Sandwell Labour loathe commerce and enterprise which is largely why the Borough is such a sh*thole after 48 years - yes folks, that's FORTY EIGHT years - of their dictatorship. One of the most deprived places in the country, Labour has brought the Borough to its knees - a poverty ghetto with poor health and educational outcomes. Instead of hanging their heads in shame, Labour morons like Cllr Peter "Alberich" Hughes BOAST about how sh*t the place is:
"... in England's most deprived decile - which we are probably in or near to ...".
[The fact that he doesn't actually know makes this statement even more startling.]
At least official figures show that life expectancy is worse in Sadders than most other places so that, if you don't vote the corrupt Labour Party out, then at least death will release you from their tyranny "significantly earlier" than you might wish for!
Most Sandwell Councillors are venal morons who have never run a whelk stall (and the few that did have businesses, like the absurd Cllr Bill "Alka Seltzer" Gavan, mostly came a cropper). Most actually despise business and private enterprise and attack the creation of wealth at every opportunity. They receive a personal allowance but award themselves fake "jobs" so that they can receive "special responsibility payments", from us taxpayers, on top. The bent Labour Borough has become synonymous with corruption, cronyism and incompetence - so much so that the Government has had to put the Council into "special measures". YOU will have to pay hundreds of thousands of pounds for a Government team to spend two years sorting the mess out and stopping Labour's ongoing fraud etc. If you are thick enough to vote Labour on 5th May then you deserve everything you don't get!
The Labour corruption involves employing family, friends and Party members at the Council regardless of talent and/or ability. Bent staff allow the corruption to continue in the full knowledge that if they, themselves, are implicated they will leave with a confidentiality agreement and a huge pay-off.
But now these Labour silly Burghers are attacking their own side. Even though hardly any Labour Councillors know a thing about business or investment they are seeking to force the financial professionals at West Midlands Pension Fund* (WMPF) to dance to their tune.
Trustees at WMPF have a legal duty to maximise the income of the fund (within specific risk parameters) for the benefit of future and existing pensioners. They administer the pensions of local authorities across the West Midlands together with those of many employees in schools, the fire and police services, and a host of other organisations. But Sandwell Labour (and, presumably, their Union masters) want to be able to order them to disinvest from whole industries to satisfy their political posturing. This interference is highly likely to damage the income of the Fund and, accordingly, the pensions it pays out.
The crazed charge is led for Sandwell Labour by foul-mouthed oddball, Cllr Laura Rollins (West Brom Central). You would think Rollins, who appears to want to associate herself with wealth, would be anxious to support the maximisation of pensions for Sandwell employees and others given her notorious social media search for dates with "rich Jewish boys", but not a bit of it. She and her Labour and Union "comrades" want WMPF to immediately disinvest from "fossil fuel" industries. The fact is, of course, that the world cannot get by without fossil fuels for the foreseeable future and the war in Ukraine has shown that investment, rather than disinvestment, is required to maintain supplies - at least in the short-term. Strangely, companies like Shell and BP had a torrid time in recent years as they moved away from oil, gas, etc and have been poor investments, but they are having something of a bonanza thanks to Mr Putin. And so this is an odd time for the "socialists" to demand a sell-off although, of course, they don't care if local pensioners and their own employees lose out because of their warped political dogma.
Despite Rollins's online search for skinless sausage she declares herself a vegan and, with Sandwell Labour, also demands disinvestment from "industrial livestock" - however they define that. Once again, world food supplies are being roiled by the war in Ukraine. We are facing price hikes in the shops here, but in many African and other countries there is a real risk of mass starvation in the coming months. Again this is an odd time for some of the grossly obese (like myself) Labour Councillors at bent Sandwell to be attacking the food industry.
[Interestingly the assault on the food industry has nothing to do with animal welfare where, of course, Sandwell Labour is fully in favour of the highly controversial ritual slaughter of critters with no prior stunning.]
The deeply corrupt Labour Party is trying to wrap up these political demands in a "green" (though sh*t-smeared) blanket. There seems, of course with Labour, to have been no investigation whatsoever into the effect of these grandstanding policies on the pensions of hundreds of thousands of local people. And this is just the thin end of the wedge. Sandwell Labour hate most industries and commercial activities, with the likes of Cllr Bob "Seig Heil" Piper being a slavish adherent to the anti-Capitalist ramblings of the thick, old, shagger Jeremy Corbyn, continously fighting for a Cuban-style dictatorship. And only recently, wealthy Herefordshire resident and former Sandwell Labour leader, Cllr "Red" Yvonne Davies, gleefully celebrated losses at pub group J D Wetherspoons - even though it operates four businesses and provides employment to people who actually live in the benighted Borough (one pub is directly opposite Oldbury Council House, although I am not sure Yvonne knows where that is anymore). If Sandwell Labour force the pension fund to invest only in companies they "like" (eg. deep-mined coal, clapped-out steelworks, retail parks on greenfield sites) then WMPF pensioners are in for a very bleak end to their days on earth. But, if it is any consolation, at the last Cabinet meeting, Piper revealed that he is often guided by the thoughts of Derek "Red Robbo" Robinson in economic matters - so that's alright then!
[Red Robbo was often unduly maligned, of course, and I am very pleased to be a friend of his daughter.]
I have written to the Unite, GMB and Unison trade unions asking if they support this potentially disastrous raid on the pension pots of their members/retired members by their local West Midlands branches and will keep you informed of their response.
Rather than attack WMPF perhaps Labour should look at the investments their own corrupt Council holds. In particular there is one very non-green mega-polluter the comrades are actually very keen on since, pre-Covid at least, it was a cash cow for their disastrously failing Council. They may have given hundreds of thousands to booted-out employees, splashed £100k on Lisa McNally on top of her £105,000 salary, lost £22m on Providence Place etc etc etc but one company has stumped up millions to bail-out their profligacy. Yes, perhaps the "green" comrades should look at divesting the bent Borough's shares in, er, Birmingham Airport!
[Incidentally, one Sandwell Councillor has spent a substantial time on the Airport Board. Step forward Robert Francis Piper. Seig heil!]
Where's Busted?
The ghastly people of Abbey Ward in Harborne North (aka Sh*thole Bearwood) like to masquerade as caring "socialists" voting in "hard-left" muppets like Piper and Ahmad Bostan. The latter, "Busted" Bostan", quickly became a laughing stock at Council meetings but was, nevertheless, a consummate rimmer and was soon appointed to the Cabinet. But, as this blog reported, he went awol and even Labour "comrades" couldn't contact him. The Berghaus Bolshies of Bearwood (many of whom, incidentally, are reliant on WMPF pensions) picked another dud here, like Piper. And the people of Sandwell have paid his normal allowances (and continue to do so) and his extra loot for being in the Commode/Cabinet (at least until he recently resigned) whist he has completely disappeared - allegedly to pursue a "media career". Any people of Abbey Ward wishing to get help from Busted are advised to contact British Muslim TV where, happily, their Tribune is alive and well and, so it is said, raking in loads of dosh.
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Busted, naturally, on the left lol! |
* Declaration of Interest - the author's wife receives a pension via WMPF.
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