Friday 29 April 2022

Zorro Hughes Latest - Can this buffoon be any more ludicrous?

The cowardly yet aggressive Cllr Peter "Zorro" Hughes (aka "Alberich") at bent Labour Sandwell Council has featured in this blog quite a bit recently despite the fact that he is a pathetic joke. But he seems determined to court even more adverse publicity!

Of course, he tried a stunt with fellow Wednesbury Labour horrors, Elaine Costigan and Luke Giles, to concrete over Goldicroft Park in Wednesbury before local residents realised what these ***** were up to, and stopped their crazed plan. Then Alberich had the temerity to stand for the already tarnished office of Sandwell Mayor as if he has any of the qualities to fulfil that role with any sort of grace and dignity. Happily his tilt at the Mace failed.

Then he was caught whining at a full Council meeting about a member of the public (me) allegedly interrupting meetings whilst his own phone went off - you can watch the hilarious footage and suffer a little of what this droning moron has visited on councillors and the public for many years via the link below. It's excruciating but well worth the view, and watch the bottom left-hand corner for the reaction of Cllr Piper at the critical moment!

Regular readers will know that Labour have brought the benighted Borough to its knees and the Government has been forced to put Sandwell into special measures to try to stop Labour's corruption, cronyism and incompetence. Since 2017 (incredibly) the Monitoring Officer has been at the centre of Labour's shaming degringolade. Despite the collapse of governance, Surjit Tour, for it is he, has not seen fit to resign. In our sister blog we are preparing a detailed dossier of his subversion of the Standards process (with other Sandwell solicitors) plus an extra dossier for other purposes. A well-known Labour figure confirmed what happened - Tour was not brought in to oversee lawful, independent, supervision of the disciplinary process for errant Labour councillors (his statutory role) but to "act" for them and "get them off".

Since the last election in 2021 Tour has turned his attention to bringing down the legal system relating to the Councillors' Register of Interests. He has tried to undermine the system by teaming up with sundry Councillors like Pam Randhawa to conceal information from the public because of alleged but unspecified threats of violence and intimidation!

Zorro has been on a downward trajectory (admittedly from a very low starting point) and moved from his own house into rented property. He has now moved again but, astonishingly, doesn't want local people to know his new address. Once again, Hughes and Tour have agreed this cover-up on the preposterous grounds that he too is in fear of violence and intimidation! I duly wrote to him (copying-in Tour) asking him to reply by 9 am yesterday but he has failed to respond:


I note that you have changed your address but decided to keep your new abode secret from the public.

You claim that you fear "violence and intimidation" and the current Monitoring Officer agrees with you so that there must be some evidence justifying that.

Who do you fear violence and intimidation from and what history of this has there been to date? Have you reported any alleged incidents to West Midlands Police and, if not, why not?

Please reply by 9 am Friday, 29th April."

This appears to be yet another example of Zorro's feeble attempts at self-aggrandisement - unless there is something about ownership of the new property he doesn't want us to find out about! In any event, this is two fingers up, once again, to the folk of Wednesbury and Sandwell. 

Labour's pathetic boasts

The folk of Sandwell now have to pay huge sums on top of bent Labour's maximum Council tax increase for two years of the Government Commissioners, thanks to years of corruption. But still Carmichael and others brag about what a great job they are doing!!!! Not according to Google ratings they aren't! I hazard to put this picture up since Dim Kez and the corrupt comrades are bound to get their cronies to spend hours on the internet praising Sadders to the skies so as to alter the score - but here goes:

And there are far worse comments too! Take a look before Labour try to nobble this.

But what of the security of The Skidder?

Forget the likes of Randhawa and Alberich. There is one person who has sustained trolling on an industrial scale, death threats, threats of arson and violence, harassment, SLAPP litigation, and actual violence. Yes folks, the Skidder has suffered all this from Labour, their cronies and West Midlands Police (but MY address is publicly available, and shown below!) Given the aggro I may well face at the count on Thursday I have written to Chief Superintendent Green of Sandwell Police and the Returning Officer (another pay day for Kim Bromley-Derry - kerching!). I'll keep you posted as ever!

"Election Count - Thursday 5th May, 2022 - My Security 


I am attending the election count in Tipton next Thursday. 

On TWO occasions when I have attended the Count I have been verbally threatened and harassed INSIDE the actual counting hall. 

In 2017 I was threatened with violence and otherwise abused by former Council Leader, Steve Eling and by Pam Eling, his wife (my blog of 10th June, 2017 “Out for the Count” refers). It was particularly distressing that this incident occurred just feet away from two WMP officers who heard and saw it all but did absolutely nothing. 

At the 2021 count I was verbally abused by the current Leader of the Council, Kerrie Carmichael and her screaming daughter - again, inside the Counting Hall. 

It is unfortunate that certain councillors and their families cannot control themselves. If this conduct happened outside, then these people could be held to account and face appropriate public order or other charges. It is ironic that they can get away with it in the formal surroundings of a democratic election count. This is partly because they know I cannot film or record their behaviour inside the counting hall, and so protect myself. They also know that any SMBC security staff will side with them to cause problems for me, as has happened before, of course at OCH. 

You will also be aware that I was assaulted by Cllr Steve Melia recently and that he pleaded guilty to the offence at Dudley Magistrates’ Court. He has shown no remorse despite his guilty plea. I was also threatened on the street in Oldbury last week by someone claiming to be one of his “supporters”. 

Given the pre-history, can I please ask you to undertake a risk-assessment regarding my security at the Count and to take appropriate steps to ensure my personal safety."


**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****


Facebook: Julian Saunders  

Facebook Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!

Twitter: Publisher: @CrowMultimedia; Julian Saunders: @SandwellSkidder            

Post:  Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG


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