Friday 13 August 2021

Public Health Director McNally's Abusive Tweets

When Lisa McNally joined bent Labour Sandwell Council as Director of Public Health she already had a personal Twitter account. A review of her tweets produces little of interest apart from the obsessive use of the word "awesome". Despite her professional status - which she trumpeted on her Twitter profile - she still felt able to abuse other users whom she took exception to, most notably when she charmingly addressed another user: "Wine + stupid = dickhead".

The longer she was in Sandwell, the more her social media output became what many local folk considered to be "political" even though she is employed with a six-figure salary and gold-plated pension in what is, by law, a politically-restricted post. One thing we have learnt in the High Court case is that her arrogance knows no bounds. Way back in August 2020 a well-known local Twitter user stated that her output was a breach of The Local Government Officers (Political Restrictions) Regulations 1990, but she got a sneering reply, "Yes, and how have I infringed that?" I shall return to this subject in a separate post but suffice to say here, McNally is so conceited she thinks a specific piece of government legislation does not apply to her. Despite being in a politically-restricted post she told the High Court:

"There can be little doubt that being a DPH at this time does draw one into issues that others may label as political. However, it is not political to respond to problems in the national response to a pandemic (indeed, it could be perceived as an inappropriately political act to remain silent when we do indentify problems)."

As her High Court claim was struck out so quickly this was not a feature of the case but it seems to me that she is putting two-fingers up to the law and so I will take appropriate action to finally put a stop to this via the proper channels (assuming she does not leave her post now as she threatened the High Court she would do, if she lost). Incidentally, her view on the law is clearly supported by Cllrs Rajbir Singh and Maria Crompton, and was supported by the now sacked David Stevens and at least three Solicitors in the legal department (who you might think know the law!)

And of course, a great deal of her use of her personal Twitter account was during hours when members of the general public would expect her to be at work. Such was her prolific output that at one point the site suspended her account believing it to be an automatic "bot" set-up. When she was allowed back on she stated, "I think it made me realise that I'm addicted to Twitter".

With the Covid outbreak she became a minor "celebrity" in the local mainstream media and her Twitter use grew as she claimed to be putting "essential" health information into the public domain via her personal account (rather than directing people to official Sandwell Council channels).

As we were gripped with the most-serious public health crisis of recent history, members of mainstream medical organisations such as the British Medical Association (BMA) saw the distressing scenes on their wards yet faced a barrage a nonsense on social media from Covid-Deniers (CD-ers) and, a little later, Anti-Vaxxers (AV-ers). The BMA for one, strongly advised medical professionals NOT to engage with these folk on social media but, instead, to keep pumping out clear educational messages accentuating positive, factual, information. 

Of course, the medical profession take the Hippocratic Oath and vow to treat everyone equally so that these amazing folk often ended up fighting to save the lives of many of the morons who abused them.

The wo/man in the street might be supposed to think that public health professionals would have a similar ethical code to doctors, nurses and so on. Like many bourgeois groups, the UK's Directors of Public Health (DPH's) - very many of whom are not medical doctors but use the professional title "Dr" as they have higher degrees in other fields of learning - have their own tinpot organisation, The Association of Directors of Public Health (ADPH), based expensively, of course, in London despite its supposed nationwide remit.

The Skidder wrote to the ADPH on 23rd July, 2021:



Medical organisations such as the BMA have very clearly stated that its members should avoid conflict with covid-deniers and anti-vaxxers on social media  in favour of positive, educational, output. 

Has the ADPH given similar, or indeed any, advice to your members on this subject?"

This "professional organisation" have been unable or unwilling to respond on behalf of their membership.

You might think that McNally's employers, a local authority, might also consider that they have a legal duty to care to ALL local residents, no matter how stupid or abhorrent their views. But not in bent Labour Sandwell, of course.

McNally declared war on the covid-deniers and anti-vaxxers roared on by the Labour political leaders, Maria Crompton and then Rajbir Singh, and by the (now-sacked) head of the corrupt paid service, Chief Executive, David Stevens. Health professional McNally decided, seemingly with the clear agreement of her employers, to ignore the mainstream advice from the medical organisations and she vowed to "take on" anyone she fancied having a go at.

The Skidder produced evidence of this in the High Court case during her failed legal challenge to this blog, McNally v Saunders (although it was not used as McNally's vicious case was struck out at a very early early stage as having no reasonable prospects of success). Screenshots were supplied of a small selection of the offending posts (and are available to readers upon request).

When not making constant jokes about David Icke, McNally regularly called her targets "stupid":

"Covid deniers of the worst kind [can there be gradations?]. Sad, nasty and stupid. But mostly stupid".

It is not just the hardline CD-ers that attract her ire. Anyone who questions statistics or her world view is automatically "a troll". Someone queried some comments she made about a new variant. This professional imparted the following "essential" health information as an employee of SMBC:

"I've told you before trolls - you wan't stop me reporting the facts. So troll off back to your little troll home."

Of course she tried to stifle my right to free speech to comment about her performance, political activity and qualifications when denigrating the views of national experts, via the High Court (expecting the taxpayer to pay for her failed action) but demanded the right herself:

"[The CD-ers] defend their own right to free speech - but not so keen on the free speech of others" [meaning herself].

Even a member of the public who asked a perfectly reasonable question got the "expert" response:

"It's difficult to hear facts when your head is in the sand" (with accompanying photo of a man with his head in the sand!)

In the most infamous incident bent Labour Sandwell Council let her put up a Twitter poll about Covid-deniers with 4 answers - one referring to, er, David Icke and another inviting CD-ers to answer, "I am an idiot". This nonsense was given widepread local publicity by her friend at the Birmingham Mail, the laughable "journalist" Jane Haynes (posts passim).

Many of McNally's Twitter "followers" are from outside Sandwell and many local folk don't use Twitter and so are deprived of what she claims is "essential" health information. But one user appears to be a local resident yet this Council employee chose to abuse him, and he was not happy! Like many people he disliked her scaremongering. Here is one example of many where this Director of Public Health scared the sh*t out of locals by simply endorsing bad news without any comment or, better still, reassurance:

(How does this sort of thing from a local Council "help"?)

Anyway, our local friend took the view - also expressed by others on Twitter - that McNally was enjoying being the centre of local attention. She accused him, as a member of SMBC staff - without any evidence on Twitter itself - of being a troll, a Covid denier and getting his mates to gang up on her. He was aggrieved as he had just been for a vaccination. He wrote:

Local man: "Utter lunacy from a key influencer. Challenged her and rightly so. If I was a Covid denier I wouldn't have been vaccinated now would I? As for getting 'my mates to attack her' and blocking me before I could reply, grow up."

He also stated in a seperate tweet: "Nobody is attacking you, just stop the scare fest ay?"

As her local media persona grew thanks to the bone-idle MSM she took delight in looking at how many Twitter followers people had who didn't agree with her and then mocked them - this happened a number of times but here's one:

McNally: "Are you sure you speak for all your six followers?"

One Twitter user upbraided her:

"Tolerance and understanding goes a long way Lisa McNally. These are members of your community , be kind. Less judgement more tolerance. Less with the labels, categorising people the way you do is not all that helpful." Quite!

(Of course, McNally wouldn't dream of living in a "community" like sh*thole Sandwell despite often referring to it as "awesome". No, she lives in a nice white place many miles away.)

McNally took umbrage with the above and demanded her right to express an opinion - precisely the same right she sought to prevent me from using in her failed High Court Action. The above writer responded, trying to reason with her:

"Unfortunately it is the lack of tolerating differences of opinion that leads to the kind of us and them mentality that leads to discrimination. Live and let live, that's all I'm saying."

McNally had an amazing spat with Allyson Pollock (a medical doctor and Director of the Institute of Health and Society at Newcastle University) who said on Twitter that all DPH's should speak with one voice and that they should not embark on local costly, and unevaluated, policies. The ever thin-skinned McNally took this as a personal affront to her and snapped back to this experienced commentator:

"Take your personal attacks elsewhere". 

McNally took on another health professional Dr Clare Craig - a medical doctor, consultant pathologist and data geek. Dr Craig raised a question to her 67,000 Twitter followers about falling Covid fatality rates. Our local "expert" was quick to respond but with a mocking, p*ss-taking, response:

"Yes, cos it's not like we have effective vaccines or ... oh hang on."

Whilst McNally often claims that she is being "trolled" (which is ironoic in itself - see further below) she actively gatecrashes threads [conversations] on Twitter involving other people so that she can "have a go".

She intervened in a conversation between a Tweeter and Dudley cops and then started insulting the Tweeter (!)

"Complete gibberish. Now go away anonymous little troll. Go far away."

In a bizarre incident a Twitter-user was "tagged" [joined] in a thread she was not part of and McNally, who likes to frequently parade her expertise and erudition, decided to attack her! 

McNally: "It's one thing to debate the relative value vs harms of lockdown restrictions. But when people deny the realities of thousands of bereaved families with some crass pseudo-science they've heard in a David Icke video - then they've stepped over the 'stupid line' and get blocked."

The woman who had been tagged to the thread without her knowledge or consent was clearly irritated and replied in this moderate way:

Tweeter: "I'm in a chat I didn't ask to be in luv. Block away. Do me a favour."

Professional health worker McNally dislikes not having the last word and so this Sandwell employee responded:

McNally: "I didn't ask you in. I'm really unclear who you are and why you are tagging me in your angry tweets. But, that said. Very happy to block you, 'luv'"

If you are a Twitter user you need to be careful of even commenting about McNally as she is watching out for any criticism. A well-known Birmingham political commentator wrote when Covid rates soared in Sandwell earlier this year after Labour said they had Covid licked:

"I don't live in Sandwell but Lisa McNally the Public Health Director should be fired instantly ..."

I did a quote Tweet in reply and I ask you to read the plain English: "She has a number of idiotic Cllrs cheering her on - Costigan, Jedward etc. And Leader of Sandwell [then Maria Crompton] told me to my face she is brilliant. We shall see but what a disastrous situation after all the Labour bragging."

McNally seriously argued in the High Court in London that despite the words "we shall see" this was a direct call by me for her to be dismissed! (You can probably see, with this sort of calibre of allegation, why her nasty and vindictive case was very quickly struck out).

We knew the result of the court case three days before it was officially announced on the Friday but on that very day she was using Twitter to mock AV-ers. She appears to be the loosest of loose cannon, unprepared to see the error of her ways or moderate her actions in any way.

It seems that whilst she can't take ANY criticism on Twitter she can certainly give it out despite her sainted persona.

Finally in this section, McNally is clearly fond of litigation (at least if she thinks someone else is going to pay) as she infamously also threated legal action against local Conservative MP Nicola Richards during the pandemic.

Blocked by McNally

Last year McNally blocked me on Twitter but then a very strange thing happened - she started blocking my followers - many of whom made their view of this public. Even though many had had no interaction with her, she blocked them. In the High Court case I presented a number of screenshots from affected individuals. Here is one I accidentally omitted from someone who was not best pleased:

As the publicity of her bizarre behaviour grew she stopped doing it. And so she then felt able to give a statement - endorsed with a statement of truth - with this gem:

"Mr Saunders also claims that anyone following him would be blocked from viewing my account [which is NOT what I actually said]. This is demonstrably untrue. The vast majority of his followers had not been blocked by me ..."

She was twisting everything but did begin to give the game away when she added:

"Those that have been blocked by myself have usually been people who have either shared or 'liked' Mr Saunders' attacks on me ..." (Of course, there were no "attacks" on her except in her own mind.)

McNally and her Troll pals:

The Skidder also produced to the High Court a schedule showing the local troll accounts McNally had decided to follow despite their vile content. This is the network centred on ex-Cllr Dave Hosell and supported in his different incarnations by the the likes of former journalist, Adam Smith. The actual document submitted to the Court is shown beneath the legal notice below. I will be writing separately about McNally's dealings with the @Manandboy3 troll account but you might want to take a quick look below to see the inter-connections within the troll network.

Local community activist Darryl Magher advised McNally to stop following the Man and Boy and Andrew Hose troll accounts and, as we shall see elsewhere, she ignored him regarding @Manandboy3. She stopped following Hose - widely believed to be our old friend Brian Rickers (with or without associates) [Addendum 14/08/21 - which Rickers denies] - but has re-started following him and even communicating with him. Her arrogance and poor judgement knows no bounds.

Despite the schedule below being served on the Court and McNally some weeks ago, as at 10th August, 2021 McNally continues to follow some of the very obvious troll accounts ie. Delboy Trotter, On Thin Ice, Flashing Perfect, the fake "Sandwell Skidder" and Lara Carl.

You might well ask what a professional Director of Public Health is doing very deliberately following troll accounts but the good news is that as she is now on notice (via the High Court no less) of the position if she tries to claim, in due course, that she didn't know they were trolls. She earns a six-figure salary (plus gold-plated pension) and so she has to be very careful not to retweet or otherwise disseminate their defamatory statements or she is likely to face immediate legal action herself. Further, as she has embroiled her employers in the output of her personal Twitter account in the High Court action, there is now a very high likelihood that myself and others attacked by the trolls can also sue bent Sandwell Council - who will now be vicariously liable in law for her actions - if she repeats their poison. She is, literally, "on thin ice".

Further, McNally has allowed the Healthy Sandwell Twitter account to retweet at least one of her personal Tweets which is another clear indication that bent Labour Sandwell Council are officially backing her personal Twitter account and accept responsibility for the content, even after the disastrous court case! 

McNally is also regularly communicating with Vika Khan, a close relative and mouthpiece of Bash Khan (suspended by the Labour Party for, er, his vile anti semitic posts) - which will probably also end in tears.

No Pay McNally

The costs order for payment of £49,747.20 is in McNally's personal name but she has not paid (at the time of writing). Yesterday my Solicitor demanded payment and set out the course of action which will follow in the event of further delay. Perhaps her many rimmers can have a whip round but they had better be quick since unpleasant consequences are imminent. Yet she still seems to think the taxpayer should bail her out ... Watch this space!


**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****


Facebook: Julian Saunders  

Facebook Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!

Twitter: Publisher: @CrowMultimedia; Julian Saunders: @SandwellSkidder            

Post:  Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG


LEGAL NOTICE (Version 3 from 14th February, 2021)

I cannot list every previous mention of individuals referred to in the entirety of this blog. Where I refer to a specific story please follow the supplied hyperlink since this forms legal justification for later comments. Similarly references to “posts passim” and to earlier posts mean any individuals concerned about purported defamatory or otherwise unlawful material must read later posts in the context of earlier posts. Full information can also be supplied within a reasonable time upon application via email to

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Every now and again we make a genuine honest error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email and we shall use our best endeavours to publish appropriate corrections forthwith.

We have had to remove the direct comment facility from this blog due to the activity of a West Bromwich woman but we are pleased to receive comments via email to , on Twitter via our publishers @CrowMultimedia or via our dedicated Facebook Group: “The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth to Power!” We are happy to publish any sensible commentary and offer a right of reply where applicable.

If you consider that anything written is defamatory or otherwise unlawful please email or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.

Troll accounts schedule (non-exclusive):

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