Friday 1 April 2022

The Horror of Chambers

There is something odd going on with the Sandwell Tories. The Conservative Councillors have done a great job, so far, in holding the bent Labour Dictatorship to account and the MPs, James Morris, Nicola Richards and Shaun Bailey, have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to stop the Labour corruption, cronyism and incompetence. Happily the Government placed due weight on the devastating recent Report of the bent Borough's external auditors, Grant Thornton, (see further below) and have placed the sick Labour Council into "special measures" for two years. As we shall see in another post, Labour have burdened us taxpayers with the costs of all this, but money does have to be spent to clear this filth out once and for all. If you still vote Labour in Sandwell despite all this, then you really are a thick moron and deserve to be shafted over and over again.


One (just one) of the vilest of the vile Labour Councillors in the Cabinet during the worst corruption of the Cooper and Eling leaderships [sic] was Cllr Paul "The Cipher" Moore (aka "The son-in-law?"). This pathetic former employee and arse-licker of Tom "Lazy Tom" Watson (the disastrous former Labour MP for West Brom East) was right at the top when all the sh*t was going down but, at "best", did nothing to stop it. The man who puts the "Hate" into Hateley Heath was particlarly involved, since 2013 at least, in the bent deal to destroy Lion Farm Fields (although this nasty sh*t is standing for election again in May and claiming to be a champion of "green spaces"). Although he is personally repellent and a backstabbing creep (in my opinion), the Tories have been making FAVOURABLE comments about him in public meetings. WTF is going on? Sooner or later this snake in the grass will bite them on the arse - and, indeed, it looks like he already has, since he was seen in a pub with Cllr Ian Chambers (who he? Ed) months before the Cllr for Wednesbury South crossed the floor to "join" Liebour! 

Chambers (pictured below with rosette) was a late choice of candidate last year for the Tories in Wednesbury South. There were actually two seats up for grabs in that ward last year and even among the Tories, their great victory in May was tinged with a little sadness when Dave Wilkes didn't win the other seat.

Conservative Party sources have indicated to me that they may not have been as diligent as they should have been in their candidate selection last year - though compare and contrast that with Labour who know of candidates' appalling records and still select them - e.g., the notorious masturbator, John Tipper. Dave Wilkes worked indefatiguably for months in the ward but Chambers reaped the benefit despite being a late choice, and Dave lost out. (The voters of Princes End can rectify this wrong as Dave has been flogging his guts out in their ward for months and, if elected, will work like stink to help local people).

So Chambers for the Tories, and Kirat Singh for Labour were duly elected. Singh, a crony of the deeply corrupt and cowardly Cllr Simon Hackett, has been an absolute disaster-zone. The SMBC website says this Labour no-mark should have been at 27 council meetings but has only attended 6!!!! This may because, like Hackett, he is a pathetic man, and has been unable to face the public given the very serious online allegations made against him ON SIKH WEBSITES (which, as far as one can tell, he denies). But if you vote Labour in Sandwell you deserve this sort of total sh*t.

Yet some in Wednesbury did finally begin to see the light and voted for Chambers as a Conservative candidate. But then he did the dirty on the voters too.

On one level, Chambers is a rather jolly chap and easy to like. But for months after the election he harboured his traitorous intentions and supped with Moore and his ilk. (One conspiracy theory is that he was an actual Labour plant into the Toires but I don't think he is clever enough to have been part of such a scheme). Meanwhile, the Tories themselves were rapidly becoming concerned about his conduct - in particular his lack of casework for his Wednesbury South constituents. He was warned about this and blamed his work schedule (and, fair play, the Tories are mostly in work whereas their Labour counterparts, if they ever worked at all, no longer do so). This is rather odd since Chambers only has a one-year tenancy and was/is due to stand again this May. You might think that he would have been anxious to work for Wednesbury South but he did not, at least to the satisfaction of the Conservative Party. Sources say they were seriously considering deselecting him before he jumped ship to Liebour.

Addendum - 03/04/22 - Ian Chambers has been in touch to say that he IS the candidate for disastrous, failing, Sandwell Labour this May!

Chambers does work, but is said to be desperate for money. Labour sources say that if he does stand and is elected in May (surely an absurd outcome?) he will be given some sort of position so that he can also claim a "special responsibility payment" on top of his normal allowance. As he has hardly taken "special responsibility" for his ordinary work as a Councillor that would be yet another example of bent Labour cronyism costing taxpayers and shafting local voters yet again.

Is he that desperate for money? Chambers has answered most of my questions to him but surprisingly refuses to say whether he was so much in debt that he had to enter an "Individual Voluntrary Arrangement" (one step away from bankruptcy) at Walsall County Court. Surely he would deny it if it was not him but, he is unprepared to tell the truth to folk in Wednesbury South about this either way.

(Incidentally, Conservative Party sources claim they knew nothing about this so that it appears that Chambers did not tell them about it either, if this top entry above is indeed him.)

Addendum 03/04/22 - as above Ian Chambers is the Liebour candidate and so the good folk of Wednesbury South need to be asking him to come clean on this!

Let us hope that he is not put in any position of "special responsibility" for the bent Labour Council's budget since he is apparently incapable of handling his own financial affairs!

If he was not a Labour plant all along controlled by his handler, Paul Moore, why did Labour want him anyway given that they clearly knew about his lack of casework. The answer, as we shall see below, relates to allegations of racism but, firstly, why would Chambers want to join the disastrous Sandwell Labour Group anyway given their 48-year history of corruption, cronyism and incompetence? 

At the last full Council meeting when he was still a Conservative Councillor he was sitting just a few feet away from Mark Stocks and his colleague from bent Sandwell's external auditors, Grant Thornton. Here they are in this picture with Chambers on the right:

Grant Thornton had just prepared a damning Report cataloguing in gruesome detail the string of Labour f*ck-ups of recent times (not least the multi-million pound loss on Providence Place which might have saved locals from a 4.99% Council Tax rise from the sleazy "socialists").

The new - white - Leader of bent Labour, Kerrie "Dim Kez" Carmichael, recently described to me by a well-known local Labour Party figure as being "as thick as pig sh*t", has taken to inane smirking and grinning throughout Council meetings but even she sat nervously "fingering" her mouth as one Labour disaster after another was made public:

The picture with the arrows above shows Chambers with his hands on the desk and so we must imagine that he was - mentally rather than physically - masturbating furiously as the history of Labour disasters turned him on! You have to be a special sort of moron to sit just feet away listening to this catalogue of corruption and incompetence and think it is all so marvellous that you must shaft your voters and join the guilty and useless mob responsible for the catastrophic failures! What was it about the Providence Place disaster that had him metaphorically beating his meat? As he heard about the calamatious situation with Sandwell Leisure Trust (which Labour made worse soon afterwards) what excited him to metaphorically spank the monkey? Why did the disastrous failures of Labour's dealings with vulnerable children cause him to metaphorically choke the chicken? How did the multi-million pound fraud relating to the SEND contract lead him to metaphorically jack himself off? And Onan and Onan and Onan it went.

How could anyone attending that meeting and hearing all that from the auditors, believe Labour is in any way a fit and proper Party to continue to run Sadders? But Labour didn't just want another moron in their group - they wanted someone to distract from Carmichael and her cronies' cover-up of racism as set out in the Cox Review (Skidders passim).

I am always suspicious when podgy white men - including myself - start ranting about racism. There is no record of Chambers actually DOING anything to support the anti-racism cause and he has never suffered it, and can only imagine what it is like to be the victim of that vicious discrimination. Perhaps when he was a Tory he should have had a chat with Cllr Jay Anandou and heard first-hand what it is like to be on the receiving end of vile prejudice. 

[Incidentally at the last election social media troll accounts operating in conjunction with local Labour Party members and a local journalist found it "appropriate" to describe Cllr Anandou as "a black man".]

Why, if you are really anti-racist, would you join Dim Kez and her cronies who are actively suppressing the Cox Review? It doesn't make sense. Of course, Sandwell Labour is also a nest of poisonous anti-semitism and so perhaps that was what attracted him to want to associate with them???? Do tell us, Ian!

But Dim Kez, Moore and Co were being fingered for racism themselves - by trying to cover it up - and so, in true Dickhead Darren Cooper-style, they tried to smear the Tories with the same sh*t. 

I don't really want to get into the game of categorising British citizens by skin colour but as Chambers came over to Labour he made serious allegations about his erstwhile colleagues being "racist". He produced no evidence publicly about this save that he seems to have "suggested" that the Conservative's selection process was "racist". This white man told me, in all seriousness, that he had to get out "because of the racism". What an absolute plank!

In the Tory Group of 10 Councillors, when Chambers was one, were Archer Williams, Jay Anandou and Satpal Singh and I don't think any of them self-identify as being white. So 30% of the elected group were BAME candidates (although I am not keen on that expression either) - which doesn't support Chambers's nasty smear. (And I was at the election count last year and met a number of Conservative "BAME" candidates who were, unfortunately, unsuccesful).

So Chambers apparently also made the unpleasant allegation that the process for choosing the Conservatives candidates this year was "racist" too. Yet the candidates include: the wonderful Amrita Dunn (Sikh mother, white father - which shows the difficulty of trying, like Chambers appears to be doing, of putting people in ethnic boxes), Fahmida Yasmin, Fajli Bibi, Imran Qureshi, Mo Sakhi, Mona Khurana, Mujakkir Ahmed, Ranie Jasbir, Satinder Dunn (Amrita's lovely mother), Vijak Ghaddu and Yasmeen Singh. Out of 24 candidates 11 (46%) are not as white as the malicious Chambers! How the f*ck is that the Tories being "racist"?

[We have also seen recently that Labour has been trying to "clear out" three Muslim candidates - seemingly with the knowledge of Keir "Sir Woodenarse" Starmer himself.]

Incidentally, Labour Party rules say that one has to be a Party member for 12 months before one can be considered for election candidacy. So is the "Defective Defector" Chambers going to be selected by Labour to screw Wednesbury South over again? He told me recently the process had mysteriously not yet been completed. (But now see above - Chambers IS the Liebour Candidate.)

As a Councillor, Chambers has to make legal declarations of his interests and we have seen many times in this blog that Labour has ignored the law here on multiple occasions (as have their puppets in West Midlands Police). Maybe he is now ashamed to be associated with 48 years of Liebour failure, since on his current Register Chambers does not say that he is a Labour Party member yet! He continues to proudly proclaim his membership of the Conservatives - just weeks before the election!

My best advice, Ian, is that if you can find a stone big enough go away and crawl under it.  Do not make Sandwell Council even more of a laughing stock than it already is!

Hartwell Gave Away Sandwell Council LFT Tests!

From today, most people have to pay for Covid Lateral Flow Tests. Sandwell Labour had (as I shall explain in another post) stored up a large supply at West Brom Town Hall for "faith groups" and Labour crony organisations.

A few weeks ago there was a temporary 24 hour glitch in LFT availability. Cllr Suzanne Hartwell - the Labour Cabinet Member for Health and Lisa McNally's ventriloquist's dummy - saw the chance to grab some cheap publicity for Labour and so GAVE AWAY THE STOCK OF 2,632 PACKS OF 7 TESTS to local chemists. Of course, McNally (who already owes the people of Sandwell over £100k for her legal costs) tried to grab the limelight and plastered pictures on social media of her loading the boxes for the big giveaway. Some of her rimmers in the local media duly obliged with headlines such as "hero Lisa" etc.

Suzanne Hartwell is relatively nice by Sandwell Labour standards but, as with most of her comrades, as thick as mince. Not only did she give Sandwell's stash away to some smaller local Chemists, but she sent large quantities to giants like, er, Boots and Lloyds Chemists!

Yesterday, Labour Cllr Ellen Fenton was spitting blood claiming Boots were charging an old chap £17.99 for four tests. I didn't see her writing to Boots and Lloyds (like I did) when Hartwell was handing them Sandwell's own supply free of charge!

For the record, Cllr Hartwell, Boots's head office is now in the USA as is the ultimate parent company of Lloyds Chemists. I am sure their investors will be grateful for the small profit windfall you and the Labour Group presented to them.

I am writing to Boots and Lloyds (again) and to the other local chemists who are profiting from this absurd largesse and asking them to make "2,632 packs of 7 tests" available free of charge to Sandwell residents! Maybe the hapless/hopeless Hartwell should do the same, eh readers?

Jan Britton

The net is closing in on this arse and hardcore Skidder fans ("the Skidderati") can see the latest post on his disastrous reign at bent Sandwell via:

Labour Malgorithms

Hard-left "lol" Labour Councillors like Bob "Seig Heil" Piper may like to give free stuff to multinationals whilst shafting you for a maximum Council Tax hike, but they also like spending/wasting your money (e.g., on the absurd Commonwealth Games) and increasingly resort to bizarre ways of trying to get some in.

As Labour hit you with a massive Council Tax bill they continue to claim that people are starving in the streets of Sadders, and that now people must decide whether to eat or heat. This blog pointed out a while ago that bent Labour are so desperate for cash they are now flogging adverts on the Council website.

If folk follow these adverts they will be aware that they don't need to worry about heating bills since a firm was offering Council website visitors great deals on, er, "Luxury Cashmere" clothing. What a splendid offer from the "socialists" for those they have pitched into Labour's many Sandwell poverty ghettoes!

At least the advertisers are beginning to realise that Cashmere cardigans might not be the biggest seller in sh*thole Labour Sadders and so Fenton, Piper and other lefties will be pleased to note that more suitable offerings are now beguiling local folk. Yes folks, the comrades recently advertised the services of Daniels Silverman - debt collectors of Widnes! (If you hear a knock on the door don't open it. The debt collectors can't force entry! ROFLMAO!)


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