Thursday 2 January 2020

Let Them Eat Cake!

Happy New Year y'all!

Just a couple of matters today folks but a few "public notices" first......

1   My apologies for the lack of content on here recently. Apart from two short periods of remission I have been stricken with flu since the end of November (!) - and this despite having the flu jab. I have just not been able to shake it off but normal service will hopefully be resumed from today!

2   I have not put the quiz up yet as I wish to distribute some paper copies first which should happen at the beginning of next week. Watch this space.....

3   Most of you will be aware that I have suffered a set back in respect of the libel case brought against me by Sarah James and the GMB. The social media trolls and some people like our photographer friend are having a field day but please note that the case has NOT been concluded and most definitely continues. Thus I cannot comment on many aspects of the case as it remains sub judice. That applies to the trolls (and some are identifiable) too and they are hereby on notice that further comment on continuing private aspects of the case WILL be reported to the High Court with a view to them taking action against the individuals concerned for contempt of court. One thing that I can say is that the High Court has - incredibly - stated that calling someone a "bully" and/or a "vicious bully" is defamatory at common law. I am regularly called far worse than this by Sandwell Labour people and this extraordinary decision cuts both ways. The "usual suspects" who seem to think they now have carte blanche to abuse me are likely to be in for a very nasty shock! You have been warned!

4   Following on from the previous paragraph the intention of the GMB is, at the very least, to have me thrown out of my home and some Labour supporters of this action are firmly of the view that the Union will succeed in shutting down this blog. Well, they won't! In fact, the plan - supported by a number of lovely Sandwell people - is to expand! The litigation has already wrecked my personal finances and I have disposed of most of my small business. The good news is that, thanks to the court case, I now have much more time to spend on matters Sandwell. From now on I will be spending two full days a week in Sadders as a minimum. I will be personally attending a lot more Council meetings "live" and, with the help of others, never will the comrades have been under so much scrutiny! We have a new opportunity to hold the rotten elements of Labour to account with the new Tory MP's. I am not a Tory but the fact of the election means that the days of Labour MP's providing "cover" for wrongful conduct during the Cooper/Eling/Britton era are well and truly over! Read The Skidder, Kidder!

5   May I remind you that the £1,000 reward remains unclaimed - see:

There are now at least three other troll accounts attacking me and so the offer remains open until 5pm on 31st January, 2020!

6   Before I turn to Sandwell matters please note that I cannot write this blog without your input. Please keep the information coming and let's drain the swamp together! As above I shall be in Sadders more now and please contact if you need a chat.


I am assured by David Stevens, Interim Chief Executive, that a full investigation is now under way in respect of the incident at Roway Lane when a woman was allegedly assaulted.

It is amazing (and humbling) that witnesses to this sort of incident are still too scared to report incidents to SMBC management or to their union reps but contact me instead (and they PAY for union representation!) I am always happy to assist where I can and David Stevens himself hopes that after the defenestrations of Eling and Britton staff will feel more comfortable reporting incidents up the line. He wrote to me:

"I agree that it's a sad indictment on the Council if staff continue to feel to scared to report their concerns directly. If you can encourage anyone who has further information  to contact me personally and in confidence that would be helpful."

As above - if you still think you would prefer to contact me then please feel free to do so. (I should also say that David Stevens is aware of the name of the alleged assailant.)

The Shy Labour-Supporters of Sadders!

Given the power of the Labour dictatorship and the number of grovellers who kowtow to "The Party" in the hope of financial reward or other advancement it is something of a surprise that folk were not queuing-up to pictured on Liebour's election leaflets! Apparently not! During the election campaign we saw Sarah James herself, the vice-chair of West Brom East Labour, on Bogus Dogus's leaflets as an ordinary "local resident". Spellar went one better:

Folk will immediately notice that the mysterious member of the public "Steven of Oldbury" rimming the London-based MP is none other than, er,  Cllr Steve "Luvvie" Trow - a serving [sic] Labour Councillor and quondam local Labour leader!!!!

Bescot Sleeper Factory

On 17th December, 2019 Sandwell's planning committee unanimously threw-out Network Rail's crazed plan for a concrete sleeper factory immediately adjacent to houses next to Bescot sidings. There has been a persistent rumour that they were given "the nod" that there would be no problem with the planning application from, at least, three very senior Labour councillors - though no-one is fessing-up.

It was strange then for Network Rail to specifically and publicly state at the planning meeting that bent Sandwell [Labour] Council had "initially welcomed" the wretched scheme. I have put in a Freedom of Information request about this and sent the following email to Network Rail:


Last year I attended your event at Walsall Football Club promoting your scheme for the above. I spoke at great length to a number of your employees. I put to them the widespread rumour that three senior Sandwell Councillors (and, possibly, others) had given NR "the nod" that the scheme was politically acceptable and unlikely to be opposed by local Councillors. Each and every employee stated that they had no knowledge of any such encouragement from either elected members or employees of SMBC such as the then "Chief Executive", Jan Britton.

Thus it was a considerable surprise at the special planning meeting concerning your application on 17th December, 2019 when a Network Rail spokesman publicly stated that your project had "initally been welcomed" by SMBC. Can you please confirm what he meant? Precisely who informed NR of this "welcome" and what form did it take?"

Don't hold your breath my lovelies!

Blackheath Christmas Lights

Last November, I wrote about the shambolic debacle that was the big-switch on of Blackheath Lights (plus leaning tree.) In an alleged "money saving exercise" bent Sandwell Labour "outsourced" this event to Walk Works CIC - a non-profit company where at least two of the three directors are members of the, er, "Labour family" - ex-Cllr John Tipper and Vicki Smith.

Unless you are very bored I don't suggest you plough through the documents relating to this fiasco now dislosed by SMBC pursuant to a FOI request:

but suffice to say that Sandwell Council were very much involved in the "planning" for this fiasco and you wonder why it is necessary to involve Labour "friends" in all this at all (incidentally over £9,000 per annum is paid out to Walk Work's "3 employees including directors" according to the latest accounts.)

As my earlier post shows, local people considered this event "dangerous" and badly organised. But in true Sandwell Labour-style this was all white-washed. Following a debriefing meeting, which should have been a pants-down moment, Walk Works - ie those responsible for f*ing this all up - got to write a press release FOR Sandwell Council (who already spend over half a million pounds a year of YOUR money on a press office!)

No wonder folk are getting really pissed-off with Labour when they allow their friends to produce something as shockingly sh*te as this:

"From Walk Works:

Hi All,

As promised, here is the statement we have drafted following yesterday's meeting.

A Sandwell Council spokesperson said:

The Christmas Lights switch on was clearly a very popular event that was attended by lots of people.

Organisers, tell us that their were no reports on the night from security, police or first-aiders of any incidents.  [note - many on social media that night said they HAD made complaints but clearly these locals must have been lying.]

From comments we have read , the main issue seems to have been the sheer number of people who came to enjoy the festivities. [Oh you naughty Blackheath people turning out to a much-advertised event!]

WE want to give assurances that WE and the organisers have learned lessons from the way the event  was planned and organised."

The last paragraph is Tipper and Co forcing SMBC to shoulder part of the blame!!!! Clearly Tipper and Friends are anticipating running the event again next year but what "lessons" have been learned and by whom? How has David Stevens permitted Walk Works to write this non-sensical script on behalf of the Council?

The comrades who are on social media rant on and on about foodbanks. During the lock-down of the Oldbury bunker Eling and Britton laid on free meals for them so they could get into the building early and not have to face members of the public. They were filling their faces so much the caterers gave up the contract as they were losing money feeding "socialists" [just reflect on that for a moment!] And so outside caterers were brought in to ensure the sheep didn't starve. 

In a final p*ss-boiling twist to the disastrous night either Tipper, Smith or one Frances Wilde wrote this to SMBC:

Yes folks, whilst children were being trampled and people were dodging moving traffic the comrades had also grabbed £150 of YOUR dosh for the mulled wine and mince pies!!! That's Sandwell Labour for you! Let them eat cake!

Incidentally, Sandwell Council confirm that Walk Work did indeed get £3,469.54 for this event as shown in the above document but Tipper and friends fail to mention they also received £2,000 on top as a - wait for it - "project management fee." (They also pocketed fees for the Cradley Heath event.)

Clearly someone needs to get a grip on this event before something really bad happens.....


**** Phone No: 07470 624207 ****


Facebook: Julian Saunders  

Facebook Group: The Sandwell Skidder - Speaking Truth To Power!

Twitter: @SandwellSkidder            

Post:  Jules Saunders, 11 Chelworth Road, Birmingham B38 0BG


LEGAL NOTICE (Version 1 from 23rd January, 2019)

Every now and again we make a genuine honest error and get something wrong. If an error in the blog affects you please email and we shall 
use our best endeavours to make appropriate corrections forthwith.

If you consider that anything written is libellous please email or telephone 07470 624207 forthwith. If your complaint has merit we shall endeavour to make immediate amends.

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