Monday 11 April 2022

Skidder Election Special - Lucky Tipton: Jeffcoat Stands Again!

The only real alternative to supporting more Labour corruption in Sandwell is to vote Conservative on 5th May - except in 3 wards. I have already urged you not to vote for lying former Labour scumbag, Iqbal Singh Padda in Greets Green and Ly(i)ng. I will write about the Lib Dems and their crazed Fuhrer, Mark Smith, soon. A Liberal vote is a wasted vote in the rotten Borough with one exception - Clive Heywood in Langley. Not only is Clive intelligent and dynamic he is spearheading the fight against Labour's sick destruction of the few remaining spaces left in Sadders. He is tireless in his work (with many others) to prevent Labour concreting over the old Brandhall Golf Course, but he is also the only candidate in Langley Ward trying to stop Labour's fraudulent "deal" to turn Lion Farm Fields into a shopping centre. Last year Richard Jeffcoat ran in Tipton but the people in that sh*thole failed to vote for him. This year they can put that big mistake right. Please read on below the captions.


Skiddder Election Coverage - Impolite Public Notice

If you are a Labour Party Official or Candidate my contact details are below.

Since 2013 I have continually exposed corruption, cronyism and incompetence by the Labour Party in Sandwell. Things have got so bad that the Government has had to intervene and put the bent Labour Council into "special measures". YOU will be paying the costs of that.

If, despite the fact that Labour have been systematically f***ing Sandwell for 48 YEARS, you still intend to vote Labour on 5th May you are a thick c*** and I would PREFER it if you don't read this blog (if, in fact, you CAN read) and that you don't engage with me or this blog.


The likes of Cllr Bob "Seig Heil" Piper regularly abuse me and criticise what they perceive to be my personal political views (usually getting it all wrong). Richard Jeffcoat is a tad "lefty" on the political spectrum but I went out on campaign with him one morning last year and can only repeat what I said then - VOTE JEFFCOAT IN TIPTON GREEN!

After 48 years of Labour dictatorship, Tipton is a ghastly hole. It has been a longstanding fief for another ghastly Labour liar - Syeda Khatun - who has greatly increased her personal wealth as the town and area has sunk into a whirlpool of poverty and deprivation. 

Khatun was in Eling's corrupt Cabinet but was thrown out after his disgrace and humiliation for lying to subvert the Standards investigation into the corruption of the equally vile Cllr Simon Hackett (which, has cost the taxpayers of Sandwell and beyond at least HALF A MILLION POUNDS!)

Astonishingly the people of Tipton Green then voted the "Tipton Green Tosser", Mohammed Yaseen Hussain aka "Billa". He had a following in the Muslim community but they too have been shocked at his behaviour. I can't write everything I want to about this sh*t for legal reasons but many readers will know that his wife had to "move out". He has also been the subject of Police investigations. There are other very lurid stories which everyone in the local Muslim community know. The sweating, sniffing, Labour wretch (when he is not under Party suspension) is, quite simply, an absolute disgrace.

Last year a resident of Tipton who had hitherto supported the Labour Party could take no more of this absolute sh*te. Sickened by the local Labour corruption, cronyism and incompetence, local Richard Jeffcoat stood as an independent candidate. He won over 1,000 votes but, alas, this was not enough as a majority of local scum  decided they wanted MORE Labour corruption (which is exactly what they got over the last year).

Richard is working with people in Tipton Green under the banner "Tipton Together" to try and make it a better place to live - something that the likes of Khatun and Billa have singularly failed to do. In all my dealings with him his obvious enthusiasm for Tipton shines through, together with a buring desire to stop the rot under bent Labour.

Richard is an Oxford-educated musician and festival organiser and, unlike most Labour Councillors, actually has a brain. Last year he told people he was not some sort of "here today, gone tomorrow", character but that he would continue to work with other local people whatever the result. He was going nowhere - and he has been absolutely true to his word. I know him, like him and, most importantly, TRUST him. 

Last year the people of Tipton collectively crapped their pants and elected Labour again in the form of the invisible Charm Singh Padda (no relation, I believe, to the above-mentioned scumbag). I understand that the local Labour Party folk had little or no say in the candidate selection this year, but Labour appointed a non-Tipton resident Muslim guy in an effort to try and rectify the damage done in that community by the grotesque Billa.

[I hear stories of the Tipton Green Tosser, Billa, being seen out campaigning for bent Labour. Any photos would be appreciated!]

The leaflet of the Labour candidate says Tipton "deserves better" which is a laugh noting that for 48 years it's Labour that has f***ed the place over!

Incidentally, there was a very important Tipton planning issue at the last Planning Committeee meeting concerning the Grade 2 listed Boat Gauging House and land adjacent to it. There were serious local objections to a proposed ugly and banal development, with the Tipton Civic Society making a passionate attempt to save the historic site. Tipton's own Charm Singh Padda is alleged to have sided with objectors and promised his support for the cause but he, er, failed to attend the meeting. Which is strange as he is ON the Planning Committee. Utter contempt for Tipton folk AGAIN from a Labour Councillor. And so, of course, bent Labour forced the awful plans through against the wishes of local Tipton people.

Tipton, how many MORE times are you going to let Labour shaft you? And you have no excuse about having little choice this time as Richard is an excellent candidate.

Breaking News

It seems that Surjit Tour, the highly-controversial Monitoring Officer will not be sacked by the Government Commissioners (brought in to stop the Labour fraud and incomptence at the bent Council) before 5th May at least. Despite protestations from the Tory Councillors, bent Labour gave him the job of Deputy Electoral Registration Officer (despite his past conduct). We shall be pressing for his departure as soon as possible thereafter!

A full list of all Sandwell candidates can be viewed here:


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Facebook: Julian Saunders  

Facebook Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!

Twitter: Publisher: @CrowMultimedia; Julian Saunders: @SandwellSkidder            

Post:  Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG


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