with typical good grace and wit. For some bizarre reason the comrades were not allowed by "The Party" to give out the scores. There was no air of celebration about Trow's victory - but why should there be when the majority had specifically voted for the continuance of the fraud, incompetence, cronyism and corruption that has dogged the benighted Borough throughout the Jan Britton era?

Trow came out a long time after the others with the greaser Jedward (Cllr John Edwards). Perhaps the latter had been begging the new supremo to keep his Fire Authority position and money? There was no Maggie Thatcher "Francis of Assisi" moment as Trow gave a curt "no comment" to Skidder readers - hardly a sign that great things are to come with his hand on the tiller (as opposed to a previous Leader's hand in the till).

The Skidder called the result on information received at 36 to 28 whereas the Wolvo C*ck-Suckers have reported it today as 37 to 27 (no doubt having been briefed by the taxpayer-funded half a million pounds a year "press office" of Sandwell Council). As above, this not only shows that 37 councillors are still prepared to sh*t on Sandwell people but that the "group" is still hopelessly split. There seems no chance of Trow holding out the olive branch to the Eling refusniks given his "puppet" status.

Trow is said to be weak and vacillating (perfect "puppet" qualities). He is very unpopular with many local arts organisations despite his self-perceived "Luvvie" status. One took to Facebook on the result, bravely (if foolishly given how vindictive the "socialists" are) greeting Trow's victory with "Oh, no!" He is said to be very good at interfering in issues and having his say but not in providing solutions or actually seeing things through.

He still has a lot of explaining to do about his role in the standards "hearings" "lol" of late and in the affair of the suspended secretaries.

Some Councillors informed me last night that next-up is a vote of no-confidence in the pathetic squatter but if they don't get a move on Luvvie Trow is going to have to grow a pair before the Cabinet meeting on 20th Feb or high farce will ensue. Trow has missed the last two Cabinet meetings but if Eling won't go (in which case the Party should expel him outright) the public will be treated to the delicious spectacle of The Squealer in the Chair and Luvvie sitting in his usual place with the other cabinet members! Book your seat now "lol". This should be good!

Eling (with Lady Macbeth's support no doubt) is unlikely to do the decent thing and will have to be forced out - something the comrades should remember in the event he does come back after the May election. Whilst he stays on and Trow fails to get him out this prevents Luvvie filling his own cabinet position (which will surely go to Liam Preece to strengthen Watson's already near-total control of the corrupt Council's cabinet).

If Eling stays on and continues to guzzle the money Luvvie will be missing out on an extra £10,509 per annum (March 2018 figures) on top of his cabinet member loot. Perhaps he is so weak he will defer to the Great Dictator - greater love hath no man than to lay down his allowances for The Squealer.....

We live in interesting times....

Skidder News

The Skidder is approaching one and a quarter million views. If you like the work of me and the team please consider a small donation. Just £4 covers the cost of a Land registry search or travel costs. Use the Paypal button on the right-hand side of the post (if you are reading on a mobile phone you need to click through to the web version to find the button). Alternatively you can send a cheque to the address below. As above I was the ONLY journalist covering the election live last night and I will be at Cabinet next week. Your help will be gratefully received!

Info Please

  1. There is talk of documents being destroyed at Oldbury recently. Any info?
  2. A very long-serving employee tells me that cctv footage is being removed from "curators" and being passed to press office for "alteration" - what's that all about? (See also my post on #gategate).
  3. I have information about Darren James's disciplinary hearing but was there just the one?
  4. I am still after further information about Paul Reeves running the business known as Paul's Gardens whilst also employed by SMBC (and with the knowledge of Jan Britton).
  5. Does anyone know of other employees who have run businesses whilst employed by SMBC?
  6. Does anyone know anything about a band called "Encore" which have apparently been booked to perform at various Mayor's Charity events? Were they paid for these appearances?

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Email: thesandwellskidder@gmail.com

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Post:  Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG


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